The Road less Traveled
There is an old saying that says "if you don't know where you are going any road will take you there". I wonder how many people know where they are going. Has life, for many, become a series of mundane actions with the only purpose to get through the day just to do it again.
Life without purpose is a life not being lived. The question becomes how do we wake up the desire in us to live again. I speak often to people that are facing those uphill battles and feel as though there is no hope at all. When hope is absent, dreams quickly fade, and we become puppets on a string believing that we are not worthy to move beyond where we are. That is the lie of society that must be shaken.
In life we grow, we learn, we make mistakes, we become a mold of what others desire us to be. Before long we do not even recognize the person we see in the mirror. No wonder we do not know where we are going.
You see in life certain things will catch our eye, but it is important to pursue only the things that capture our hearts. I often say that inner peace begins the moment you stop allowing another person or event to control your emotions. You have heard all your life "if you want your life to change, you have to do something different". That statement sounds simple and maybe apropos to the beginning of this writing but in reality it is the most difficult task we face. Change is inevitable no question, either we change or the world around us will change for us.
The original quote "if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there" is true but it does not have to be our life legacy. Let's assume that we have arrived exactly where we are suppose to be. Let's say we have all the tools to pry open the dreams that were once lost, and for the sake of conversation let's say that you have the desire to make tomorrow better than life has been. When you realize that you have the ingredients for a positive change the road begins to look familiar and the direction gains clarity.
I love to run, I really enjoy distance running. When I started I ran a half mile and my legs hurt for days, I had no clue how people could ever run more than three miles. Slowly I made it to a mile, then two, then three (still slow mind you), then five, ten, and further and further. Then I found myself wanting to get faster so I figured out how to pick up the pace without losing the distance. It was slow going but I found myself becoming a meaningful specific instead of a wandering generality. You can too, it just takes a strong belief that you can do it. Once you get on the road it is amazing how far you can see, and once you go as far as you could see, you can see farther. I had purpose, I had hope, I had a dream. I wanted to run. When I figured out I could do it, I realized I could do so much more. No longer did my past conditioning have control over me. The point is you have to find a starting point if you want to move the obstacles that block your heart from believing in yourself.
God created you with amazing potential BUT he is not going to tap it for you. It is up to you to make the difference in your life and to gain a life that you desire. Remember anyone can give up, anyone can play the martyr card, that does not take any courage at all. The courage and love for life comes from getting up when you are knocked down. It comes from believing that you are the greatest miracle in the world.
I love this quote "our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our hearts". I say that because it is so important to move ahead that you do so with a humble gentle heart. We can never walk on others in an effort to climb the mountains of life. We must pave the way, blaze the trail, so that others can see our light and find the inner strength to follow what we do. Remember it matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love, or how you love, it matters only that you LOVE. When you find it in your heart to love yourself it becomes easier to love others, when you learn to simply LOVE, your life will open in ways you can not imagine. Suddenly, before you know it, the road becomes clear and you will figure out that you do in fact know where you are going.
Have a strong belief in yourself, always look up to others, and remember when society says "you can't" hope is whispering in your ear "yes you can try one more time".
peace and love
Life without purpose is a life not being lived. The question becomes how do we wake up the desire in us to live again. I speak often to people that are facing those uphill battles and feel as though there is no hope at all. When hope is absent, dreams quickly fade, and we become puppets on a string believing that we are not worthy to move beyond where we are. That is the lie of society that must be shaken.
In life we grow, we learn, we make mistakes, we become a mold of what others desire us to be. Before long we do not even recognize the person we see in the mirror. No wonder we do not know where we are going.
You see in life certain things will catch our eye, but it is important to pursue only the things that capture our hearts. I often say that inner peace begins the moment you stop allowing another person or event to control your emotions. You have heard all your life "if you want your life to change, you have to do something different". That statement sounds simple and maybe apropos to the beginning of this writing but in reality it is the most difficult task we face. Change is inevitable no question, either we change or the world around us will change for us.
The original quote "if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there" is true but it does not have to be our life legacy. Let's assume that we have arrived exactly where we are suppose to be. Let's say we have all the tools to pry open the dreams that were once lost, and for the sake of conversation let's say that you have the desire to make tomorrow better than life has been. When you realize that you have the ingredients for a positive change the road begins to look familiar and the direction gains clarity.
I love to run, I really enjoy distance running. When I started I ran a half mile and my legs hurt for days, I had no clue how people could ever run more than three miles. Slowly I made it to a mile, then two, then three (still slow mind you), then five, ten, and further and further. Then I found myself wanting to get faster so I figured out how to pick up the pace without losing the distance. It was slow going but I found myself becoming a meaningful specific instead of a wandering generality. You can too, it just takes a strong belief that you can do it. Once you get on the road it is amazing how far you can see, and once you go as far as you could see, you can see farther. I had purpose, I had hope, I had a dream. I wanted to run. When I figured out I could do it, I realized I could do so much more. No longer did my past conditioning have control over me. The point is you have to find a starting point if you want to move the obstacles that block your heart from believing in yourself.
God created you with amazing potential BUT he is not going to tap it for you. It is up to you to make the difference in your life and to gain a life that you desire. Remember anyone can give up, anyone can play the martyr card, that does not take any courage at all. The courage and love for life comes from getting up when you are knocked down. It comes from believing that you are the greatest miracle in the world.
I love this quote "our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our hearts". I say that because it is so important to move ahead that you do so with a humble gentle heart. We can never walk on others in an effort to climb the mountains of life. We must pave the way, blaze the trail, so that others can see our light and find the inner strength to follow what we do. Remember it matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love, or how you love, it matters only that you LOVE. When you find it in your heart to love yourself it becomes easier to love others, when you learn to simply LOVE, your life will open in ways you can not imagine. Suddenly, before you know it, the road becomes clear and you will figure out that you do in fact know where you are going.
Have a strong belief in yourself, always look up to others, and remember when society says "you can't" hope is whispering in your ear "yes you can try one more time".
peace and love