What happened
Do you ever wonder what drives people to do or NOT to do something. We have stimuli from every receptor in our body being manipulated by external forces. Those forces are an extreme deluge of commercialism that attempts to control every facet of our lives. The control is rather subtle but it is none the less there. We are conditioned to do an act certain ways if our goal is a particular desired outcome. In this gear driven life cycle we find ourselves in there is little to no room for adjustment. Which means if we get a tad bit off course we are likely to stay there until we run out of track or derail completely.
We are driven to be normal, no I think we are driven and conditioned to be average. That means our best dies with us. You see we were born so much more than average, we were born to win, born with the seeds of greatness planted in every cell of our body. We are conditioned to be average yet our bodies were built to be GREAT. What happened you wonder, let's just take a look.
Several years back a major university conducted a simple experiment. They went to a local school and gave a group of 6th graders a single piece of paper and ask them to write down their dreams for the future. Most of the kids filled the front side of the paper and many filled the back side. A couple days later this same study group gave the parents the same task, sad to say the average parent jotted down three lines of their dreams for the future. WHAT HAPPENED?
As we grow into adulthood we are taught to replace the word dream with the word responsible. We are taught to be conservative, to save for the future, to get involved in the local community, become active in your church, etc. All of this is wonderful as long as it does not steal your ability to dream. Life is about living, not dying. While we are living and breathing it is imperative that we learn to live. That means we take risk, we take leaps of faith, we live on the edge, we dare to dream. Forget the fear of failure or ridicule from family and friend. Instead learn to live, become a vibrant dynamic version of yourself.
You see nothing we have today that makes our lives easier was invented by a person that was comfortable being average. You have to break the chains that bind you. Remember most people would rather hold you back than lift you up. Fall in love with you in a new and exciting way. Admit to yourself that you are AWESOME beyond words, that you are the greatest miracle in the world. Give yourself permission to step out and make mistakes. DO NOT concern yourself that others will mock your failure, oh no, go forward with a purpose. Go forward with love and determination. As your journey takes shape began to love and appreciate the real person that lives in your skin. Begin to believe in yourself, and accept what makes you feel good.
Life is about living, not dying. There will be plenty of time for dying later on but for now let's fight for life. I am ready to go make a difference in this world, how about you?
peace and love