Your words have amazing creative power as do your thoughts. It is true that we become what we are around, however it is also true that we become what we think and say. If you speak in a cynical tone soon you will be cynical. The same applies if you speak or think words of hate, bigotry, jealousy, bitterness, ego, etc soon your life will transform into one in being with your thoughts.
The great thing is that it also aptly applies to positive thoughts. You speak or think in a positive tone filled with peace, love, acceptance, and heart you will transform yourself in new and exciting ways. This is not an easy task but being positive sure beats the heck out of being negative.
I know a couple people that love to tell me that they call it as they see it. If you can't handle the truth then don't ask me what I think. You know these people and who know's you may be one. The truth, which is highly subjective, is a wonderful characteristic to use. We should all be honest in our actions. Calling it as you see it is not a bad thing either UNLESS, and here is where it gets tricky, you are not being kind. Remember the old saying "be kind or be quiet".
There are times when speaking up is a good thing, there are also times when keeping your mouth shut is better, which is usually most of the time. If you find yourself offering up an opinion that is "JUST BEING HONEST", make sure there is benefit to all parties involved before spouting out harmful words. Our words do hold power but one thing a person can't do is fake love and humility. Remember words can't be retracted and worse sometimes when you say something harmful you may not even realize it. Wounds of emotions are deep much deeper than physical and often are the toughest to heal. Let's make sure that we all try our best to not cause emotional wounds.
A genuine heart filled with love and humility will not speak words that harm others. They will not "call it as they see it", they will not use the excuse of "just being honest", they will instead use proper actions that bring about peace and unity. I love reading about people and coming in contact with people that have that soft genuine heart that just brings people together and makes them feel good. I love the people that can build the bridge over troubled waters where others build walls. What about you?
I know each and everyone of us has a past. We have been hurt to the core, a pain that resonates everyday in our thoughts. I realize there are times throughout each day to where you just want to say "what's the use". Life is not easy and never will be but you know what, we can make it easier by softening our hearts, warming our soul, and touching others with kindness. I believe you will be amazed when you truly give peace and love a chance. It is like training to run your first 5k, it will be painful at first because you will want to be cynical at times. However as time goes on and you see how people migrate to you with joy and enthusiasm it will get easier. Next thing you know you are running a marathon of peace and love.
In closing I would like to say once again that you can't fake humility. You are either genuine in your actions of love or you are not. The real you comes screaming through not so much in what you say but what you do. Train yourself to have a genuine heart of gold. The doors of tomorrow will open and fresh rays of sunshine will enlighten your path. You become the best version of yourself possible and the floodgates of opportunity will no doubt come your way.
peace and love