New Beginning
Sometimes life gets so out of balance that it almost seems impossible to get it back on track. We make big promises to ourselves, we spout out dates and deadlines to others, yet nothing ever happens. The hole gets deeper and darker and life slowly slips further and further away. I remember the scene in Apollo 13 where the flight commander dumped a box of supplies on the table and told his team that this was all they had to work with up there, now figure out how to get them home and failure is NOT AN OPTION. You see the folks in the Apollo were seeing their hopes for life slipping away fast. All their dreams, dates, promises, and deadlines all the sudden meant nothing.
I think it is time we take a personal inventory of our lives. Let's look at what we have to work with and within that supply list let's get ourselves back home and then form a plan to live life to the fullest. You will find as you take stock that you have so much more than you thought you had. Maybe not in material items but in talent.
Do you ever sit back and consider what all you take for granted? Most likely you don't until you experience some type of loss. Sad isn't it that it takes loss to open our eyes to what we have. Let me take that a little further. Sometimes the loss we experience that opens our eyes is our own life. Not us physically dying but being told we have a disease that is going to require life altering treatment and could possibly end our lives. That is eye opening for sure and it puts things into a perspective you never had. We can also feel that hopeless loss when we lose a job, a friend, an investment, or anything that drastically changes our life in an adverse direction. What we have to learn is how to take losses and turn them into victories that make life worth living again.
For some odd reason most people have a view of their lives that is less than what it should be. Life is neither good or bad it is simply life. We can make choices right this minute that make it better. Instant thrills, addictive escapes, or living out an immoral fantasy do not make our lives better. It is instant gratification yes, but it will not enhance your life for the long haul. If you would like to recapture your life and get the thrill and vigor back let's tune the dial so fine that we remove all the static that is blocking the melody of the music. Build from where you are, not where you want to be. You have what you have and nothing else at the moment. Look around and consider what you can do to improve your position in life. Once again stop the fantasy play and start living in the reality. There will be time for living a dream later but right now we have to hear the music clearly.
As you go about taking stock of life also take responsibility for where you are. Do not blame anyone and for gosh sakes do not martyr yourselves. The Apollo is floating around up there and needs to get home, there is no time for blame, right now the team needs to pull together. You are your own team. Spiritually, emotionally, and physically you have to pull together to give your life a chance to dream again. You will spin out of control if you depend totally on others to get you back on track. It takes sincere action on your part because at the end of the day it is your life we are talking about.
I love living on the edge now, I never take a day for granted. I have experienced cancer diagnosis, I have experienced life altering treatments, I have experienced taking relationships for granted. I have also experienced tuning the station to remove the static so I could hear the beauty of the music. Now I live in the moment, I enjoy life to the fullest. Not because I have more or less material possessions but because I have more of myself. I know who I am, the talents I have, and I do my best to use them in ways that provides peace and love to others which in turn gives it to me.
I wrote this blog this morning because I know some people that are struggling with simply staying alive and I also know some people that are grasping for air to get life back on track. Hope is a powerful motivator and it is my sincere desire to share an expression of hope with you. It is time to close the book of negativity in your life and start writing a new one. Write this one with love, humility, peace, acceptance, fun, enthusiasm and most of all a new zest for being the best you can be. Your life matters, not only to you but also to me. Never forget that you are the greatest miracle in the world. Do not look at others and go "you are so blessed". We have NO IDEA what is truly going on in someone's life. For now count your own blessings and let's celebrate new beginnings.
peace and love