Shattered Dreams
What is the threshold of human accomplishment? Over the last few years I, like you, have seen amazing things happen in this world. Things that 20, 30, or 50 years ago would have been a crazy dream by some lunatic person and now it is reality. The old cliche "anything is possible" certainly rings loud and clear doesn't it, and just think we have not even scratched the surface.
Where do you think all these wild ideas come from? In my humble opinion they come from people willing to use their God given imaginations. People willing to step off the bus of tradition and get on the train of dreams are the one's that are going to make the difference. Whether it be how to feed the world or how to put people on Mars, the greatest imaginations will be the one's that succeed while all the others say "it is impossible".
This same formula applies to so many facets of life. I often write about the break down in traditional relationships in our country as well as the decline in church memberships. Maybe just maybe we are thinking so much inside the box that we miss the obvious staring at us from outside the box. No one can argue that way to many homes are filled with misery, relationships break up because one or both parties cannot adhere to a set of rules that goes against our humanity. We are taught how to act then a large percentage live out a life of depression or bitterness yet they are clinging to values that were instilled in them by people that also had broken relationships. Hope is shattered from an early age yet for some reason we still hold on to some old traditional thinking that literally sucks the life right out of us. We look forward to dying just to escape our misery when we should be looking forward to living life on the edge to feel the rush of wind as we fly high.
I mention in several of my blogs about declining church attendance in America. The numbers are staggering yet the people leaving say the same things. They are tired of the soap box platforms, political agenda's, and the church being controlled by the one's with the most money or influence. People often talk about taking God out of schools, well we took him out of churches years ago.
So what gives or what changes? God gave us a mind that has with it a truly outstanding imagination. Granted we are taught not to use it but I challenge you to break that mold and go for it. I bet just about everyone wonders if there is really a heaven or hell and maybe you even wonder if the Bible is true or Jesus existed. Once again we are taught to just believe, adhere to popular legend, and go with the flow. Your actions say one thing but your mind and imagination say something else. The problem is you placed your imagination in prison years ago and convicted it to a life sentence. Understand I am not saying that you should not believe in the Bible or Jesus, what I am saying is that the ability to develop your own faith and spirituality lies within you. Once that grows you will find that peace, love, acceptance, and forgiveness are just part of who we are just like a vivid imagination.
I feel strong that we were created by a God of absolute love and that we were created to accomplish amazing things. That is obvious in the people that are doing it. I also see that works of love produce works of peace and those works cannot happen without using your mind to dream and imagine. God gave us the basics of life yet we are taught things that simply do not seem to work. Please do not take my word for any of this. Look around you or maybe look at you. If you are in a truly awesome relationship that keeps your heart fluttering then you have already experienced the real power of God, if however you are surrounded by relationships that are absent of awe, wonder, love, and acceptance then you are most likely caught up in acting out traditional thinking to the point of facing your own depression.
The same applies to your faith, if you simply go through the motions just because it is what you are supposed to do yet you still do not feel the love of God then it is time to power up the imagination and find where and how God dwells in you. We are not off the shelf store bought cookie cutter people. We are individuals that are so different that without anyone of us living up to our potential the world will never know peace and love. We have to do our part to stir the excitement in and around us. We have to break out of the "it is impossible" mentality and break into the "I can do anything" thinking. Life is to short to miss a moment conforming to a society that dwells on hate and bitterness. It is time to make a difference for yourself and those close to you. Stand up and break the chains that bind you, find the love of God that will set you free and give you the faith and courage to fly high. Regardless of age or health it is never to late to dream. Remember if you want to have power in the present you most find hope in your future.
peace and love