Stop waiting and start living
It seems like I read an email everyday that makes me glad I write my blog. I guess one of my passions is writing about finding our true self. It can be like finding a needle in a haystack because our true identity has been lost to years of outside conditioning. Recently an email came to mind about a ladies search for self while still trying to conform to the dream her family had for her. Whose dream are you trying to live?
We live, we hope, we dream, we wait. Did you catch that last verb, we wait? That action seems to take a death sentence for life, we wait, and we wait, and we wait some more. Every excuse under the sun validates our waiting. It is impossible to be happy when we go to great lengths to hold on to that which makes us sad, yet we hold on and we hope, we dream, and yes we wait. It will get better, he or she will change, God will open a door, a job will find me, and we wait. Life cannot and will not change for the better if our motivation is to wait. Change will happen that is for sure, but it will not be change we facilitated it will be from outside sources because the world is changing constantly while we wait.
The search for self is not a waiting game. When you wait it is like putting the keys to your happiness in someone else's pocket. It isn't complex, yet we complicate simplicity. As I write this I think about people that suffer from addiction. They totally lose themselves inside a delusional world their mind has created. It is a sad phenomenon because the true self is lost in a world so desensitized by over stimulation that finding yourself is near impossible. When we think of addiction it is usually relegated to drugs, gambling, alcohol, etc. The truth is addiction comes in various costumes and masks itself as one of our daily routines. Before you know it you are caught up in a make believe world that looks and acts as if it is normal, yet the end result is misery and depression. Even worse is we can't see what has happened so in an effort to make more excuses and continue the hope, dream, and waiting game, we blame everyone and everything but not ourselves.
This strange but normal behavior is like an ocean riptide, it pulls everyone close to it down and out. There is carnage unseen when we lose the ability to be who we were created to be. It is so cyclical to watch this person wait for something which promotes the next person to wait and before you know it procrastination is the way of life and our ability to fly high is gone with the wind.
In my uneducated opinion I think it starts with love of self. I know I say this in almost every blog but I am so passionate about the fact that we were created as God's greatest miracle. When we believe in that miracle amazing things start to happen. God is not opening or closing doors contrary to popular belief. I know that goes in the face of some beliefs and that is fine. God created us out of love, a love we cannot understand but none the less love. It is our role in life to pay it forward and to love that which God created. That is the door or sedgeway that gives life hope. God did not create us to sit and wait. Life is dynamic and when our choice in living it is static it goes against our very creation. God gave you a mind, heart, and soul and he infused it with love. God did not make windows and doors he made you and you made the windows and doors. God is the miracle maker and you are the miracle. When you believe other than that you diminish who God really is.
I know I speak of love in terms that are not taught in churches or homes but it is what lies in your heart. At the core of your being you know that hate is wrong, as is bitterness and divisiveness yet we are conditioned to act it ways that are outside what our heart feels. I believe in laws and discipline because the world would be chaos without them. What I do not believe in is other people telling us what our lives should be like. We are inundated with advice from all areas of our lives yet the people that are sharing this life giving knowledge are usually people living in misery themselves. When the shoe doesn't fit stop trying to wear it. You cannot happily be someone other than yourself.
I hope as you read this it stirs something inside you that says the waiting is over. It is time to wake up the real me that has been in a coma for way too long. The search for self is so invigorating when you truly give it your best. It means forgiving the past, letting go of all grudges, separating yourself from negative people, and having such a belief in yourself that you will take a leap of faith that will give your dreams a chance. Do not let the set backs stop you, whether you crawl, walk or run just make sure you keep moving forward. This is your life and yours alone, no one can live it for you but believe me others will try if you let them.
When something you are taught doesn't make sense challenge it. Challenge your faith, your religion, your spirituality, your views towards things, heck challenge every aspect of your life. The exploration will give you adrenaline that make your love come alive.
I have said so much yet said nothing at all. My goal in writing this is for you to believe that it is ok to live your life being who you are not who someone wants you to be. I hope that you realize that waiting for life to come to you is like a waiting for someone to put you in the casket. Life is about living not dying. The dying process will take care of itself but the living process takes effort. When you choose to live your life it also means you must stop trying to live others lives for them.
In closing remember the answer to most problems in life is simply to love. That means love yourself first so you can love others. It doesn't matter who you love, how you love, what you love, or why you love, it simply matters that you love. Forgive everyone, let go of jealousy, stop the revenge, and let the power of love bring back the dreams that faded years ago. When you start living life hope takes on new meaning and before you know it the new you is budding and great things start happening.
peace to you
We live, we hope, we dream, we wait. Did you catch that last verb, we wait? That action seems to take a death sentence for life, we wait, and we wait, and we wait some more. Every excuse under the sun validates our waiting. It is impossible to be happy when we go to great lengths to hold on to that which makes us sad, yet we hold on and we hope, we dream, and yes we wait. It will get better, he or she will change, God will open a door, a job will find me, and we wait. Life cannot and will not change for the better if our motivation is to wait. Change will happen that is for sure, but it will not be change we facilitated it will be from outside sources because the world is changing constantly while we wait.
The search for self is not a waiting game. When you wait it is like putting the keys to your happiness in someone else's pocket. It isn't complex, yet we complicate simplicity. As I write this I think about people that suffer from addiction. They totally lose themselves inside a delusional world their mind has created. It is a sad phenomenon because the true self is lost in a world so desensitized by over stimulation that finding yourself is near impossible. When we think of addiction it is usually relegated to drugs, gambling, alcohol, etc. The truth is addiction comes in various costumes and masks itself as one of our daily routines. Before you know it you are caught up in a make believe world that looks and acts as if it is normal, yet the end result is misery and depression. Even worse is we can't see what has happened so in an effort to make more excuses and continue the hope, dream, and waiting game, we blame everyone and everything but not ourselves.
This strange but normal behavior is like an ocean riptide, it pulls everyone close to it down and out. There is carnage unseen when we lose the ability to be who we were created to be. It is so cyclical to watch this person wait for something which promotes the next person to wait and before you know it procrastination is the way of life and our ability to fly high is gone with the wind.
In my uneducated opinion I think it starts with love of self. I know I say this in almost every blog but I am so passionate about the fact that we were created as God's greatest miracle. When we believe in that miracle amazing things start to happen. God is not opening or closing doors contrary to popular belief. I know that goes in the face of some beliefs and that is fine. God created us out of love, a love we cannot understand but none the less love. It is our role in life to pay it forward and to love that which God created. That is the door or sedgeway that gives life hope. God did not create us to sit and wait. Life is dynamic and when our choice in living it is static it goes against our very creation. God gave you a mind, heart, and soul and he infused it with love. God did not make windows and doors he made you and you made the windows and doors. God is the miracle maker and you are the miracle. When you believe other than that you diminish who God really is.
I know I speak of love in terms that are not taught in churches or homes but it is what lies in your heart. At the core of your being you know that hate is wrong, as is bitterness and divisiveness yet we are conditioned to act it ways that are outside what our heart feels. I believe in laws and discipline because the world would be chaos without them. What I do not believe in is other people telling us what our lives should be like. We are inundated with advice from all areas of our lives yet the people that are sharing this life giving knowledge are usually people living in misery themselves. When the shoe doesn't fit stop trying to wear it. You cannot happily be someone other than yourself.
I hope as you read this it stirs something inside you that says the waiting is over. It is time to wake up the real me that has been in a coma for way too long. The search for self is so invigorating when you truly give it your best. It means forgiving the past, letting go of all grudges, separating yourself from negative people, and having such a belief in yourself that you will take a leap of faith that will give your dreams a chance. Do not let the set backs stop you, whether you crawl, walk or run just make sure you keep moving forward. This is your life and yours alone, no one can live it for you but believe me others will try if you let them.
When something you are taught doesn't make sense challenge it. Challenge your faith, your religion, your spirituality, your views towards things, heck challenge every aspect of your life. The exploration will give you adrenaline that make your love come alive.
I have said so much yet said nothing at all. My goal in writing this is for you to believe that it is ok to live your life being who you are not who someone wants you to be. I hope that you realize that waiting for life to come to you is like a waiting for someone to put you in the casket. Life is about living not dying. The dying process will take care of itself but the living process takes effort. When you choose to live your life it also means you must stop trying to live others lives for them.
In closing remember the answer to most problems in life is simply to love. That means love yourself first so you can love others. It doesn't matter who you love, how you love, what you love, or why you love, it simply matters that you love. Forgive everyone, let go of jealousy, stop the revenge, and let the power of love bring back the dreams that faded years ago. When you start living life hope takes on new meaning and before you know it the new you is budding and great things start happening.
peace to you