The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat
I remember years ago a sporting program called "The Wide World of Sports", when it came on the catch phrase was "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat". I think in life we lose sight of what victory is and we are programmed to think that all we do is wrong and we live in the agony of defeat. Let's take a look at this human phenomenon and see if we can peel it back to make some sense.
We live in an era and time to where success is gauged by what we have not what we do. Is your house big and fancy, is your car the newest and most luxurious, do your clothes make you the center of attention, and do you have an air of pride and arrogance about you that goes with your so called success. If this isn't you, you do in fact know these people. I bet in many cases you even envy those people and dream of the day you can live with the haves and move away from the have nots. This sad depiction of success ignores the obvious and teaches everyone that character and integrity is second to money and materialism.
In a society driven by in your face instant information media we are taught how to judge people who are different than we are. The days of simply accepting people as they are no longer exist. We do not live to make people victorious we strive to teach them the agony of defeat. If we can't win, no one should win. This is proliferated by the fact that we are an instant gratification society. We do not take time to think about our actions we just lash out in judgement because that has become our conditioning and our new natural instinct. When we judge people we no longer have time to love them. If you do not think you judge people or can be influenced to judge people just scroll through the news feeds on social media or watch the news on TV. Whether what you read is true or false it can pull you in and create in you a judgement of negative ill will.
Ego and arrogance that comes from unearned money also creates a vast divide in a world already separated by walls so high we can't see the light of day anymore. It isn't visible walls mind you it is invisible walls that drive a wedge through your heart and leaves a person callous and desensitized to the love that once was. Why do I use unearned money in this short example? It reminds me of the Stockholm Theory where you become what you think you are surrounded by. A person that gains wealth through a means other than hard work usually becomes indifferent to the world they once were a part of. They view themselves as successful and everyone else as beneath them.
I write all this only to tell you that we can also retrain, relearn, and rejoin a world that needs our unconditional peace, love, and acceptance. The world does not need our opinions or a piece of our minds what it truly needs is a piece of our hearts. Why do we have to have winners and losers in life? I love the quote "sometimes you win, sometimes you learn" but you never lose. There are only losers when we exploit someone's misfortune. If it weren't for others being so kind as to place our mistakes on a pedestal for the world to see in the hopes of humiliation, we could encourage people to live a life to the fullest. We should not live in fear of failure, we should live to take risk in the hopes that what we seek will bring peace and restoration to a broken world.
Life should be lived with love not bitterness. Life should be lived with hope not despair. We will lose loved one's along this journey because the natural order does not provide a means for us to live forever on this earth. While we are here however we can promote goodwill. We are different, we will always be different, and if you recognize that you are different you are lucky, DO NOT CHANGE.
In a cynical world I hope you can learn to be a person of acceptance and smile, love, and embrace everywhere you go. It is important that people you encounter leave your presence better than they were before. The only way for that to happen is for genuine love to pave the way. Your path should be lit with the light that shines in you. The thrill of victory is lifting others up when they are down. When we parade around with our ego and arrogance in high fashion we are the one's that is showing the world that walls divide and bridges are burned.
I say let's tear down the walls and build bridges. Let's unite people not divide. Let's use this instant gratification media driven age in which we live to our advantage by sharing signs of peace, love, acceptance, and forgiveness everyday, all the time, without fail, no exceptions. We can put hope back in this world and it starts with us. You can either see the thrill of victory as a place of hope and love or you can be a part of the agony of defeat by sucking the life and light right out of people. It truly does start with you. I choose right now to build a bridge where there once was a great divide. I want to experience what the real thrill of victory is all about.
peace to you
We live in an era and time to where success is gauged by what we have not what we do. Is your house big and fancy, is your car the newest and most luxurious, do your clothes make you the center of attention, and do you have an air of pride and arrogance about you that goes with your so called success. If this isn't you, you do in fact know these people. I bet in many cases you even envy those people and dream of the day you can live with the haves and move away from the have nots. This sad depiction of success ignores the obvious and teaches everyone that character and integrity is second to money and materialism.
In a society driven by in your face instant information media we are taught how to judge people who are different than we are. The days of simply accepting people as they are no longer exist. We do not live to make people victorious we strive to teach them the agony of defeat. If we can't win, no one should win. This is proliferated by the fact that we are an instant gratification society. We do not take time to think about our actions we just lash out in judgement because that has become our conditioning and our new natural instinct. When we judge people we no longer have time to love them. If you do not think you judge people or can be influenced to judge people just scroll through the news feeds on social media or watch the news on TV. Whether what you read is true or false it can pull you in and create in you a judgement of negative ill will.
Ego and arrogance that comes from unearned money also creates a vast divide in a world already separated by walls so high we can't see the light of day anymore. It isn't visible walls mind you it is invisible walls that drive a wedge through your heart and leaves a person callous and desensitized to the love that once was. Why do I use unearned money in this short example? It reminds me of the Stockholm Theory where you become what you think you are surrounded by. A person that gains wealth through a means other than hard work usually becomes indifferent to the world they once were a part of. They view themselves as successful and everyone else as beneath them.
I write all this only to tell you that we can also retrain, relearn, and rejoin a world that needs our unconditional peace, love, and acceptance. The world does not need our opinions or a piece of our minds what it truly needs is a piece of our hearts. Why do we have to have winners and losers in life? I love the quote "sometimes you win, sometimes you learn" but you never lose. There are only losers when we exploit someone's misfortune. If it weren't for others being so kind as to place our mistakes on a pedestal for the world to see in the hopes of humiliation, we could encourage people to live a life to the fullest. We should not live in fear of failure, we should live to take risk in the hopes that what we seek will bring peace and restoration to a broken world.
Life should be lived with love not bitterness. Life should be lived with hope not despair. We will lose loved one's along this journey because the natural order does not provide a means for us to live forever on this earth. While we are here however we can promote goodwill. We are different, we will always be different, and if you recognize that you are different you are lucky, DO NOT CHANGE.
In a cynical world I hope you can learn to be a person of acceptance and smile, love, and embrace everywhere you go. It is important that people you encounter leave your presence better than they were before. The only way for that to happen is for genuine love to pave the way. Your path should be lit with the light that shines in you. The thrill of victory is lifting others up when they are down. When we parade around with our ego and arrogance in high fashion we are the one's that is showing the world that walls divide and bridges are burned.
I say let's tear down the walls and build bridges. Let's unite people not divide. Let's use this instant gratification media driven age in which we live to our advantage by sharing signs of peace, love, acceptance, and forgiveness everyday, all the time, without fail, no exceptions. We can put hope back in this world and it starts with us. You can either see the thrill of victory as a place of hope and love or you can be a part of the agony of defeat by sucking the life and light right out of people. It truly does start with you. I choose right now to build a bridge where there once was a great divide. I want to experience what the real thrill of victory is all about.
peace to you