Big Bang Theory
Is the Big Bang just a theory, is God for real, did Jesus die on the Cross, is the Bible the written Word, is there life after death, do any of these questions really matter? Those are subjective questions with answers as vast as the sky. If you ask 100 people each of those questions you would get as many different answers. Which leads me to the real question, does it really matter?
We, as humans, love to explore that which we do not know, it is called curiosity. There are areas of exploration however that we do fear to tread, hence the questions above. If we allow ourselves to publicly examine "is God for real", our friends and family would fear that we are leaning toward atheism and likely either get into an intense argument or avoid us all together. Granted they have the same thoughts when alone, yet fear to explore leads them into the comfort of their age old cocoons.
Is faith stronger than fact? I would have to say that it is because faith cannot be proved or disproved and fact obviously has a basis to it. The toughest thing we face when it comes to faith is when fact does disprove what we believe yet we still cling to that which isn't real. Consider a bad relationship that you just cannot let go of because you hold out hope that it is the right thing and one day the other person will change and see just how great you are. When in reality the facts support that the relationship is not and will not ever be healthy enough to sustain happiness, yet faith and fear keep us bound.
Faith and fear, now that is an interesting combination. Does your faith have fear? Think about the last question I ask, is there life after death. That question has both faith and fear because it is where rubber meets the road. We will all certainly face our own mortality one day. We can either have faith in a beautiful life after death or we can have fear with some type of hope. The question can never be answered with certainty north of dirt regardless how many books and movies are written about it.
You may wonder where I am going with all this useless nonsense. Honestly with the questions I probed I am not going anywhere, I am just rambling because I want to make a point. Each question, depending on where we are in life, has and holds different meaning. We all have faith in something and at times that faith is rooted with fear. We also believe in facts at times but usually when they support some negative aspect of our lives. We love to believe bad news yet reserve the right not to believe in good news. Fact supports negative, faith leans us toward the positive with some semblance of fear. Think about that.
The Big Bang I want you to believe is that you are the most amazing creation on earth. Believe that you have meaning, you have purpose, that you are alive. That is a FACT, you are alive. It is time to act as though you believe that simple fact. Being alive does not mean you are living. I am going to twist tie faith with fact for a minute and see what we can get. Let's assume God is for real, let's assume you decide that life is worth living, let's also assume for a minute that you can forgive yourself for past transgressions and move on with faith in the future. What does real living look like? Fact or faith? Life is a culmination of both, always has been and always will be. Without faith we cannot seek facts and without facts faith would not exist. One has to have the other in order to survive.
To live is a gift greater than anything you will ever encounter. Living is more than breathing it is coming to terms with the fact that you are alive, it is having the faith that you have a purpose far greater than you currently understand. Your life deserves your greatest exploration of faith in order to seek the beauty that dwells inside your heart. Faith provides hope and hope provides life. The only Big Bang that matters is that we understand who we are and that through an act of love we are a miracle beyond scientific explanation. As factual as our lives are they are also entwined with faith that is as joyous as the heavens above. We are beautiful beyond description which in my eyes proves to me that there is something far greater than fact that makes the world go round.
In closing remember that we all are creatures of fact and faith, we all seek to be loved, to be accepted, to be forgiven. We all seek hope that our future holds something much greater than fact will ever know. We all seek faith in that which we cannot see. I will tell you this, for your faith to grow, you absolutely must learn to love who you are. Faith does not grow out of hate or contempt it can only grow out of peace and love. Fact, you are reading this. Faith, you do not understand why I write what I write. Fact, you want to be loved and accepted. Faith, I want to share my love and have peace in my heart. Fact, it starts with you.
peace to you
We, as humans, love to explore that which we do not know, it is called curiosity. There are areas of exploration however that we do fear to tread, hence the questions above. If we allow ourselves to publicly examine "is God for real", our friends and family would fear that we are leaning toward atheism and likely either get into an intense argument or avoid us all together. Granted they have the same thoughts when alone, yet fear to explore leads them into the comfort of their age old cocoons.
Is faith stronger than fact? I would have to say that it is because faith cannot be proved or disproved and fact obviously has a basis to it. The toughest thing we face when it comes to faith is when fact does disprove what we believe yet we still cling to that which isn't real. Consider a bad relationship that you just cannot let go of because you hold out hope that it is the right thing and one day the other person will change and see just how great you are. When in reality the facts support that the relationship is not and will not ever be healthy enough to sustain happiness, yet faith and fear keep us bound.
Faith and fear, now that is an interesting combination. Does your faith have fear? Think about the last question I ask, is there life after death. That question has both faith and fear because it is where rubber meets the road. We will all certainly face our own mortality one day. We can either have faith in a beautiful life after death or we can have fear with some type of hope. The question can never be answered with certainty north of dirt regardless how many books and movies are written about it.
You may wonder where I am going with all this useless nonsense. Honestly with the questions I probed I am not going anywhere, I am just rambling because I want to make a point. Each question, depending on where we are in life, has and holds different meaning. We all have faith in something and at times that faith is rooted with fear. We also believe in facts at times but usually when they support some negative aspect of our lives. We love to believe bad news yet reserve the right not to believe in good news. Fact supports negative, faith leans us toward the positive with some semblance of fear. Think about that.
The Big Bang I want you to believe is that you are the most amazing creation on earth. Believe that you have meaning, you have purpose, that you are alive. That is a FACT, you are alive. It is time to act as though you believe that simple fact. Being alive does not mean you are living. I am going to twist tie faith with fact for a minute and see what we can get. Let's assume God is for real, let's assume you decide that life is worth living, let's also assume for a minute that you can forgive yourself for past transgressions and move on with faith in the future. What does real living look like? Fact or faith? Life is a culmination of both, always has been and always will be. Without faith we cannot seek facts and without facts faith would not exist. One has to have the other in order to survive.
To live is a gift greater than anything you will ever encounter. Living is more than breathing it is coming to terms with the fact that you are alive, it is having the faith that you have a purpose far greater than you currently understand. Your life deserves your greatest exploration of faith in order to seek the beauty that dwells inside your heart. Faith provides hope and hope provides life. The only Big Bang that matters is that we understand who we are and that through an act of love we are a miracle beyond scientific explanation. As factual as our lives are they are also entwined with faith that is as joyous as the heavens above. We are beautiful beyond description which in my eyes proves to me that there is something far greater than fact that makes the world go round.
In closing remember that we all are creatures of fact and faith, we all seek to be loved, to be accepted, to be forgiven. We all seek hope that our future holds something much greater than fact will ever know. We all seek faith in that which we cannot see. I will tell you this, for your faith to grow, you absolutely must learn to love who you are. Faith does not grow out of hate or contempt it can only grow out of peace and love. Fact, you are reading this. Faith, you do not understand why I write what I write. Fact, you want to be loved and accepted. Faith, I want to share my love and have peace in my heart. Fact, it starts with you.
peace to you