
What is the meaning of life? Isn't that the age old question, why am I here, what is my purpose, do I even matter, can I make a difference, etc. These questions plus hundreds more are at the core of who we are and why we do what we do.

As we go through the motions in life trying as we can to fit in or stand out we finally come to the conclusion that we are not special and more than likely in the big scheme of things our lives really do not matter. We live, we love, we win, we lose, we learn, we suffer, we die. Maybe not exactly the sequence for every life but those items certainly fit into everyone journey at some point.

Now that I have outlined this I would like to go back to the question of, why am I here? That question cannot be answered unless you know where you are and that you are where you are in totality. You can't seek love if your heart is not open to being loved, you can't search for better opportunities if your mind is too consumed with yesterday's memories. Why am I here is a great life question most are not willing to honestly answer. The answer is as deep as it is broad however there is a short answer to this very imposing question. You are where you are because of what you have done to get there. Good, bad, happy, or sad every facet, every decision, every twist and turn has brought you to exactly where you are right this minute and where you are is the right place to start your life on a better track.

What is my purpose is where I would like to focus some time. Thousands of books and speeches have been written and spoken trying to explain to people what their purpose is or at least where to find it. I will admit to reading many of the books and honestly they were good. But the stark reality is that they are just books that tend to keep you in the cookie cutter arena of life as every one else that is searching for the same thing. Life isn't that simple. What our search for purpose has to be about is our search for self. Individuality has almost gone by the way side and it has been replaced with all the tools needed to FIT IN when we were born to STAND OUT.

We will always hit the brick wall emotionally and spiritually when we fall prey to all the life lessons that tend to conform us to what the world wants us to be. God created each of us with amazing differences that when explored, exploited, embraced, and enthusiastically molded into our true being life opens up in new and exciting ways. I speak to so many people that try so hard just to make something of their lives yet they do it trying to fit into what everyone else thinks life should be. The greatest gift we can ever give ourselves is the courage to be who we are and where we are.

In the second paragraph I wrote a sentence that said, in the big scheme of things our lives really do not matter. You may have simply agreed with that and moved on. The truth is that our lives matter more than anything else on this earth. We were born to be originals, with a value much higher than any of us could ever imagine. I urge everyone reading this to find what it takes to stand up and stand out. Your life has so many gifts, not just for you, but for others. Without you embracing your individuality the world will never know just how great you could have been. Think about it for just a moment. I think you would agree that there are so many questions to life worth exploring. That is true and I hope you start that journey today. I will tell you in conclusion that life is also so much better the minute you decide to live it. Love your life so you can love others. Remember you are God's greatest miracle and you deserve to find out who is really hiding inside that temple that bares your name.

peace and love


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