Blessings Miracles and Misgivings

Can you explain to me how God's blessings work? Every day I hear people talk about how others are so blessed. Heck, folks love to tell me how blessed I am yet they cannot see any blessings in their own lives. That aside though today, as in most days, I am confused as to how people explain who gets blessed and who doesn't.

You hear people spout off about how God will or will not bless you if you do or do not do this or that. That confuses a curious brain like mine because I look around and see people that love God yet have a life that is horrid by most descriptions. Or people in third world countries that have no hope, yes NO HOPE for ever having a bright spot in their lives, how is that explained in the terms of blessings. Please let's do not use the age old cliche "it is part of God's plan that we do not understand". What do these people that have no food, clothing, or shelter pray for? I bet they do not pray for a new phone, a better car, a higher paying job, botox, etc. If they even pray at all the prayer would probably be to die quick instead of the slow painful death that happens to be their life. 

What is a miracle? Ok, it is something that happens that can't be explained. Does God get the credit for that even though others may have died or be harmed in the same incident that created the miracle for someone else. 

Best question yet, what do you pray for when you pray? Here is another area that we have done an amazing job placing God in a box. If a prayer did not get answered we explain it as God didn't want us to have this or that. My favorite though is how we explain things in terms of God's time verses our time. 

For people that have nothing, as in the third world countries, and yes it exist right here in America too, explain to them God's timing. We live in such a materialistic world that we have NO means of seeing life through the eyes of those who truly are dying of starvation or exposure to the elements. We claim we can but the absolute truth is we can't. Sure we spend a minute once a year to pray for them all the while enjoying the comforts of our technology. 

Blessings, you explain them to me so that I understand. 

I believe in God, I believe in the Bible, I believe in hope and love. I am truly a believer to the depth of my being. I am so passionate about my love for people that I get overwhelmed at times that I can't do more. BUT and this is big, it hurts me to hear others talk about blessings, prayers, and miracles as it relates to God. Why does that bother me? Because the way people talk it makes it look as though God has his chosen while casting the others out to the land of death and despair. That is not a God of total love for his people, that is a God of exclusion and one I prefer not to believe in. 

I see the world as environmental, meaning God created it, we inhabit it, and what happens to it is a series of choices we as humans make. God does not rest his favor on one group while with holding it from another. God loves us all equally and I think, in my silly little world that if he sees all and is all that he is greatly disappointed in the way we as humans express love.

Like many books and movies that have an ending that leaves you scratching your head, I am going to stop right here. I hope you can share some comments.

peace and love


Unknown said…
Very thought provoking!
I know you said it would be cliche....but the only way I find comfort in all of this is that it is in His plan. And by my faith in Jesus Christ that is all I need! I could sit around and try to figure it all out, but in the grand scheme of things, I choose to be in awe and wonder of God, knowing that it is in His plan.
Does that mean I sit and do nothing...NO!!! We, as Christians, are to live everyday for Christ. We are to pray, listen to His commands, and FOLLOW HIM!
Dale Childress said…
Thank you so much for the comments Rebecca, i love hearing from folks

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