Stop and Smell the roses

You have heard the old saying "stop and smell the roses" haven't you? There is some significance to that little phrase that we are going to try to adhere to for a couple of minutes. I want you to relax and slow down from all the stress, schedules, and struggles that you are going to face today. Simply sit back for two minutes and meditate while you read.

When was the last time you appreciated all the good things you have? Truth is probably not until you faced losing something or someone close to you or lost something that made you think of what you have. If I were to ask you to take stock of your assets what would you list? A couple rules apply as you compile this list. You cannot list any material possessions you have as assets nor can you mention the state of your physical health. Makes it tough doesn't it? You see in our journey through life we measure it based on what we have accumulated or how good we feel. Granted good health is very important but it does not define who you are. I know some amazing people that have had considerable impact on many lives that had failing health.

It was not intended for this to be easy, my goal was for you to stop and smell the roses. You see our lives have so much more value than the possessions we acquire. Matter of fact the things we thought were assets in many cases are actually liabilities. The more you buy, the more you want. Sad truth, isn't it? It is like the addict that never gets enough and before long you can't even see the roses in your life much less slow down long enough to smell them. Oh man the things in life we miss because we get so caught up in the rat race.

Let me give you a better example. If you have ever lost someone extremely close to a disease that progressed slow enough that you were able to see how unimportant material stuff was, then you would understand what I mean. In the end love is the deciding factor that guides us beyond this life. Unfortunately our guiding factors and forces do not promote that at all. What we see blasted in our faces day in and day out are the images of what a new, bigger and better whatever will do for our lives. We have truly lost the meaning of life due to the extreme desire to be something or someone we are not.

There are many people that write to me on a daily basis that are suffering from terminal illness. In every case as they face the final battles here, they mention how they wasted so much time in the acquisition of material items yet spent so little time developing meaningful relationships. They allowed stress from societal pressures to block the view of the roses that God placed in their path to bring hope and peace to their lives. The view could be spectacular and the scent of awesome beauty even better. But the were redirected throughout life in their stressful quest for the materialistic Holy Grail that almost always brings you down instead of lifting you up.

Let's stop the madness and start to make time for what is truly important. If you think a fancier vehicle, a bigger TV, or a perfectly manicured lawn will relieve you of your stress I urge you to take a close look at your life. Remember the roses look great and smell great but you have to stop long enough to know it. If you feel as though your life is going no were, then it is time to slow down to speed up. When you slow down I bet you will find the desire to stop and smell the roses.

peace to you


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