The Enemy Within

No one can understand what is going on inside you, except for you. Our outward persona is just that, external, but the truth of our being is what is happening internally. Bright smiles often come with heavy hearts, cheerful spirits can hide painful emotions, and a caring attitude may be masking deep seated fear and sadness. What we see on the outside reveals little about a person compared to what is going on from the inside.

Life changes so fast at times it can make your head spin. We can be riding the waves high one minute and the next find ourselves buried in the current seeking the next breath. Hope can turn to hopelessness in seconds, and joy can turn to sorrow in the blink of an eye. It is easy to say, "I know how you feel", but do you really?

The dynamics of life are the great equalizer that we are unfamiliar with until we step into the ring unprepared for the enemy that stands before us. The confidence we exuded moments before faded swiftly as the vale is  lifted from the elusive intruder that has found his way into our lives. Our focus shifts from dreaming to survival. Suddenly what was important yesterday now seems so small compared to what we face today. Our energy that we fought so hard to attain so as to live the life we planned has now been redirected in an effort to simply find the strength to get from one day to the next. It all changes oh so fast.

Where were you when time stood still? Maybe you were there but in the shock of the moment you lost the sense of reality and got consumed in the whirlwind of what just happened. Your mind shifts from living to dying or simply surviving and life as you once knew it is over. OR IS IT?

One of the great challenges of life is learning how to live while we are alive. All throughout life we are inundated with how to die with dignity. What we seldom learn though is how to live in such a way that glorifies God and magnifies our miraculous existence. One of the great facts of living is that we are going to die. Nothing new about that. Another great fact is this, very few of us will ever have the courage or encouragement to live up to our potential. We change only as life changes us. We stay on the defense instead of executing a great offense. We decide to live, the moment we think we are dying.

No matter how old you are, how much money you have, how much baggage you carry around, or your physical condition, there is still opportunity to change your life for the better. Only you know the heaviness of your heart. Only you know the demons that wreck havoc on your mind day in and day out. Only you know the deep dark secrets that keep you looking over your shoulder every minute of every day. Even with all this hopeless feelings that are welled up inside, there is so much more hope than you could ever imagine. In order to fly high  you must let go of the things that weigh you down. You may till yourself and others, "oh but you don't understand what I have done", the fact is you don't understand what you can still do.

Choose to live, choose to find happiness, choose to make other peoples lives better, choose to be the best you can be. Yesterday's garbage will lose it's grasp on you quickly once you seek forward thinking. Is life worth a second chance? Only you can answer that, as for my thoughts, I say yes it is.

peace to you

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