Fit In, or Stand out
It is hard to find our purpose if we do not allow ourselves to feel that which we are passionate about. Taking that a step further, it is hard to discover what we are passionate about if we live our lives in the absence of love. The love I am speaking of is a love and appreciation for your own life.
Did you know the search for self leads us on an amazing journey that can produce awe sensation like we have never known. Conversely simply accepting that life is taking you nowhere and you just go through the motions, you will end up a lonely, bitter soul. Sure that is a harsh way for me to say but I think I can shed light on my thinking.
In life we allow ourselves to become molded into a societal norm. That in and of itself is not a bad thing. We have to fit into the rules and laws that keep us safe. BUT we do not have to fit into the cookie cutter mentality that church, family, and friends places on us. Please pay attention here because I am not implying that learning and gaining wisdom from your church, family, or friends is a bad thing. I am walking that fine line that divides love and hate. There is a hidden reality inside most people, you included that does not like to see people close to us rise up, buck the system, and succeed in life outside the norms of what everyone has set. Think about that for a moment. When a close friend or family leaves a church, breaks from a political party, changes careers or starts a new one, gains a new sense of adventure, etc most of the time we do not like that because we are left behind to bask in misery.
I used kind of a harsh reality but you get the point. I would also like to share some thoughts about how you interact with others. You either lift them up or bring them down, you either bring them light or cast a pall of darkness over them. People are either glad to see you or they wish you would leave. Ok, enough of all of that, let's get down to the meat of the matter.
Do you want to live? Do you want life to have more meaning? If the answer is no stop reading now. If the answer is yes, then congrats there is hope. It is time to cast aside that which is weighing you down and most likely it is baggage that should have been tossed overboard years ago. Keeping in mind that most of the weight that binds you is self created. It is time to stop blaming past relationships, broken friendships, bad choices, poor health, etc. It is time to accept where you are right this minute. No matter what you dream about, pray about, or think about right now you are where you are, period. With that, starting right this minute you can do things that will make today better which in turn will began to make tomorrow better.
I hope you are starting to see the point. We are conditioned to fit in, which means we are locked into a life that others have determined our potential. No one and I mean NO ONE can or will live your life for you. It is yours and yours alone. For the life of me I do not know why you would not want to live it with a smile on your face all the while pushing the limits to discover a passionate purpose that will make life amazing. I often tell people that life is worth living the day you choose to live it. Please do not put the keys to your future in anyone else's pocket. Take charge of your life. Love who you are and learn to love others along the way. Break some of the biases that cloud your thinking. Everyone deserves kindness even those that are unkind. On your rise up the ladder of life it is imperative that you encourage others to step out and rise up too.
Stop ignoring those dreams that whirl around in your head. Stop those feelings that you get when you think you do not fit in, because YOU DON"T FIT IN, you stand out. You are unique in a special way. Be the best you can be, not a mediocre version of yourself that others have determined you will be.
Peace and love
Did you know the search for self leads us on an amazing journey that can produce awe sensation like we have never known. Conversely simply accepting that life is taking you nowhere and you just go through the motions, you will end up a lonely, bitter soul. Sure that is a harsh way for me to say but I think I can shed light on my thinking.
In life we allow ourselves to become molded into a societal norm. That in and of itself is not a bad thing. We have to fit into the rules and laws that keep us safe. BUT we do not have to fit into the cookie cutter mentality that church, family, and friends places on us. Please pay attention here because I am not implying that learning and gaining wisdom from your church, family, or friends is a bad thing. I am walking that fine line that divides love and hate. There is a hidden reality inside most people, you included that does not like to see people close to us rise up, buck the system, and succeed in life outside the norms of what everyone has set. Think about that for a moment. When a close friend or family leaves a church, breaks from a political party, changes careers or starts a new one, gains a new sense of adventure, etc most of the time we do not like that because we are left behind to bask in misery.
I used kind of a harsh reality but you get the point. I would also like to share some thoughts about how you interact with others. You either lift them up or bring them down, you either bring them light or cast a pall of darkness over them. People are either glad to see you or they wish you would leave. Ok, enough of all of that, let's get down to the meat of the matter.
Do you want to live? Do you want life to have more meaning? If the answer is no stop reading now. If the answer is yes, then congrats there is hope. It is time to cast aside that which is weighing you down and most likely it is baggage that should have been tossed overboard years ago. Keeping in mind that most of the weight that binds you is self created. It is time to stop blaming past relationships, broken friendships, bad choices, poor health, etc. It is time to accept where you are right this minute. No matter what you dream about, pray about, or think about right now you are where you are, period. With that, starting right this minute you can do things that will make today better which in turn will began to make tomorrow better.
I hope you are starting to see the point. We are conditioned to fit in, which means we are locked into a life that others have determined our potential. No one and I mean NO ONE can or will live your life for you. It is yours and yours alone. For the life of me I do not know why you would not want to live it with a smile on your face all the while pushing the limits to discover a passionate purpose that will make life amazing. I often tell people that life is worth living the day you choose to live it. Please do not put the keys to your future in anyone else's pocket. Take charge of your life. Love who you are and learn to love others along the way. Break some of the biases that cloud your thinking. Everyone deserves kindness even those that are unkind. On your rise up the ladder of life it is imperative that you encourage others to step out and rise up too.
Stop ignoring those dreams that whirl around in your head. Stop those feelings that you get when you think you do not fit in, because YOU DON"T FIT IN, you stand out. You are unique in a special way. Be the best you can be, not a mediocre version of yourself that others have determined you will be.
Peace and love