I have a message!
I often sit and think, wondering if I have a message in life to deliver. I recall Dr King's "I Have A Dream" speech. That moment in time has defined his legacy for decades. Most people can recite a few lines of that now famous historical speech, I know I can.
Is it the outward person I desire people to know or is it the inner often hidden version of me that I would like to share. Both make up who I am in vastly different ways. The person people see and hear when they encounter us is not always who we really are. I know for a fact there are times when my external me has said and done things that the internal me was ashamed of. BUT, there are more times when the internal me is pushing me to action yet the external me will not move. Which brings me back to the point, do I even have a message at all if I am so confused between the two versions of me.
I love discussions of faith, hope, living on the edge, taking risks or simply taking back your life. I enjoy writing about those topics in great depth. Maybe my message is one of hope that life can be better if we find the courage and the will to change. As I contemplate that another more powerful message finds its way into my cerebral cortex. I spoke to a lady yesterday with pancreatic cancer. I have no idea when this cancer will take her life but she knows the statistics. We talked about life and living it to the fullest right here right now. Is that my message? I have written often about how consumed we get with material possessions that we totally lose sight of living because we are to busy alienating the world around us. Living is about loving people not objects. When we get the main thing in life right we can start living again. That comes screaming to the surface when you find out you are dying soon. It is almost funny how little stuff means when the end is near.
Is my message one of forgiveness? Not so much forgiving others, even though that is important, but the forgiving of yourself. All the stupid things we have done that harmed others which leave an indelible mark on us that stains us for life, UNLESS, we are willing to forgive ourselves. We can't lock ourselves away in a self imposed prison when there is life still to live. The people we harmed may not forgive us but we can adapt, change, overcome, and forgive ourselves. Life's greatest lessons come out at our lowest point. If you think about it some of the best lessons you ever learned was probably from a person you labeled as a heathen.
Is my message to all the sinners like myself in the world. Do not judge me because your sin is different than mine. Don't shine the spotlight on others just because they have made a mistake in life. I think the message of hope is to stand by and stand up for people when the make a wrong turn. We should not be a people that puts others on public display. We should be a people that shares peace and love at every opportunity.
Maybe my message is simply writing these blogs.
peace to you
Is it the outward person I desire people to know or is it the inner often hidden version of me that I would like to share. Both make up who I am in vastly different ways. The person people see and hear when they encounter us is not always who we really are. I know for a fact there are times when my external me has said and done things that the internal me was ashamed of. BUT, there are more times when the internal me is pushing me to action yet the external me will not move. Which brings me back to the point, do I even have a message at all if I am so confused between the two versions of me.
I love discussions of faith, hope, living on the edge, taking risks or simply taking back your life. I enjoy writing about those topics in great depth. Maybe my message is one of hope that life can be better if we find the courage and the will to change. As I contemplate that another more powerful message finds its way into my cerebral cortex. I spoke to a lady yesterday with pancreatic cancer. I have no idea when this cancer will take her life but she knows the statistics. We talked about life and living it to the fullest right here right now. Is that my message? I have written often about how consumed we get with material possessions that we totally lose sight of living because we are to busy alienating the world around us. Living is about loving people not objects. When we get the main thing in life right we can start living again. That comes screaming to the surface when you find out you are dying soon. It is almost funny how little stuff means when the end is near.
Is my message one of forgiveness? Not so much forgiving others, even though that is important, but the forgiving of yourself. All the stupid things we have done that harmed others which leave an indelible mark on us that stains us for life, UNLESS, we are willing to forgive ourselves. We can't lock ourselves away in a self imposed prison when there is life still to live. The people we harmed may not forgive us but we can adapt, change, overcome, and forgive ourselves. Life's greatest lessons come out at our lowest point. If you think about it some of the best lessons you ever learned was probably from a person you labeled as a heathen.
Is my message to all the sinners like myself in the world. Do not judge me because your sin is different than mine. Don't shine the spotlight on others just because they have made a mistake in life. I think the message of hope is to stand by and stand up for people when the make a wrong turn. We should not be a people that puts others on public display. We should be a people that shares peace and love at every opportunity.
Maybe my message is simply writing these blogs.
peace to you