Random thoughts from Dale

I often tell people that the way you view the world is not the way the world really is. We view the world as well as our lives through fogged lenses instead of rose colored glasses. I believe when we change our view we change our life usually in a good way. Adding to that is an interesting yet often over looked fact, did you know that you cannot see your own face. Sounds silly but think about it, all we ever see is a mirror image or a photo, which possibly could lead us to wondering what others see in us that we can't.

I enjoy reflecting on life as well as my own personal philosophy, which by the way means nothing to anyone but me. I see life in an abstract where others see absolutes. Looking around and seeing so many people miserable, depressed, hating their lives, it makes me wonder how we can ever say "we got it right". I am amazed at how much emphasis is placed on negative news. I even have people say to me "well heck Dale there just isn't anything good left in the world". My reply is always the same, what you see as negative, I choose to see as opportunity or I choose not to see it at all. I focus my energy on the positive and in turn I seem to have positive feelings about the world around me.

If you have ever read my blogs you know I speak out about the nature of churches. Especially in America people are leaving organized religion in droves. Why, well I have a thought about that. The Christian religion was formed to promote hope for eternity. We were given the model of love, forgiveness, sharing, helping, and accepting. On the surface that message is still preached but it quickly becomes obvious in many churches that there is so much more. Literally hundreds of people have written to me about their plight with church. As long as they were paying their dues and their sins were not publicly exposed everything was alright. But when they needed the church in many cases the church did not need them. I think in life spirituality is a key component to happiness. Finding your place in that spiritual realm is not so simple. We are usually molded early on in life to fit into the same brand of church our family was involved with. They didn't really like it and you probably didn't like it but you felt it was what you were supposed to do. What happens is the absence of spiritual growth which in turn leaves a void inside us that causes us to miss out on loving life.

When our spirituality fades to the point darkness creeps in our lives can do one of two things. They either sink to the depths of despair or they pave the way for finding yourself in new and exciting ways. Spiritual death has taken it's toll on too many people, you maybe one of them. Due to obligation we continue to go to the places that drain us spiritually and emotionally. The net effect to all of this is a serious misalignment with who you really are verses who you have been conditioned to be.

My silly self thinks we can resolve our spirituality and grow in our faith by simply loving the world we were born into. Stop seeing everything as bad, when the reality is we are surrounded by good. People often ask me what news program I watch or newspaper I read. I don't watch any of them nor read any of them. I will not allow that much negative into my world. If I want to have a strong faith I can't believe everyone is bad. I can't get caught up in end time prophecies that are 100% wrong every single time. I can't get caught up in government conspiracy theories that cannot be proved and if they could I still do not want to be a part of the negative chatter.

To find love you first have to learn to love. You can't love if you constantly spew hate and divisive words. Gossip, judgement, and condemnation are not examples of love yet we do it all the while wondering why our friends and family avoid us. The cool thing about being negative is you do attract lots of the same. So you will  never be alone you will all just be miserable together.

Let's look at my view of relationships. Consider the state of churches in America and how fast they are losing members. The same can be applied to marriages, friendships, and unions. Their is so much bitterness in today's relationships and for what? Why all the hate? I am always reminded of this quote, "when we sin we want forgiveness, but when someone else sins we want justice". I think that aptly applies to how we view relationships. We expect one thing yet we give another. We expect total loyalty and perfection from others yet they should accept in us our humanity. How many relationships could be restored or even enhanced if we all learned the true model of forgiveness. We are not perfect, were never intended to be perfect yet so many hold that expectation over others.

We live in an imperfect world surrounded by imperfect people playing on an imperfect field. If our focus is on perfection we will always miss the joy and beauty of humanity. I have said many random things in this weird off the cuff blog, but the one thing I want to resonate in your mind is this: never allow anyone to write your story for you. Your life is the one you will write and it is incumbent upon you to write a best seller. Leave the negative to the naysayers and move your life toward the light. Heal your mind, soul, body, relationships, and your view of life. Where there was hate let there be love. Your life has a purpose and when you allow yourself permission to be yourself in a positive way amazing things happen.

God bless


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