Where were you when I needed you!
Where were you when I needed you? Why didn't you show up like you promised? I waited and I waited and nothing, nothing, nothing. I don't understand where it all went wrong. I prayed, I smiled, I helped others yet for some reason you still decided I was not worth your time and attention. If you don't care about my life, why the heck should I?
I am not sure who you think I am talking about when I ask, where were you when I needed you. Let me make a revelation to you. The you I am speaking of is your true self. Our true self is the one person we fear to face every day of our lives. In our escape from self we seek asylum in a myriad of ways, all of which lead us further from who we might have been. You have heard the term "soul searching" well we are about to do just that.
Remember this, it is never too late to be what you might have been. But in order to be what you might have been you have to fall in love with your best friend which in this case just happens to be you. This is looking at a mirror image of your life. All you see is the reflection when in actuality what you need to see is the depth of your being. Think about something for a moment. Everyone gets some level of excitement when they see a baby anything. It can be a puppy, kitten, piglet, or a person. They all give us a warmth we didn't have prior to seeing this new creation. Why? Because what lies before you is a helpless being that unbeknownst to itself has to trust someone for everything. You may wonder how this all ties in with the original theme, well stay tuned here we go.
We all need nurturing throughout our lives just like an infant, we all need love, caring, and compassion when life deals us unexpected blows. However with all that being said who your soul is seeking is you. Your soul joined with your body at birth and made the decision to stay with you till the end. The soul always knows what to do to heal itself but the challenge is to silence the mind. Just like relationships between two people it takes work to keep them heading in the right direction. It also takes patience, forgiveness, acceptance, and understanding, but most of all it takes agape love. You cannot escape your soul no matter how hard you try. Regardless how immoral you may act, crimes you may commit, people you may hurt, your soul never leaves you.
Where were you when I needed you? That is the question your soul is asking you. The best friend you will ever have is residing inside you with the greatest connection to God you will ever need. Your soul is the conduit that makes the world unite yet you work so hard to hide from that which offers the most comfort. It is time to set your life on fire and seek those who will fan your flames. The person to start with is the one that needs you the most.
We spend so much time and energy looking for love and pleasure in all the wrong places that we miss out on the real meaning of life. You have heard the old cliche "united we stand, divided we fall" that stands true with you and your soul. United, life makes sense and the possibilities are endless. Divided and life will be a series of dead ends, disappointments, bitterness, and loneliness. Embrace that which is inside you and experience the pieces of the puzzle that start to create a beautiful mosaic you never thought existed.
Stop spending your life building a wall that protects the rest of the world from seeing the depth of your soul that you refuse to see. It is time to break down the barriers and allow the light of your life to illuminate the world around you. Your soul united with you can bring a joy to the world that you could never imagine. If your life feels like something is missing, the answer may be closer than you think.
peace and God bless