Road to Grace
What is hidden in your heart? The pain of yesterday, the promise of tomorrow, the forbidden love, the shattered hope, or the wild at heart dream, whatever it is it is yours and yours alone. We love to share but then what we share becomes a fodder or worse a weapon to be used against you at a later date. We are left to keep our heart locked and our ability to trust tucked away.
I recall many years ago having to make a life altering decision. One that would effect not only me but others as well. The decision would have a serious negative financial impact but it would also have a serious positive spiritual and emotional impact. The question became in my heart, do I stay or do I go. The answer seemed so obvious but the decision and execution were so complicated. I needed to trust God to guide me yet that trust had been broken years ago. I enlisted friends that I knew would have my best interest at heart. We talked, we planned, we looked at all angles and in the end the decision was made.
Realizing as time went on the trust I placed in those friends was misguided, not because of them but because I chose not to trust God. The road ahead was laced with dead ends, pot holes, detours, one ways, wrong ways, and debris. Life was a tangled mess all because my heart was going one way but my mind and body were going another. As I sorted through the complications I thought to myself, why not give God another chance, what could it hurt. Just because the pain of yesterday had damaged my hope for tomorrow I felt there was still an ember of hope that if ignited could become a flame of saving grace.
I had to humble myself if I ever wanted to live the wild at heart dreams that seemed so far away. How do I get life back on track or worse how did I stray so far off course. I decided to simply sit back and have a conversation with God. I had no clue what this was going to look like, sound like, or feel like I just knew that if I was going to have hope in the future I had to find promise in today. The stage was set, I felt the best way to find quiet time was a relaxing drive with no music, no phone, no interruptions, just me and this elusive creator we all called God.
As the drive went i began to notice peace flowing through and out of me. I allowed the mistakes of my past to come screaming to the surface and right out the window. I was humbled and in awe of the beautiful sights that I had been blind to for so many years. My eyes were open yet the conversation had not even begun. As I drove I noticed a road sign that said "dead end" and at that moment I knew that God was speaking in terms I would understand. Looking back over life the road signs were always there I just chose to ignore them. I, like you, could have turned around at any given time. God had never left me I just never trusted him enough to allow him into my heart. I knew I had control of life yet looking back I was totally out of control.
Once I left ego and arrogance behind I found a love and passion for life that cannot be explained in words. Life still isn't easy, matter of fact it is tougher now than ever before. The difference is that I know I can trust God, trust people, and allow peace and love to guide me all the days of my life. Whether this journey is one month, one year, or fifty years I plan to live with the youthful dreams my heart and soul can create and I plan to share hope to everyone I come in contact. Life is great when you are livin a dream and just the mere act of breathing is enough reason to know that God is in you. The only thing you have to do is find the humility to believe that God has created in you the greatest miracle the world has ever seen.
peace and love
I recall many years ago having to make a life altering decision. One that would effect not only me but others as well. The decision would have a serious negative financial impact but it would also have a serious positive spiritual and emotional impact. The question became in my heart, do I stay or do I go. The answer seemed so obvious but the decision and execution were so complicated. I needed to trust God to guide me yet that trust had been broken years ago. I enlisted friends that I knew would have my best interest at heart. We talked, we planned, we looked at all angles and in the end the decision was made.
Realizing as time went on the trust I placed in those friends was misguided, not because of them but because I chose not to trust God. The road ahead was laced with dead ends, pot holes, detours, one ways, wrong ways, and debris. Life was a tangled mess all because my heart was going one way but my mind and body were going another. As I sorted through the complications I thought to myself, why not give God another chance, what could it hurt. Just because the pain of yesterday had damaged my hope for tomorrow I felt there was still an ember of hope that if ignited could become a flame of saving grace.
I had to humble myself if I ever wanted to live the wild at heart dreams that seemed so far away. How do I get life back on track or worse how did I stray so far off course. I decided to simply sit back and have a conversation with God. I had no clue what this was going to look like, sound like, or feel like I just knew that if I was going to have hope in the future I had to find promise in today. The stage was set, I felt the best way to find quiet time was a relaxing drive with no music, no phone, no interruptions, just me and this elusive creator we all called God.
As the drive went i began to notice peace flowing through and out of me. I allowed the mistakes of my past to come screaming to the surface and right out the window. I was humbled and in awe of the beautiful sights that I had been blind to for so many years. My eyes were open yet the conversation had not even begun. As I drove I noticed a road sign that said "dead end" and at that moment I knew that God was speaking in terms I would understand. Looking back over life the road signs were always there I just chose to ignore them. I, like you, could have turned around at any given time. God had never left me I just never trusted him enough to allow him into my heart. I knew I had control of life yet looking back I was totally out of control.
Once I left ego and arrogance behind I found a love and passion for life that cannot be explained in words. Life still isn't easy, matter of fact it is tougher now than ever before. The difference is that I know I can trust God, trust people, and allow peace and love to guide me all the days of my life. Whether this journey is one month, one year, or fifty years I plan to live with the youthful dreams my heart and soul can create and I plan to share hope to everyone I come in contact. Life is great when you are livin a dream and just the mere act of breathing is enough reason to know that God is in you. The only thing you have to do is find the humility to believe that God has created in you the greatest miracle the world has ever seen.
peace and love