Kicked out Cast out

I have written much lately about the massive decline in church attendance across America. I have read some great articles as to the why people are walking out in droves. I am not sure I can add much new information to this phenomenon that is cascading through our religious institutions but I will try. 

We must keep in mind that there are a large number of churches doing wonderful work in our communities, then there are those that operate like a business always seeking new methods of revenue. In the ladder group people are commodities. That may be difficult to fathom especially when referring to a place of worship. The hard line truth is though that without income these churches and church leaders cannot maintain the lifestyle they have become accustom to. It is like a new drug, it feels so good at first but soon it requires more, more, more, to attain the level of high that exhilarated us in the beginning. that is what some of the church leaders face. Still though we struggle to stomach the fact that the church that we trusted to guide our soul is merely operating as a recruiting station for new members. Without new members the dollars dry up.

When you follow the money trail you quickly see the influence that the heavy weight contributors have on the direction the church takes. They sit on the committees, the boards, the advisory staff, etc. Their influence is felt everywhere EXCEPT where it counts the most and that is the teaching of love, forgiveness, and acceptance. The powerful decide how everything gets done with little regard to the salvation of souls, which by the way is supposedly why churches exist. 

I don't blame churches for what has happened because we have accepted what has taken place and for the most part chosen to simply walk away. The leaders of these institutions are either blind to what is going on or they are trying to protect their positions. The ones that do step out and try in vain to make a difference find out quickly that the establishment has little to no interest in going after the ones that drifted away. The system is so out of touch with reality that there almost seems as though there is no hope for a renewal of heart within our religious communities. I, however, believe there is plenty of hope.

I recently saw the third part of the Hunger Game Trilogy, Mocking Jay. If you follow this series you will know at the core there is a small group trying to give back to the people that which has been taken. They want to strip the capital of it's power over people's thoughts and actions. The point I am trying to make is this, it doesn't take much effort to make a difference but it does take action. When there is genuine love for people, life, God, and self there is an opportunity for hope to create a passion in us so powerful that we can make a huge impact where it counts the most. 

So many people have simply accepted that church is what it is. They attend because it is the right thing to do, all the while hoping the preacher makes it quick so they can get the heck out. The message of Christ or God is not felt to many because the expectation is no longer there. For the one's that have been burned or broken with church life, there is little hope of getting them back without someone reaching out with love and letting them know that they matter. 

Now flipping this on it's head I must say that it doesn't take regular church attendance to be a great Christian. Does it help? Yes of course, as long as you are learning how to spread peace, love, forgiveness, and acceptance. I recall recently reading the powerful quote by Ghandi that goes like this, "I love your Christ, but not so much your Christians". I think that summed it up pretty clearly. Our churches are not teaching us how to be Christ like, they are teaching us how to be modern day Christians. Now think about what I am saying there. 

I, like many, have fallen away from regular church attendance. I have, however, gained more faith and spirituality in the last two years simply by meeting like minded people seeking the love of Christ and community through alternative methods. No longer are masses giving their hard earned money to the brick and mortar hierarchy to spend on lavish new additions to attract more influential donors. The masses are rebelling with love and showing that they can spread the message of hope and peace without the conformity that has subtly crept into these institutions over the years. 

I do see plenty of hope on the horizon. I see love in the air and it scares to death many that are trying desperately to cling to the old ways of doing business. I see people working with the poor, helping the elderly, visiting in hospital and nursing homes, ministering in jails and prisons, and feeding the hungry. I see people reaching hearts that were once so hard that it seemed hopeless to ever get them back. The wave has begun and love is truly in the air. I have no idea whether churches will ever break down walls and embrace the love that Christ gave us. Regardless we, the independents can continue to gain the momentum needed so that we can show the world that we are not the lost sheep, we are actually the one's making the things happen. The lost, in my opinion, are the churches that stopped teaching love and started teaching conformity. We are the ones that are found and our numbers are growing. We must however make sure that we continue to spread the right message which is always peace, love, acceptance, and forgiveness. There can never be an air of ego, pride, or vanity, if so we fall into the snare that snagged churches years ago. The difference we must make is one of absolute love for humanity. 

I realize as I write this that it will not be popular and I am okay with that. I realize also that people fear to display the thoughts that they carry around in their minds as it relates to faith, religion, and spirituality. It is as if it is a death sentence to publicly question the direction of our faith based institutions. We are taught to just be quiet and conform. I believe that through each of us that feel kicked out or cast out that our public display of love can open doors and move hearts in ways that have not been done before. Please, never think that you are not worthy of the love of God. Do not allow your broken relationship with church or life convince you that there is no hope for a restoration of soul and spirit. You have everything it takes right this minute to point your life in a wonderful direction. Just know that you are God's Greatest Miracle and NO ONE can strip that title from you. You were chosen to make a difference in the lives of many and it is up to you to heed that call. Do we matter? Emphatically yes we sure do. Our numbers are growing exponentially and I believe in the years to come it will be the cast out Christians that will pave the way for peace, love and hope to permeate through our hearts and into the lives of many. 

peace to you


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