A Lack of Passion can be Fatal
I write often about purpose and passion. Today I would love to expand on both of those. Your purpose is not what you do to bring home a paycheck. Your purpose is what you were put on earth to do with such intensity that it becomes your spiritual calling. Igniting your passion is another way of expressing your love for self and for life. A lack of passion can be fatal. Maybe not in the physical sense but certainly in the spiritual and emotional sense.
The biggest challenge we face in our lives as it relates to purpose and passion is how exactly do we find it. I wish I had a magical answer or I could simply offer some guru type advice but I don't think it works that way. I can however share some thoughts that I believe can facilitate a change in thinking that will pave the way for the passionate winds of purpose to blow into your being and stir a miracle that you thought would be impossible.
When was the last time you did something that truly felt great inside and out? I bet whatever it was did not make you money, in fact it may have cost you money but it felt as if you made a difference. I think for us to find, create, shape, share, or mold our life purpose we must find the courage to get in tune with who we are from the depth of our soul to the surface of our skin. We have to shed the fallacy that we are too old, to slow, to poor, or to sick. We not only need to find what makes us feel good, we deserve it in our lives. If we desire to find purpose that will lead to passion we have to be willing to accept that change has to occur. It is much easier to find excuses as to why we can't do something than it is to find the courage to step out and do something.
I recall several years ago meeting a lady while in the hospital for cancer treatment. This lady was suffering from pancreatic cancer and was obviously not long for this world. From the moment I first met her though I could feel that her purpose was to bring hope to others. She used that purpose with such passion that people migrated to her positive energy. She had no money, she was very sick, however in the worst of times she found her God given purpose that fueled a passion that drove her life with such intensity that you wanted a piece of what she had. The point to sharing that little story is to show you that no matter where you are in life you still have time to step up, stand out, and make a difference.
I, like many, felt for years that there was something incomplete about my life. I had a great family, a wonderful job, enjoyed teaching and being involved in church, yet something was still missing. I knew it wasn't materialistic, for me I felt as though it was something spiritual. As my writing shifted from what I felt people wanted to hear, towards truly what my heart and soul felt, my purpose became clear to me. With that purpose evolving my passion drove me in such a way that impacted my life in a direction I never thought possible.
I now have a blog that reaches out to people in a myriad of ways. From people seeking self identity, to those searching for their spiritual bearings. I realized that God placed me here to feel the heartbeat of the ones that did not have the strength YET to stand out from the crowd. I felt the wounds that people receive when they try to face the fact that they are different but the religious community works diligently to convince them that it is the devil working on them and through prayer they can conform to the small world they expect you to live in. I felt the pain of the ones that society deemed as outcast because they looked different or acted different than the cookie cutter world in which we are supposed to adapt to. I knew that my purpose was to show unconditional love to everyone regardless of who they are or what sins they carry in their hearts. I knew that if I could teach people that how they viewed the future was much more important than how they viewed their past that I could somehow provide them hope that just might fuel their dreams once again. With dreams purpose is born and when that purpose is given the opportunity passion comes alive.
It is my sincere hope that each of you finds the courage to be the best version of yourself possible. Remember you do not have to do what everyone else is doing. We only have one life but this one life is enough if we chose to live it. Let go of the excuses why you can't and find reasons why you can. Lack of passion is indeed fatal. I have always said that one of the great tragedies of life is spending all your time dying while you are living. This world needs what God placed in you but you are the only one that can let it out. I may be able to stimulate hope but it is you that has to bring your God given purpose and passion to the surface. Let's choose to live and when we do I bet we can make a difference in so many lives that collectively we can make the world a better place to live.
peace and much love
The biggest challenge we face in our lives as it relates to purpose and passion is how exactly do we find it. I wish I had a magical answer or I could simply offer some guru type advice but I don't think it works that way. I can however share some thoughts that I believe can facilitate a change in thinking that will pave the way for the passionate winds of purpose to blow into your being and stir a miracle that you thought would be impossible.
When was the last time you did something that truly felt great inside and out? I bet whatever it was did not make you money, in fact it may have cost you money but it felt as if you made a difference. I think for us to find, create, shape, share, or mold our life purpose we must find the courage to get in tune with who we are from the depth of our soul to the surface of our skin. We have to shed the fallacy that we are too old, to slow, to poor, or to sick. We not only need to find what makes us feel good, we deserve it in our lives. If we desire to find purpose that will lead to passion we have to be willing to accept that change has to occur. It is much easier to find excuses as to why we can't do something than it is to find the courage to step out and do something.
I recall several years ago meeting a lady while in the hospital for cancer treatment. This lady was suffering from pancreatic cancer and was obviously not long for this world. From the moment I first met her though I could feel that her purpose was to bring hope to others. She used that purpose with such passion that people migrated to her positive energy. She had no money, she was very sick, however in the worst of times she found her God given purpose that fueled a passion that drove her life with such intensity that you wanted a piece of what she had. The point to sharing that little story is to show you that no matter where you are in life you still have time to step up, stand out, and make a difference.
I, like many, felt for years that there was something incomplete about my life. I had a great family, a wonderful job, enjoyed teaching and being involved in church, yet something was still missing. I knew it wasn't materialistic, for me I felt as though it was something spiritual. As my writing shifted from what I felt people wanted to hear, towards truly what my heart and soul felt, my purpose became clear to me. With that purpose evolving my passion drove me in such a way that impacted my life in a direction I never thought possible.
I now have a blog that reaches out to people in a myriad of ways. From people seeking self identity, to those searching for their spiritual bearings. I realized that God placed me here to feel the heartbeat of the ones that did not have the strength YET to stand out from the crowd. I felt the wounds that people receive when they try to face the fact that they are different but the religious community works diligently to convince them that it is the devil working on them and through prayer they can conform to the small world they expect you to live in. I felt the pain of the ones that society deemed as outcast because they looked different or acted different than the cookie cutter world in which we are supposed to adapt to. I knew that my purpose was to show unconditional love to everyone regardless of who they are or what sins they carry in their hearts. I knew that if I could teach people that how they viewed the future was much more important than how they viewed their past that I could somehow provide them hope that just might fuel their dreams once again. With dreams purpose is born and when that purpose is given the opportunity passion comes alive.
It is my sincere hope that each of you finds the courage to be the best version of yourself possible. Remember you do not have to do what everyone else is doing. We only have one life but this one life is enough if we chose to live it. Let go of the excuses why you can't and find reasons why you can. Lack of passion is indeed fatal. I have always said that one of the great tragedies of life is spending all your time dying while you are living. This world needs what God placed in you but you are the only one that can let it out. I may be able to stimulate hope but it is you that has to bring your God given purpose and passion to the surface. Let's choose to live and when we do I bet we can make a difference in so many lives that collectively we can make the world a better place to live.
peace and much love