Stop feeding the sharks!
For now act as if you deserve to be happy and fulfilled. Eventually your mind will catch up with your heart. I believe in the power of positive thinking even when we think our world is hopeless. Everyday people come up and ask me if I really believe in all that positive junk I rattle off. My response is, absolutely I do. We bath our bodies daily to remove the dirt and I believe putting positive in our minds removes the grime that comes at us as we journey our day.
Do you ever feel as though you cling to people, places, things, memories, or bad habits that you know for a fact are self destructing? Well be assured to some extent we all do. Even though growth comes through change, we tend to be more comfortable with the devil we know. I feel blessed to meet so many people throughout the year that have over come tremendous obstacles in life. I also have the privilege of meeting people that struggle to put one foot in front of the other. You may wonder why some can face the mountain and begin the climb while others are stuck in the mud at the bottom.
Life is risky business, as you know. It isn't easy to get from one day to the next. We are all either entering a storm, in a storm, or coming out of a storm. No one escapes life without serious conflict and loss. I know that you many feel as though your life gets more than it's far share of crap but that isn't true. Life is just life, it is filled daily with so many ups and downs that honestly we should be dizzy from the time we get up till the time we go to bed. I guess one of the questions I get asked the most is, does it have to be that way or is this all there is to look forward to in my life. I will conclude this blog with my thoughts.
God gave us the gift of life, what we do with it is up to us. We all will make good and bad decisions in life yet for some weird reason we allow the bad to control our destiny. Hope anchors the soul but we can't have hope when we stay attached to the stones that keep us locked in the tomb of dome. It is important that we never allow someone else's negative opinion of us become our reality. We have a choice to stay close to those that either pull us down or lift us up. I have witnessed countless times remarkable transformations in life from people that were convinced they were hopeless. It takes a starting point and a focus. It also takes changing your sphere of influence. You can't change your life for the better by clinging to the same things that got you to where you are. It is crucial that you break the chains that are holding you back. Keep telling yourself that you deserve to be happy.
Faith can move mountains but don't be surprised if God hands you a shovel. You have to be active participants in the miracles you expect. Consider how you build a relationship with friends, family, or lovers. It takes communication from both sides. It takes action, work, commitment, and it takes determination. You can't just sit at home and hope a relationship develops. So to with your relationship with God. It takes communication through prayer and meditation. It takes learning to believe in yourself and have faith that God created you with the best clay in the world. You cannot make your life better by sitting back and hoping something good happens. Look in the mirror to see the person that can change your life.
I hope you understand what I just wrote. It takes a relationship with God and self in order to bring a renewal of hope in your life. Once your focus becomes clear it will provide you the strength to remove the excess baggage that is weighing you down. Let me give you one final hint as you go about your Metanoia (latin for conversion) you have to STOP engaging in negative conversations with others because all that does is feed the sharks. Avoid negative talk at all cost. I do realize that there are people that live to complain and if that just happens to be you it is time to quit. Positive in promotes positive out. It will not happen over night but I will assure you that if you make it your goal to be the reason someone else smiles today that you will reap rewards greater than you ever imagined possible. Decide today to take your life back. When setbacks occur, and they will, use them as set ups so you can keep the dream alive. This is your time so DO NOT allow anyone to dull your shine.
God bless
Do you ever feel as though you cling to people, places, things, memories, or bad habits that you know for a fact are self destructing? Well be assured to some extent we all do. Even though growth comes through change, we tend to be more comfortable with the devil we know. I feel blessed to meet so many people throughout the year that have over come tremendous obstacles in life. I also have the privilege of meeting people that struggle to put one foot in front of the other. You may wonder why some can face the mountain and begin the climb while others are stuck in the mud at the bottom.
Life is risky business, as you know. It isn't easy to get from one day to the next. We are all either entering a storm, in a storm, or coming out of a storm. No one escapes life without serious conflict and loss. I know that you many feel as though your life gets more than it's far share of crap but that isn't true. Life is just life, it is filled daily with so many ups and downs that honestly we should be dizzy from the time we get up till the time we go to bed. I guess one of the questions I get asked the most is, does it have to be that way or is this all there is to look forward to in my life. I will conclude this blog with my thoughts.
God gave us the gift of life, what we do with it is up to us. We all will make good and bad decisions in life yet for some weird reason we allow the bad to control our destiny. Hope anchors the soul but we can't have hope when we stay attached to the stones that keep us locked in the tomb of dome. It is important that we never allow someone else's negative opinion of us become our reality. We have a choice to stay close to those that either pull us down or lift us up. I have witnessed countless times remarkable transformations in life from people that were convinced they were hopeless. It takes a starting point and a focus. It also takes changing your sphere of influence. You can't change your life for the better by clinging to the same things that got you to where you are. It is crucial that you break the chains that are holding you back. Keep telling yourself that you deserve to be happy.
Faith can move mountains but don't be surprised if God hands you a shovel. You have to be active participants in the miracles you expect. Consider how you build a relationship with friends, family, or lovers. It takes communication from both sides. It takes action, work, commitment, and it takes determination. You can't just sit at home and hope a relationship develops. So to with your relationship with God. It takes communication through prayer and meditation. It takes learning to believe in yourself and have faith that God created you with the best clay in the world. You cannot make your life better by sitting back and hoping something good happens. Look in the mirror to see the person that can change your life.
I hope you understand what I just wrote. It takes a relationship with God and self in order to bring a renewal of hope in your life. Once your focus becomes clear it will provide you the strength to remove the excess baggage that is weighing you down. Let me give you one final hint as you go about your Metanoia (latin for conversion) you have to STOP engaging in negative conversations with others because all that does is feed the sharks. Avoid negative talk at all cost. I do realize that there are people that live to complain and if that just happens to be you it is time to quit. Positive in promotes positive out. It will not happen over night but I will assure you that if you make it your goal to be the reason someone else smiles today that you will reap rewards greater than you ever imagined possible. Decide today to take your life back. When setbacks occur, and they will, use them as set ups so you can keep the dream alive. This is your time so DO NOT allow anyone to dull your shine.
God bless