The View

Always end your day with a positive thought. No matter how bad things WERE, tomorrow is another opportunity to make things better. Consider something with me for just a moment. Two people viewing the exact same thing, one views it as positive and beautiful and the other as negative or ugly. What makes the difference? The view.

You have heard the old quote, "you can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or be thankful because thorn bushes have roses. I think that is very applicable in life, business, and relationships.

I have seen, as you have too, relationships and businesses fail all because the view is blurred with negativity. I will admit many people around me get tired of me always trying to find the positive in every situation, but I hope you would agree that there is a far greater chance of life becoming infinitely better if we see the positive more so than the negative.

We live in a society that will look at you up and down before they look into your eyes. Which simply means that each of us, to some extent, are being judged not by the content of our character, but by who others think that we are. Keep in mind that you might be the one doing the judging. Absorb that for just a moment, these are some powerful words. You see healing doesn't mean the damage never existed it means the damage no longer controls you. All it takes is changing the way you view life circumstances. It isn't others we must heal, it is ourselves. It is our heart, mind, body, and soul that needs our positive attention each and every day.

I have spent years sharing my thoughts about hope, peace, faith, love, and yes religion. Even in the midst of life changing times I always feel as though I share my feelings with a positive tone. Many that know me personally, know that I allowed religion to take a break in my life so as to find who I truly am spiritually and faithfully. I did that with a very open and positive mind, heart, and soul. It opened my eyes to so much around me that I was otherwise oblivious too. I think that stands true in many facets of life. I saw the ugly side of religion, but instead of it making me bitter I allowed it to make me better. Why? Because I have seen the good and the bad and I prefer to focus my energy on the good even while sharing what I think are areas of opportunity for us to grow spiritually.

Recently I read about a woman in FL that wrote her own obituary. I realize that it isn't uncommon for people to do that, however this one really stood out to me. She said and I quote, "I was born, I blinked, and it was over". She went on too say that no streets were named after her, no monuments erected in her honor yet she did have the privilege to love her family and friends. A couple days after reading that I met a wonderful lady battling stage four cancer. She shared with me some life thoughts that I felt would be a nice insert into this blog. She said that she lived life fast, walking over most people and taking others for granted. She never could do enough, have enough, or go enough. Life was filled with stress each and every day. She said that everything to her was ugly and bitter UNTIL that moment when she got her diagnoses. She said that she walked out of the doctors office and for the first time looked around at God's amazing creation and realized how beautiful it truly was. All the sudden each person she came in contact with was filled with love. What changed? Her view.

How do you view the world and the people in it? Life is not easy, never has been, never will be. We can however make it much better by understanding that every person of whom we meet has a story. They suffer loss, pain, and stress just as we do. We can ease their pain and ours as well by simply being the smile and light in someone else's day. I hope as you have read through this you have found a nugget of gold or a glimmer of hope that can entice you too always end your day with a positive thought. Hope anchors the soul and a little bit of love can comfort the deepest wounds. All that has to start with letting go of the negative and inviting in the positive.

Peace be with you


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