Conspiracy Theory

This morning after my run I sit down to do my blogging. I had an idea what I wanted to write about yet the inspiration for it eluded me. Now here it is late in the day and once again I dare to sink my brain cells into the depths of spiritual belonging all the while considering the dangers of religious aloofness.

I try as I may to understand the cortex of religion but as I meander around the parameter of the word being spoken somehow I find myself wandering why I even bother. It seems as though the motivation to bring people closer to faith usually has an air of money and membership. I suppose that is why this morning I struggled so to write exactly what my feelings were. I struggle at times because I always want to accept people's position even when it is different than mine. So the thoughts I share are my thoughts and trust me I totally respect yours.

 I feel as though the passion for human love has somehow escaped the world in which we live. The one's that truly desire to express that love are looked upon as second class citizens. In my simple little world I have found that being kind generates much more social belonging than being cynical does. It makes me wonder why we live in such a place and time that unless it is controversial it absolutely will not get attention. I see the same thing being preached from the pulpits and written in so called faith based periodicals. Our platform is about showing us what is wrong with the world instead of eyeing what is right. To give this some validity just scroll through social media and see how many people share what is wrong verses the ones that share love and what is right.

It seems to be the goal of media as well as some religious to program us in such a way that provokes paranoia and fear in every facet of our lives. For many years I bought into this game of thorns, but once I realized that the thorn bush had roses I shifted my focus and found the beauty not the beast. I say this so much I bet you could recite it with me, yet I must repeat it once again as it fits so aptly into this blog. The way we see the world IS NOT the way the world is, it is the way we are. Please allow that to soak in. If you have prejudices or act in ways that others see you as a bigot, that does not mean the world is sick and confused it may simply mean that your view is out of focus. People are inherently good yet when we cast them out for their beliefs or shun them from society it is akin to a cat with his back against the wall. We leave others with no option but to turn their backs on a society that has the means to be good.

I will assume that most reading this are Christians. That does not mean you attend church I simply mean that you believe in Christ. With that being said, how well do you think Christ would appreciate the manner in which you treat people that are different than you? Keep thinking for a minute this is about to get good. I often tell those close to me that drama DOES NOT creep into your life, you either accept it, invite it, or participate in it. Now I have your attention. You see Christ taught us to love NOT hate. He taught us to accept not reject. He taught us to forgive not condemn. Love heals even the deepest wounds, yet in order for love to have a chance we must focus on building bridges while tearing down walls. Consider for a minute that your view of the world is wrong. Maybe there isn't all these conspiracy theories that the media loves to propagate so that division will keep happening. Maybe just maybe those groups of people that you choose not to associate with hold the key that unlocks your dreams.  If you believe Christ is the creator and he created everyone with love then I think we owe to our creator to ask ourselves continually why we choose not to love.

I am sure by now you are tiring of my rambling, which I understand. I will try to bring this to a conclusion that makes sense. Compassion opens the threshold of love in so many more ways than condemnation every will. I have a feeling if we all had to taste our words before we spit them out we would realize how much better compassion tasted. If you claim to be a follower of Christ please take a moment to look in the mirror. While you are focusing on the person looking back in the glass ask this very simple question: All the walls I build, all the drama I create, all the anger I express, the grudges I hold, the people I hate, what would Jesus do if he were me? Folks it takes all of us working together to make this world wonderful. We were created uniquely different by a power far greater than we are. We are different in color, gender, sexual orientation, we are even different in physical ability and appearance yet we are one in Christ. When you hate your neighbor, gossip about a friend, trash talk a co-worker the words you speak are spoken to Christ. Let's trade all the hate for love. Together we can make this life worth living but first we have to choose to live it.

Let me leave you with two quotes. Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

The last quote is: Like or dislike whoever you want, BUT NEVER insult, disrespect or humiliate anyone.

peace and love


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