End Time Prophecy
I got an email from a gentleman that reads my blog in New Zealand and ask me to share my thoughts on end time prophecy. Let me make a disclaimer here and now as I discuss this polarizing topic. What I am about to write is my opinion only, I do however use facts to discuss history but other than that this is my faith wisdom.
I have always told people that if you hear someone prophesying or predicting end times or second comings please love them from a distance. I have had the privilege and honor of sitting in on many friendly discussion groups that desired to share their so called "discovery of the truth". As always, then and now, I listen with the utmost respect and most of the times I do not rebuttal for the sake of relationships and deadends. With that let's get going.
From the earliest Christians people have been predicting end times and second comings. I have no problem with making sure your life is lived in such away that you are prepared for the day your earthly existence comes to and end. Matter of fact I suggest living in such a manner. As for decoding scripture in an effort to reveal some secret date that Christ will come again I believe goes against why Christianity was formed in the first place.
Take a look back at history. Many of you know that I love studying early church and Christian history as well as end times prophecy history. It is rather amazing that EVERY generation has predicted that the end is near. With some sense of humor I enjoy reading all the prophecies over the years about the anti christ, 666, Armageddon, etc. Each prediction fits into the times in which the so called prophet lived. One thing I am confident of, when John wrote the book of Revelations, he wasn't thinking in the back of his mind "hey to bad folks will not understand my writing until the year 2015 when so and so is revealed to be the true anti christ". That wasn't the case at all. John was writing Revelations in apocalyptic language to an audience that understood what he meant.
Over the years there have been unbelievable famine that wiped out large percentages of the global population. There have been times of one world governments, plaques of astronomical proportion, killings in the name of the Church, crusades, oh let's not forget that right here in America early Christians killed innocent women that they thought were witches. If killing for the Church wasn't bad enough take a ride through the Old Testament and see how violent and viscous people were, all in the name of God. Each one of these brought forth more predictions that God was cleansing the earth. We tend to overlook the concept of free will here because we can't seem to fit it in.
I would also like to point out that in reading end time prophecies over the centuries various groups or sects have used fear motivation due to flooding, fires, earth quakes, hurricanes, etc. Basically every tactic that is used today to predict end times has been used for 2000 years. Funny how much things change they also stay the same.
In summation, my thoughts have always been to love people. Treat people with respect. God created us all different in ways we will never understand. Some are born crippled, some are born without arms or legs, some are born in impoverished countries where they literally have little to no hope of a life we would call normal. Some were born gay (sad to say this will probably get the most attention), some were born straight, some men were born masculine some feminine. Some women were born feminine while some were born masculine. The point is we must appreciate the differences and stop hating that which we do not understand. We very well may be living in end times, however if history is any indication of the future each person reading this will die from natural or environmental causes instead of the second coming. Preaching end times does not draw people to Christ matter of fact it pushes them away in mass. Let's change the world around us by using the power of love. It can be done, it has been done, and it will be done. As I have said for years I believe we are in the midst of a renaissance movement of peace and love the likes the world has never seen. If it were not for social media and instant information we would not be trying to use all the atrocities of the world as end time prophecy. Could you imagine what the world would have thought if social media existed during the Salem witch trials or the Crusades. I guess that is a subject for another blog.
In closing remember these are just my thoughts. I have no expertise on the subject, but hey neither does anyone else. My predictions are about as accurate as anyone's. With that being said I am going to continue with my love renaissance. I would also like to say that I have many many Christian friends in clergy or theological positions. I totally respect their stand point and appreciate their friendships and debates over the years. As for me I have allowed God to come alive inside my heart, mind, and soul in such a way that I feel that only peace, love, and forgiveness can pour forth from me. I am certainly human in every aspect. I will make stupid mistakes, lose my temper, sin daily, but through it all I know that I am loved.
peace and love
I have always told people that if you hear someone prophesying or predicting end times or second comings please love them from a distance. I have had the privilege and honor of sitting in on many friendly discussion groups that desired to share their so called "discovery of the truth". As always, then and now, I listen with the utmost respect and most of the times I do not rebuttal for the sake of relationships and deadends. With that let's get going.
From the earliest Christians people have been predicting end times and second comings. I have no problem with making sure your life is lived in such away that you are prepared for the day your earthly existence comes to and end. Matter of fact I suggest living in such a manner. As for decoding scripture in an effort to reveal some secret date that Christ will come again I believe goes against why Christianity was formed in the first place.
Take a look back at history. Many of you know that I love studying early church and Christian history as well as end times prophecy history. It is rather amazing that EVERY generation has predicted that the end is near. With some sense of humor I enjoy reading all the prophecies over the years about the anti christ, 666, Armageddon, etc. Each prediction fits into the times in which the so called prophet lived. One thing I am confident of, when John wrote the book of Revelations, he wasn't thinking in the back of his mind "hey to bad folks will not understand my writing until the year 2015 when so and so is revealed to be the true anti christ". That wasn't the case at all. John was writing Revelations in apocalyptic language to an audience that understood what he meant.
Over the years there have been unbelievable famine that wiped out large percentages of the global population. There have been times of one world governments, plaques of astronomical proportion, killings in the name of the Church, crusades, oh let's not forget that right here in America early Christians killed innocent women that they thought were witches. If killing for the Church wasn't bad enough take a ride through the Old Testament and see how violent and viscous people were, all in the name of God. Each one of these brought forth more predictions that God was cleansing the earth. We tend to overlook the concept of free will here because we can't seem to fit it in.
I would also like to point out that in reading end time prophecies over the centuries various groups or sects have used fear motivation due to flooding, fires, earth quakes, hurricanes, etc. Basically every tactic that is used today to predict end times has been used for 2000 years. Funny how much things change they also stay the same.
In summation, my thoughts have always been to love people. Treat people with respect. God created us all different in ways we will never understand. Some are born crippled, some are born without arms or legs, some are born in impoverished countries where they literally have little to no hope of a life we would call normal. Some were born gay (sad to say this will probably get the most attention), some were born straight, some men were born masculine some feminine. Some women were born feminine while some were born masculine. The point is we must appreciate the differences and stop hating that which we do not understand. We very well may be living in end times, however if history is any indication of the future each person reading this will die from natural or environmental causes instead of the second coming. Preaching end times does not draw people to Christ matter of fact it pushes them away in mass. Let's change the world around us by using the power of love. It can be done, it has been done, and it will be done. As I have said for years I believe we are in the midst of a renaissance movement of peace and love the likes the world has never seen. If it were not for social media and instant information we would not be trying to use all the atrocities of the world as end time prophecy. Could you imagine what the world would have thought if social media existed during the Salem witch trials or the Crusades. I guess that is a subject for another blog.
In closing remember these are just my thoughts. I have no expertise on the subject, but hey neither does anyone else. My predictions are about as accurate as anyone's. With that being said I am going to continue with my love renaissance. I would also like to say that I have many many Christian friends in clergy or theological positions. I totally respect their stand point and appreciate their friendships and debates over the years. As for me I have allowed God to come alive inside my heart, mind, and soul in such a way that I feel that only peace, love, and forgiveness can pour forth from me. I am certainly human in every aspect. I will make stupid mistakes, lose my temper, sin daily, but through it all I know that I am loved.
peace and love