I like Dreaming

Do you remember those wonderful summer (really any season) nights when you allowed your dreams to run rampant. You had the mind and star power to live a fantasy future life with total abandon. I recall those nights so long ago all to well. Riding around visualizing the future while escaping from the pains of the present. I knew at that moment in time that I was going to be somebody that would make others feel like somebody. Nothing was going to stop me from being the best I could be. Oh the wonderful youthful enthusiasm those dream produced. I could sail the seas, climb the highest mountains, cure cancer, travel the world, make millions, and bring smiles and hope to the faces of many.

Life has a way of bringing us to our knees all the while teaching us the fine art of humility. We dream, we live, we dream, we live, then there comes a point in time we give up our dreams and just live. But the cycle doesn't end there, if we are not careful before you know it we no longer live, we simply exist as a mere shell of our once vibrant self. It begs the question what happened? 

The question is where I want to share thoughts for this blog post. I, like you, have journeyed the roads of life. Some bumpy, some smooth, yet all brought me exactly to the point I am. The dreams of which I will never see breached a climatic point in my life due to the ever powerful words and wisdom of others convincing me that my dreams were ridiculous. I succumbed to those ever strong words of knowledge only to find myself in the same place as others on that deep dark path. I was on the train bound for nowhere and any place was a better place for me. How did the dream turn to reality and reality turn to night mare?
Was I simply riding the storm out so too speak? Did life truly not have meaning? Were we placed here just to get from point A to point B with absolutely no purpose for our existence. Once I pushed out the thoughts and persuasion of others and I allowed the power of light to enter my soul then and only then did I see the manifestation of God begin to take place. I saw the power of love diligently working to push through the iron curtain that had been built up inside me. As I allowed the light to move through me I noticed the once thick walls slowly but surely come tumbling down. What once seemed liked clouds so thick that the mere thought of sunshine was a foreboding mental mirage, was now being replaced by images of brightness that had beauty beyond words. Life wasn't a hopeless endeavor without meaning or purpose. In fact life was still a dream with so much room to grow and expand.

What changed me from existence to growth? The power of life. We all find ourselves breathing but few ever find themselves truly living. We were not born to die, we were born to dream. There is nor will there ever be a time to stop dreaming. We cannot allow ourselves to get caught up in the media driven world of nightmares. There is so much more good in this world than there is bad and there is so much more to dream about and do. We cannot sit idly by while others live our lives for us. It is 100% up to us to allow the light of the world to shine brightly in and through us. No one can make us miserable or steal our dreams without our permission. We must let go of that which no longer serves us. Also in an effort to go after our dreams and live our lives to our fullest potential we MUST and I repeat with emphasis MUST allow the dreams of others to grow and develop too. Our dreams are not the dreams of others as theirs is not ours yet together amazing things happen. When we utilize our individuality to be an expression of God's love our dreams and the dreams of others will begin to shape our world in ways much greater than we ever imagined. Never underestimate the awesome power of love and of humans. We were created to do extra-ordinary things.  The world is NOT coming to an end soon. The best is yet to come. We, in my opinion, are in the early stages of a love renaissance the likes of which the world has never seen. It will be diligently fought by the same forces that work so hard to kill our dreams. The power of the people and the power of love however will prove to be a force so strong that the dark will turn to light. As for me, well I am starting to dream again. I am about to make the rest of my life the best of my life.

peace to you


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