Painkillers, Pile drivers, and Cecil the Lion.
I would say by now most people have heard of the killing of Cecil the Lion. If you have heard the story you have also most likely formed opinions as to how other people should or should not have felt. I, like many, read through social media post blasting the dentist that killed Cecil. I also read through the post of the folks that blasted the people that posted about Cecil yet did not post anything about Planned Parenthood. This senseless killing prompted so many people to share emotions that oddly enough united some while polarizing others. Beings that you know me you have probably already figured out that this blog post is not about Cecil or Planned Parenthood, it is about our humanity.
I had a dear friend in high school that in my opinion was one of the prettiest and sweetest girls on earth. I knew she would go on after school and do great things with her life. Her heart and soul were just too big to be contained in small town America. As the years went by the only memory I had of her was an occasional glance through a HS yearbook. One day though a friend shared with me the story of her getting addicted to painkillers and how her life spiraled out of control. She was incarcerated for years due to her addiction and crimes that supported that addiction. I was able to gain the permits needed to visit her a few times. I will never forget the hope in her eyes as she neared her release. She had dreams of getting her life together and helping others to avoid the same life pitfalls she succumb to. I wish this story had a happy ending but it doesn't. After her release she developed cancer and died before she was able to fulfill her dreams.
This last week here in my hometown of Jackson TN a beautiful young couple was leaving the movie theater and was involved in a tragic accident that claimed both their lives. The couple had four young kids between them and amazing love for each other. With a lifetime of hopes, dreams, adventure, and fun family times ahead it looked as though their lives were on divine cruise control. However in a matter of seconds it all changed. Now four young kids will be left picking up the pieces as will family and friends that loved them dearly.
In the first paragraph I spoke of Cecil the Lion and the man who killed him. That man, a dentist and family man, was respected in his community and had a nice business, however one act changed his destiny forever. As you have ascertained by now life is a series of circumstances and choices. Some totally within our control and some totally out of our control.
January 9th of this year after a nice morning five mile run, my running buddy died of cardiac arrest. He was a picture of health and a wonderful human being. I will treasure forever the stories we shared on our morning runs. We shared each others joys and sorrows. I always looked forward to our morning runs and then in an instant it was over.
There are people that died yesterday that had hopes and dreams for today. Life is dynamic not static. Change is inevitable yet growth is optional. We all will surely die but to truly live is the rarest thing on earth. I did not write this blog to be sad I wrote it to be an eye opener. I challenge everyone to live, love, dream, and hope. As long as we are breathing we should be truly living. We may be products of our past but we do not have to be prisoners to it. I will never forget the day I was diagnosed with cancer. It was as if a light turned on in my life that instructed me to stop dying and start living. We all have those defining moments in life to where we realize just how fragile and finite we are. Life should be about living in the present with wisdom gained from the past and a keen eye on a bright hopeful future.
Even though we live in an age of instant information I challenge you to be cautious how you use the communication that is at your fingertips. Whether you are sharing your thoughts about Cecil the Lion, the man who killed him, Planned Parenthood, a friend or loved who died, or your own personal battle, always remember that we all have a story to tell, we are all fighting internal battles you know absolutely nothing about. It is incumbent on us to be kind always. Our agenda does not have to be someone else's agenda. What you deem as the most important issue of the day may not be so important to the next person. It takes us all living our lives to the fullest to make this world a wonderful place. Let's all find a place in our hearts to love, forgive, accept, and appreciate the fact that God created us different. Life is tough enough without each of us trying to force our agenda's and feelings on someone else. We are not in some wrestling ring trying to see who can survive the next pile driver, in reality we are just spectators watching the world go by all the while working diligently to find where we fit in. We must stop waiting on life to happen and go out and make life happen in a wonderful amazing ways. If hope anchors the soul then dreams anchor passion. Together we can create a force of love so strong that we will not have room in our hearts for anything negative. I am choosing to live my life and in doing so I hope to somehow someway be the reason someone else smiles today.
May you find peace in your day