Darkness to Light
With so much information at our fingertips you would think that finding answers to life questions would get easier, but they seem to become more complex. Everyone seems to have the solutions to these complexities yet none seem to work. There are those that say BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE. Well I am not saying don't believe, but I am saying that there is so much more to having a life of meaning. It is said that darkness is the absence of light. I wonder how many of us realize that we are walking through the dusk toward the tunnel of darkness with bright lights in the distance. No, I am not referring to living a life of sin because The Devil made me do something. That is way to elementary, I am talking about the coercion in life that place us on a path that we think is laced with hopes and dreams only to find out that the road was filled with ditches and valley's that can swallow us up before we know it. When we give up we settle for the valley, yet when we get up we learn to appreciate the journey toward the light.
Yes, this is life, we live in darkness seeking light, not in the light being attracted by darkness. Our model of the world in which we live is so vastly different than the world as it really is. Each person views the world differently. Why? Because life is like a video game filled with millions of possible outcomes. No two scenarios are alike nor are any two outcomes. We live in the darkness with a keen eye toward the light. We make choices that alter the outcome. They can be either good or bad based on your perspective. From my vantage point it is so hard to navigate towards the light of life as long as we allow others to be our pilot. This is where the blog meets the fork in the road. Some would tell you that we should live our lives in the shadows of others, however I believe strongly that we should always strive to be the best version of ourselves possible. You can't do that as long as you are a shadow of someone else's life. That in and of itself is confusion between light and darkness.
Light is visible to us all, we just seem to lose our way as we try to drive toward it. You would think that it would be impossible to get lost when the illumination is so obvious. If we live in darkness yet we can see the light, why can't we just reach out and get it. If that is your question then you will love where this blog is going. Stay with me because the twist is about to happen.
There are those that listen only with the intent to reply, instead of the intent to understand, they will miss the value of what I am about to say. There are those reading this that have drifted off into the religious side of things muttering words to themselves like, he must not know the power of Jesus. Well, this blog wasn't written to be religious, it was written to be human. The darkness is a symbol of death and the light is a symbol of life. If we lived in the light with an eye toward darkness that would indicate that we are living our lives as if we are dying. However if we live in the darkness with an eye toward the light that means we are focusing on living. To live is the rarest thing on earth most people simply exist.
Let's focus our lives on living and not dying. Let's not allow others to have control of who we are or where we can go. The possibilities and potential for what we can do are endless. Do not build walls around yourself based on paranoia and hysteria that is proliferated via media and friends that love to place worry in our midst. Remember worry is a down payment on a problem that will most likely never occur. We must choose to live our lives so we can fly like eagles and not scratch like chickens. When you realize that we live in the darkness yet we can navigate towards the light then you have the ability to see the power of peace, hope, and love. No one can live your life for you. Never put the keys to your happiness in someone else's pocket. Trust me, when you do that you will not only never find the light, you will look back and realize you lived a life of regret. Light represents life and life represents peace, hope, and love. That is a powerful magnet that given a chance can pull anyone out of the grips of darkness.
You are the light in a dark world, never allow anyone to dull your sparkle. Do not look back because you are not going that way. What you did yesterday is the framework of what you can do today. As you grow into yourself the light surrounding you will become brighter. God created you to do great things so never waste the life you were given. Darkness is part of life, but guess what, so is light. We were born to live not die. Get back in the drivers seat of your life and push the limits and I have no doubt that you will cruise toward a life with more meaning than you ever dreamed.
peace and love