Politically Correct
When fear, hysteria, paranoia, and panic set in finger pointing and blame is much more prevalent than workable solutions. I want to look at terrorism from a totally different perspective beings that it seems to proliferate panic. No question there are some unstable people in the world that seek connections with factions that give them an ideology to cling too. These people or groups are misguided to the point that they place little to no value on human life, including their own. When you realize that these types of individuals exist it becomes increasingly clear that our ability to stop them is limited. It isn't limited because of options available to us, it is limited because of our need to be politically correct. Beings that we live in such a world, I will address this blog accordingly.
One thing that isn't stopping the panic is prayer. God isn't allowing or disallowing this to happen. I say that to put a lid on the conservative groups that continue to pray for things to change. Well let me shout out something, ALERT ALERT ALERT, God isn't coming down to earth and eradicating anyone based on our prayers. God created within us the moral obligation to do what is right. Even though political pundits do in fact have limited options available to them, we as Americans, living in the land of the free have an open book of recourse, that is both legal and ethical. Do I think prayer is a waste of time? Absolutely not, I pray daily for guidance and understanding.
I am going to make up a number here, I bet there are at least 100,000 good people for every one bad person. Maybe I shot high, heck let's say there are only 1000 good people for every one bad person. Either way, we have them greatly out numbered. I like our odds better than theirs. There is no question that there will always be bad among us. That fact dates back to the beginning of time. However when good people unite out of love and find a common ground, bad cannot survive. Especially when our numbers are so much greater than theirs. When we fight the enemy with love we do not have to be politically correct. However when our fight is based on fear and panic, meaning we need reactions not actions it will be difficult to find leaders that can work together. Why? Because we as constituencies do not allow our leaders to guide us. With instant news and social media they have to spend the majority of their time trying to be politically correct. I say take the restrictions off, allow them to make mistakes so we can learn how to take the platform away from the bad guys. As long as we stay divided, they have it made. Politicians should not have to always worry about what they say or how they say, they are as human as we are. They should be focused with the task of making our country great again. For the record, let's not blame the politicians for conditions you do not like, it takes us all to mess things up. You are not off the hook yourself.
Here in lies the problem for the good and the opportunity for the bad. We cannot (not sure why) collectively set aside our cultural differences and come together in unity to promote an ideology of love. We live in a free country yet with that freedom comes astounding responsibility to be a great neighbors as well as wonderful stewards to the land we inhabit. As long as we fight among ourselves we give the bad people opportunities to exploit our weaknesses. I do realize that globally combating terror networks is extremely complex. I would never advocate that I understand those complexities. The fact is I don't need to understand them. I just need to do what I can within my community to promote unity, peace, and love.
I know I over simply things but stay with me a few more minutes. Let's say that some how we wake up and realize that only a small percentage of people fit in the bad category. That includes police offers, politicians, doctors, clergy, or any profession you can name. Just because there are bad in our midst doesn't mean we do not trust the one's that are doing great work to make our lives better. We cannot stereotype groups of people out of fear. As good people we have so much more power than the bad ever will, but we will never be able to appreciate that as long as we waste time exploiting our differences.
How do we come together to promote love and make everyone feel safe? I think we all have to do our part. That part is not to make sure we are well armed with a life time of ammo, even though I do support gun ownership. It isn't about blasting false news all over social media, because when you do that you are promoting the panic instead of the peace. We must give people safe passage to report when something isn't right without fear that they will be labeled in some nefarious way. We need neighborhood or community meetings to where people of all religions and ethnicities come together with the common good of making our world a safer place to live. We spend so much time fearing our differences that our hearts have little left to bring together love. That is a fertile ground for bad people to proliferate their message.
Let's go back to God and prayer. Terrorism is also a fertile ground for the religious pundits to promote their ridiculous message that Bible prophecy is being played out. As a person who loves the Bible I personally do not believe that their is any prophecy that exist here. There are no conspiracy theories to create one world governments, yet so many try to distract what we can collectively do so as to promote their fear based ideology. I only share this because I have seen times that I could place the religious in the bad category. This is not a time for the churches or people of faith to spread fear. We cannot be our own worst enemy. We need our people of faith to unite in love and show the world what our awesome creator has placed within us from birth.
Yes I do believe in prayer, I pray for wisdom and understanding daily. As a person who believes in free will I do not believe God is allowing bad things to happen to good people in order to wake us up. We have lulled ourselves to sleep in the name of political correctness. It is time to step up and take our community and country back in peaceful ways. Let's get behind our police officers, our elected officials (even the one's you do not like), our community leaders, remember the majority are good not bad. Let's place our emphasis on the good and stop wasting time talking about how terrible everything is. We play right into the hands of the bad by promoting their message for them.
Together we can and will make a difference. There is no doubt that more terror acts are coming. They will be here until the end of time, but we can limit their effectiveness by taking away their media platform. Let's take responsibility with the freedoms we enjoy. With that responsibility let's all find some small way to promote the things we love. We do not need more facebook or twitter post about how awful our GREAT country is. We do not need more negative post about our political or community leaders. What we need to do is stand with the people we elect to govern and lead us. Remember our greatest voice is in the democracy of elections. Together we are a much greater force than any factions of bad. Yet divided we will certainly struggle. Let's make sure we are not on the side of division, instead place yourself on the side that builds bridges. There are wonderful people in our midst of every religion and when we put our best foot forward and use our God given desire for peace and love, then and only then will find the hope that will replace condemnation for compassion.
I would like to close with a little story I shared in a speech a few years ago. There was a man so distraught with the conditions of the world that he went outside got on his knees and pounded his fist to the ground, looking up to the heavens he shouted to God. Do you not see the mess that is going on down here? People are starving, violence is every where, hatred is rampant, are you going to do anything about it?
God replied, yes I have already done something. What replied the man. God said "I sent you to make a difference".
These are just thoughts from my little desk
One thing that isn't stopping the panic is prayer. God isn't allowing or disallowing this to happen. I say that to put a lid on the conservative groups that continue to pray for things to change. Well let me shout out something, ALERT ALERT ALERT, God isn't coming down to earth and eradicating anyone based on our prayers. God created within us the moral obligation to do what is right. Even though political pundits do in fact have limited options available to them, we as Americans, living in the land of the free have an open book of recourse, that is both legal and ethical. Do I think prayer is a waste of time? Absolutely not, I pray daily for guidance and understanding.
I am going to make up a number here, I bet there are at least 100,000 good people for every one bad person. Maybe I shot high, heck let's say there are only 1000 good people for every one bad person. Either way, we have them greatly out numbered. I like our odds better than theirs. There is no question that there will always be bad among us. That fact dates back to the beginning of time. However when good people unite out of love and find a common ground, bad cannot survive. Especially when our numbers are so much greater than theirs. When we fight the enemy with love we do not have to be politically correct. However when our fight is based on fear and panic, meaning we need reactions not actions it will be difficult to find leaders that can work together. Why? Because we as constituencies do not allow our leaders to guide us. With instant news and social media they have to spend the majority of their time trying to be politically correct. I say take the restrictions off, allow them to make mistakes so we can learn how to take the platform away from the bad guys. As long as we stay divided, they have it made. Politicians should not have to always worry about what they say or how they say, they are as human as we are. They should be focused with the task of making our country great again. For the record, let's not blame the politicians for conditions you do not like, it takes us all to mess things up. You are not off the hook yourself.
Here in lies the problem for the good and the opportunity for the bad. We cannot (not sure why) collectively set aside our cultural differences and come together in unity to promote an ideology of love. We live in a free country yet with that freedom comes astounding responsibility to be a great neighbors as well as wonderful stewards to the land we inhabit. As long as we fight among ourselves we give the bad people opportunities to exploit our weaknesses. I do realize that globally combating terror networks is extremely complex. I would never advocate that I understand those complexities. The fact is I don't need to understand them. I just need to do what I can within my community to promote unity, peace, and love.
I know I over simply things but stay with me a few more minutes. Let's say that some how we wake up and realize that only a small percentage of people fit in the bad category. That includes police offers, politicians, doctors, clergy, or any profession you can name. Just because there are bad in our midst doesn't mean we do not trust the one's that are doing great work to make our lives better. We cannot stereotype groups of people out of fear. As good people we have so much more power than the bad ever will, but we will never be able to appreciate that as long as we waste time exploiting our differences.
How do we come together to promote love and make everyone feel safe? I think we all have to do our part. That part is not to make sure we are well armed with a life time of ammo, even though I do support gun ownership. It isn't about blasting false news all over social media, because when you do that you are promoting the panic instead of the peace. We must give people safe passage to report when something isn't right without fear that they will be labeled in some nefarious way. We need neighborhood or community meetings to where people of all religions and ethnicities come together with the common good of making our world a safer place to live. We spend so much time fearing our differences that our hearts have little left to bring together love. That is a fertile ground for bad people to proliferate their message.
Let's go back to God and prayer. Terrorism is also a fertile ground for the religious pundits to promote their ridiculous message that Bible prophecy is being played out. As a person who loves the Bible I personally do not believe that their is any prophecy that exist here. There are no conspiracy theories to create one world governments, yet so many try to distract what we can collectively do so as to promote their fear based ideology. I only share this because I have seen times that I could place the religious in the bad category. This is not a time for the churches or people of faith to spread fear. We cannot be our own worst enemy. We need our people of faith to unite in love and show the world what our awesome creator has placed within us from birth.
Yes I do believe in prayer, I pray for wisdom and understanding daily. As a person who believes in free will I do not believe God is allowing bad things to happen to good people in order to wake us up. We have lulled ourselves to sleep in the name of political correctness. It is time to step up and take our community and country back in peaceful ways. Let's get behind our police officers, our elected officials (even the one's you do not like), our community leaders, remember the majority are good not bad. Let's place our emphasis on the good and stop wasting time talking about how terrible everything is. We play right into the hands of the bad by promoting their message for them.
Together we can and will make a difference. There is no doubt that more terror acts are coming. They will be here until the end of time, but we can limit their effectiveness by taking away their media platform. Let's take responsibility with the freedoms we enjoy. With that responsibility let's all find some small way to promote the things we love. We do not need more facebook or twitter post about how awful our GREAT country is. We do not need more negative post about our political or community leaders. What we need to do is stand with the people we elect to govern and lead us. Remember our greatest voice is in the democracy of elections. Together we are a much greater force than any factions of bad. Yet divided we will certainly struggle. Let's make sure we are not on the side of division, instead place yourself on the side that builds bridges. There are wonderful people in our midst of every religion and when we put our best foot forward and use our God given desire for peace and love, then and only then will find the hope that will replace condemnation for compassion.
I would like to close with a little story I shared in a speech a few years ago. There was a man so distraught with the conditions of the world that he went outside got on his knees and pounded his fist to the ground, looking up to the heavens he shouted to God. Do you not see the mess that is going on down here? People are starving, violence is every where, hatred is rampant, are you going to do anything about it?
God replied, yes I have already done something. What replied the man. God said "I sent you to make a difference".
These are just thoughts from my little desk