The American Jesus
In the words of Pope Francis, "the greatest enemy of peace is not war, it is our indifference towards others". Over the last couple days as I have studied in depth the conditions of our world from a big picture global view. It didn't take long to ascertain that we as Christians serve two Gods. That got your attention didn't it?
As you listen or read wonderful messages of peace, love, and prosperity consider that there are over a billion people on the globe that hear nothing. Most people have no idea that over 21,000 people die per day around the world of starvation. Even more tragic is how horrific a death it is. Dying of starvation is not an overnight thing, oh no it takes months or years of living in deplorable conditions before people see the face of death. There are also nearly two billion people globally that do not have access to basic sanitation. I know that is hard for us to imagine because we are so indifferent to the needs of people that suffer in extreme conditions. These people that make up nearly 20% of the global population do not care about the media circus that convinces us that terrorism is our biggest threat. If you look at the world death rate, terrorism does not even make it in the top 50 list of ways people die. Interesting isn't it? All, and I mean ALL of the media attention and focus in wealthy democratic societies focuses on the evil threat of terrorism and rogue world leaders that promote it. Very few media outlets promote the injustice or indifference we as Christians have towards those that truly suffer.
Now back to my first paragraph, that we as Christians serve two Gods. Obviously the majority of Christians serve what I will call The American Jesus. That is the Jesus that preachers, evangelists, and theologians tell us to pray too for prosperity, miracle healings, emotional strength, guidance, etc. I personally enjoy listening to Joel Osteen and others like him. I like positive inspirational messages. However, could you imagine Joel Osteen preaching one of his feel good messages in the outskirts of Malawi or Burundi? I do not think they would believe that his American Jesus could or would make a difference in their lives. They are the forgotten people of society yet we are told they come from the same God we do. I highly doubt anyone in America, the land of health and wealth, would trade places with someone in the shanties of Bihar India. We could not give up serving the Jesus of America to see and experience what it is like to serve the Jesus of the poor. You may desire to visit or do so called mission work, but I feel confident you would prefer the American Jesus over theirs.
Several years ago I was talking to an Evangelist friend that truly had a heart of Gold and deeply desired to make a difference in the worlds poverty stricken areas. He set out on a pilgrimage to Darfur and to his amazement in one of his revivals hundreds gave their life to Christ. Much to his surprise and sadness few if any stayed committed to the message he was delivering. Within weeks they had all but forgotten this Jesus of America. Why? It wasn't Jesus they were seeking, it was health and wealth of America that they hoped for. Yet it didn't take long for him and them to realize that the Jesus of America was not going to show favor on the poorest of the poor. They would continue to die at the alarming rate of 21,000 people per day of starvation.
This is a staggering thought isn't it? We tend to think we are suffering because the media SHOUTS all day long how bad things are. Keep in mind the old saying "there are people praying for the things we take for granted". I would dare say that 99% of people in the poorest regions of the globe would LOVE to have the problems we think we have in America. Yes my friends we have it good, yet we are so filled with gluttony that we have convinced ourselves that we deserve more, more, more. All the while we are praying to our American Jesus to free us from oppression, i know it's funny isn't it, people around the world are dying every second from preventable causes. Did I mention earlier that NONE of the people in the poorest areas are dying from terrorism!!!! Or are they?
Here is where I want you to stop and allow me to bring this together. As I started with, the greatest enemy of peace, isn't war it is indifference. We, the have all's, could be considered global terrorist by the Lord our God for not following the simple message of Matthew 25. We treat those suffering with disdain and indifference. Yes, you and I. It isn't the knife wielding, machine gun toting, armed bandits that are killing people by the thousands, it is you and I ignoring that which we can reach out too. We are so filled with ego that we turn our backs on the very one's Christ calls us to help. We are the American Jesus that preaches a message not found in the Gospels. The true Jesus that loves and serves all surely must feel sorrow when looking down on the gross injustice as we distribute the worlds wealth to ourselves first. Christ placed within us the free will to make a difference. We can place blame on anyone we desire for the world's poor, however we should take a hard look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we are part of the problem. Keep in mind our indifference reaches more than just the hungry in the world. It may be that we are indifferent to people that are suffering from loneliness or anything that we feel is different than our vision.
The greatest gift we can offer God is our time and talent. When we allow ourselves to become the greatest version of self possible we find a passionate desire to make a difference in the world. We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. If we all help someone, before you know it we slowly but surely begin to eliminate global hunger. The Christian message of mercy and hope should be extended through each of us. The suffering are not interested in hearing about the American Jesus , what they desire is to see the actions of Christ's people at work restoring their lives and renewing a commitment to peace and humanity. If you find yourself worshiping the materialism of the American Jesus I hope you can find it in your heart to reach out to someone in need. I have a feeling that the person you hope to bless will actually be a blessing to you. As we shed the dead skin of gluttony we allow a renewal of purpose to ignite within us. Now when we ask ourselves if our life matters, we can honestly say YES IT DOES.
peace and love
As you listen or read wonderful messages of peace, love, and prosperity consider that there are over a billion people on the globe that hear nothing. Most people have no idea that over 21,000 people die per day around the world of starvation. Even more tragic is how horrific a death it is. Dying of starvation is not an overnight thing, oh no it takes months or years of living in deplorable conditions before people see the face of death. There are also nearly two billion people globally that do not have access to basic sanitation. I know that is hard for us to imagine because we are so indifferent to the needs of people that suffer in extreme conditions. These people that make up nearly 20% of the global population do not care about the media circus that convinces us that terrorism is our biggest threat. If you look at the world death rate, terrorism does not even make it in the top 50 list of ways people die. Interesting isn't it? All, and I mean ALL of the media attention and focus in wealthy democratic societies focuses on the evil threat of terrorism and rogue world leaders that promote it. Very few media outlets promote the injustice or indifference we as Christians have towards those that truly suffer.
Now back to my first paragraph, that we as Christians serve two Gods. Obviously the majority of Christians serve what I will call The American Jesus. That is the Jesus that preachers, evangelists, and theologians tell us to pray too for prosperity, miracle healings, emotional strength, guidance, etc. I personally enjoy listening to Joel Osteen and others like him. I like positive inspirational messages. However, could you imagine Joel Osteen preaching one of his feel good messages in the outskirts of Malawi or Burundi? I do not think they would believe that his American Jesus could or would make a difference in their lives. They are the forgotten people of society yet we are told they come from the same God we do. I highly doubt anyone in America, the land of health and wealth, would trade places with someone in the shanties of Bihar India. We could not give up serving the Jesus of America to see and experience what it is like to serve the Jesus of the poor. You may desire to visit or do so called mission work, but I feel confident you would prefer the American Jesus over theirs.
Several years ago I was talking to an Evangelist friend that truly had a heart of Gold and deeply desired to make a difference in the worlds poverty stricken areas. He set out on a pilgrimage to Darfur and to his amazement in one of his revivals hundreds gave their life to Christ. Much to his surprise and sadness few if any stayed committed to the message he was delivering. Within weeks they had all but forgotten this Jesus of America. Why? It wasn't Jesus they were seeking, it was health and wealth of America that they hoped for. Yet it didn't take long for him and them to realize that the Jesus of America was not going to show favor on the poorest of the poor. They would continue to die at the alarming rate of 21,000 people per day of starvation.
This is a staggering thought isn't it? We tend to think we are suffering because the media SHOUTS all day long how bad things are. Keep in mind the old saying "there are people praying for the things we take for granted". I would dare say that 99% of people in the poorest regions of the globe would LOVE to have the problems we think we have in America. Yes my friends we have it good, yet we are so filled with gluttony that we have convinced ourselves that we deserve more, more, more. All the while we are praying to our American Jesus to free us from oppression, i know it's funny isn't it, people around the world are dying every second from preventable causes. Did I mention earlier that NONE of the people in the poorest areas are dying from terrorism!!!! Or are they?
Here is where I want you to stop and allow me to bring this together. As I started with, the greatest enemy of peace, isn't war it is indifference. We, the have all's, could be considered global terrorist by the Lord our God for not following the simple message of Matthew 25. We treat those suffering with disdain and indifference. Yes, you and I. It isn't the knife wielding, machine gun toting, armed bandits that are killing people by the thousands, it is you and I ignoring that which we can reach out too. We are so filled with ego that we turn our backs on the very one's Christ calls us to help. We are the American Jesus that preaches a message not found in the Gospels. The true Jesus that loves and serves all surely must feel sorrow when looking down on the gross injustice as we distribute the worlds wealth to ourselves first. Christ placed within us the free will to make a difference. We can place blame on anyone we desire for the world's poor, however we should take a hard look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we are part of the problem. Keep in mind our indifference reaches more than just the hungry in the world. It may be that we are indifferent to people that are suffering from loneliness or anything that we feel is different than our vision.
The greatest gift we can offer God is our time and talent. When we allow ourselves to become the greatest version of self possible we find a passionate desire to make a difference in the world. We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. If we all help someone, before you know it we slowly but surely begin to eliminate global hunger. The Christian message of mercy and hope should be extended through each of us. The suffering are not interested in hearing about the American Jesus , what they desire is to see the actions of Christ's people at work restoring their lives and renewing a commitment to peace and humanity. If you find yourself worshiping the materialism of the American Jesus I hope you can find it in your heart to reach out to someone in need. I have a feeling that the person you hope to bless will actually be a blessing to you. As we shed the dead skin of gluttony we allow a renewal of purpose to ignite within us. Now when we ask ourselves if our life matters, we can honestly say YES IT DOES.
peace and love