Fertile Breeding Ground

Is your mind a fertile breeding ground for negativity or is it a fertile breeding ground for peace, love and positive living? It is a choice believe it or not. You may say "Dale you have no idea the negativity that surrounds me", that is true I do not, however I do know that you have a choice to water those negative affirmations or starve them out. The same stands true with being positive.

I often have people tell that their lives are so filled with drama that they simply can't escape it. I will admit that there is some outside circumstantial influence that takes root in our lives, however we DO NOT have to fertilize and help it grow. You know my thoughts on drama, you either create it, accept it, or participate in it. We are the biggest contributors to drama that infiltrates our lives. Do not allow it to be a fertile breeding ground and trust me it will subside. When we discuss the negative effects that creep into our being I absolutely must mention anger. Nobody makes you angry, you choose to use anger as a response. Granted it is a conditioned response but never the less it too is a choice you make. When you choose anger you once again allow that component of your life to be a fertile breeding ground. It is critical that you learn to not take things personal. When you condition your mind in this fashion you make way for the positive that is coming your way. Once again DO NOT allow anger or drama to be a part of your daily life. It has the ability to convince us that our lives are controlled by outside forces. This is your life, not someone else's. What you will allow is what will continue.

I hope it is safe to say that we all desire more positive, peace, and love in our lives. Sure we all have the need for adrenaline heart pumping excitement that can drive our competitive spirit. When you make your mind a fertile breeding ground for all things positive you will be amazed at how your dreams will come back to life and you will once again find the passion to go after that heart pounding euphoric exciting endeavors. BUT and this BIG, you will never become the greatest version of yourself when you allow negative and positive to share the same space. Darkness cannot exist with light and negative cannot exist where you plant seeds of love. As much as you think it is normal for positive and negative to be part of our daily routine, it isn't. That is a conditioned response that we have learned over the years. My hope is that you rewire your mind so as to give yourself total control over what enters it. No doubt there will be moments of negativity however if your mind is a fertile breeding ground for all things positive the negative will find no place to grow. 

Take a look around, take stock of your life, every facet of it. In each case whether it be financial, spiritual, health, relationships, or career, you have a choice to take responsibility or place blame. One is positive (responsibility) and one is negative (blame). You may look back and consider all the mistakes you made and wonder why you would even want to look forward. I love the mistakes I have made, they brought me to where I am. Mistakes are proof we are trying. Life is not about standing still or putting your head in the sand, life is about living. Take total responsibility, good or bad, and never blame anyone for anything. When we blame that creates the fertile breeding ground for negativity to take root and grow. 

Let's sum this up. I love living my life to the fullest, however I know full well that I cannot reach my potential unless I plant seeds of love in my own mind. Not only that I must send out those same seeds and hope they take root in you. It is imperative that I am the reason someone smiles today but more than that I must be the reason I smile. I am going to water my seeds of love so much that I starve out any possibility of negative taking root in me. I, like you, deserve to be the best I can be. God didn't make a mistake our your creation. As you reflect on this blog please take a moment and look around your life. Think about the things you do, the people you are surrounded by, and the things you allow to control you. One by one weed out the negative and make room for the positive. It is a conscientious choice and the more you choose the easier it will get. Before you know your life will be filled with happiness, hope, and the ability to dream again.

Be sure to check out my video about this too

Peace, love, and positive thoughts


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