What are you waiting for? I guess I could stop the blog right there and just let you absorb that question, right. Let me raise the bar and ask an even deeper question, WHAT IS GOD WAITING FOR?
Those two questions are often the very crux of our inability to rise up. It is those probing words that cause our flame to be reduced to an ember or our lives to get trapped in a quagmire of mud. A few years ago I had the honor of meeting a wonderful lady named Jill. Externally she had the personality that made people migrate to her. She was always happy and willing to lend a hand. Over a period of weeks Jill and I shared many life conversations, however the one we kept coming back to was her desire to wait for God to open doors. Externally she was happy, internally she was getting frustrated and depressed. She felt like she was living in the Word yet nothing was happening. Somehow, someway, for some odd reason she had the erroneous belief that waiting and praying would miraculously open doors that were otherwise closed. I listened with intrigue, at times I was marveled at her discipline and at other times I was saddened by her lack of truly living life.
One day when her frustration were at a fever pitch I decided to ask deep questions. I asked her why she thought God would reveal his plans for her life and how she thought he would reveal it. Naturally there are no answers to these spiritual questions yet they do offer wonderful conversation. She felt that as long as she prayed that somehow God would lay something on her heart that would move her to action. Think about what is being said here and how this plays out in the lives of people every day. Waiting for God is an excuse for not living up to your potential. God did not create us to wait, God created us for action. We are not puppets on a string sitting back waiting for the command to fire our engines. We are human beings with heart and soul created to do great things. We are not suppose to wait for God, he is waiting for us.
Consider the people that invented some of the most amazing things in the world. Things like the Jet airplanes, computers, life saving medical devices, the Mars rover, and countless other things that give us the awe factor. Trust me these people were NOT waiting for God, they took what God gave them and did great things. Do you think God hand picked those people to do great things? That is like saying that God chose the people in third world countries to die of starvation and other horrific deaths. In my opinion God created us with love for love. We are endowed with the seeds of greatness. We have the ability to make a positive difference in the lives of many and we should take every opportunity to do so.
I love asking the question WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Your answer cannot be "I am waiting for God to show me the way". God is waiting for you to get moving. Life is not lived by the people that sit back and wait, life is lived by the ones that take action. God loves you and it is important that you acknowledge that love by being the very best version of yourself possible. You have NO limits other than the ones you believe. Thank goodness Jill discovered this and expanded God in her life, now she is the head of an amazing global foundation helping to feed hungry children. God didn't lay this on her heart, she opened her heart up to receive what God gave her from birth.
Do not shrink God into your space, expand God into your life. God isn't looking for the mistakes you make, God created you to be fully human in every aspect. Mistakes are proof we are trying and that is what God expected from us when we were created. It would be sad to say that God blesses the wealthy yet curses the poor. Can you imagine what the people dying of starvation would think about such a God. All to often I hear people talk about the miracles in their lives as the live in the luxury of riches. Which by the way is having a home, transportation, clothing, job, and health. When you describe miracles be careful who you are talking too. Your description of miracles may not fit the person that does not have the means of food, shelter, and clothing. God created us all, he didn't just create the HAVES, he created the HAVE NOT'S too. The basics of humanity should be that we all work together in love for love. That we all expand the goodness of God. We cannot wait, we must act.
Lets conclude with where we started. What are you waiting for? Your waiting is nothing more than an excuse. It's time to give thanks to an awesome loving God for allowing us to be created. It's time to rise up and be the best we can be with what we have. It's time to think big. It's time to expand our dreams not contract them. It's time, right now, to be you. LOVE is everywhere and nowhere. It's a choice we must make. I choose to love life every minute of it. Remember you can never love life by hating the world around you. Always be sure to taste your words before you spit them out. Forgive yourself for yesterday's mistakes and go out and make today great. The greatest gift we have is to live life to the fullest yet it is the rarest gift ever opened. What are you waiting for?
Peace and love