Life Matters

Inner voices, coincidences, signs from heaven, or whatever it may be that drives us to action or inaction. Have you ever stayed the course simply because that is what you felt you should do, yet your heart was tugging you to follow a path that could lead you to your passionate purpose? Is it the voices holding you back or is it the coincidences that you are using for an excuse? Either way, let's take a short ride and wake up the power that is lying dormant inside.

The complexities of life can be overwhelming at times. As you may know our humanity teaches us that there are signs in everything that happens. Some may say that God is sending you a message, while others may say that if it is meant to be it will be. I think the world is much more intricate than that. We are products of our environment but not prisoners to it. Everything is dynamic, which means we are constantly evolving. It is the evolution that should scare us to death. We can either ride the wave of conformity or climb the mountain of rebellion. We either strive to make a difference, while NEVER giving up or look back someday and say "I wish I had tried more".

We all are facing an uncertainty in our future. Life begins and life ends often without notice. It is incumbent upon us to utilize the resources we have so as to elevate our passion that will identify our purpose. I recall a wonderful gentleman I met years ago in the twilight of his life. He told me that in his early years he tried so hard to figure everything out. He planned and planned yet seldom executed. Sure, he had security for his family, yet in his own words he never fulfilled his purpose. He told me that he felt the pressure to conform and never the encouragement to stand out. He wasn't blaming anyone, he was merely sharing what many feel. He was always going to do something different next year and before he knew it the years were gone.

Let me share my thoughts on something. Life is short, the years come and go in the blink of eye. God is not going to send some private text to you or whisper a special message in your ear. This life has been given to you because God knew you had the strength and courage to live it. We all have music inside us that is as unique as a snowflake. That music for the most part will go unsung unless we decide that our lives are worth living to the fullest. We should never discourage anyone from pursuing their passion, including ourselves. Please never laugh at anyone's dreams because it may be all they have to live for. Also please never laugh at your own. What you feel is exclusive to you. To others it may sound ridiculous but too you it is your lifeline. Follow that dream as far as it will take you and I promise you that your life will blossom in ways you never thought possible. The debbie downers will fade away and the encouragers will find their way in. You may be running the 5K of life right now but in no time at all you will be signed up for the marathon.

In closing let me encourage you with this. Your life matters, act as if you believe it. Never think it is too late to live a dream. Right this minute you are breathing and reading this blog. I hope with every ounce of energy I have that you will reach down deep into your heart and soul and ignite the fire that has been extinguished for far too long. Not only do you deserve to climb the mountain of life, we need you too. As we push ourselves beyond the possibilities others have imposed you will discover  something in you that will encourage others to climb too. Please believe that your life is bigger than how you feel right now. Look in the mirror and smile at the one person that can have the greatest impact on you.

I am about to start climbing, please join me, rumor has it the view from the top is God's greatest gift to us.

Peace be with you


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