Low Tire Warning Light
I bet most of you know that annoying little light on your vehicle's dash that indicates "low tire pressure". As frustrating as it is, it is also a safety device. Consider the low fuel warning indicator, now that one is important isn't it. Most devices we deal with on a daily basis have built in warnings designed to make sure we have a nice experience with the product in use. There are so many things we have become use to that we never really think about. The microwave dings when time is up, the oven sounds when it is at the correct temperature, our phones let us know the battery life, and the list goes on and on.
Have you ever thought about the magnificence of your body? Seriously, think about it. We too come with built in warning signals. We know when we are hungry, hurting, sick, weak, strong, hoping, dreaming, yearning, loving, etc. We have so many amenities built in that we take advantage of yet we also take them for granted. Let's take this a step further and hopefully you will become enamored with how awesome you truly are. We have eyes that see. They see danger up ahead or they see the immense beauty that surrounds us. We have ears that hear. We know by sound when we need to act, react, or simply listen to the wonderful sounds that encase us. How about touch. Yes we have the ability to feel with our hands, heart, feet, soul, etc. We are absolutely amazing. Even more fascinating is this, when anyone of these features that we were given at birth do not work correctly our lives become out of balance. We know when something is wrong, don't we? Yet as humans God places in us a freedom to choose. We can ignore those warning signs or we can act. Many times we fail to act because of fear or addiction that often masked itself as pleasure.
I use the above analogies in the hopes that you will begin to appreciate more fully what you do have instead of focusing energy on the things you do not have. Now that you see first hand how valuable the body you have been given is, I want to dive a bit deeper in the hopes you will learn to protect it. Fear, is said to be a great motivator. Possibly that can be true, but I also see it as a force that holds us back, ties us down, and binds us in ways that are not natural to our creation. Fear is a control mechanism that is natural to our humanity. We should fear a bear coming towards us or horrible storms that we were unprepared for. What we should not have to fear is the people we thought loved us and have been entrusted with our heart to protect us. Sad to say that is where most human fear resides. The people we once trusted to help us live our dreams may also be the ones that shatter our hopes and steal what dreams we thought we had.
I often share with people that behind many smiling faces is a wounded soul yearning for attention. Wounds are rarely superficial for all too see, most are at the core of our feelings and emotions. They cut so deep that we become callus to the world around us. The warning signs were there yet for whatever reason we ignored them. We knew we were running on fumes yet we hoped and prayed we could make it one more day without fueling up. To make matters worse, few know what fuel their body needs to overcome fear, depression, anxiety, hopelessness, or any other force that places us beneath our highest abilities. Many well intention people will gladly share advice from, I know what I would do if it were me, to honey all you need is Jesus in your life. Every person in this kingdom is different and we all face our fears in unique ways. There is no cookie cutter approach to soothing the wounds, but there is hope.
Was it the low tire warning, the fuel indicator, the check engine light, or what? What was it that made you stop or take action? Same with your life, What does it take for you to face the fear and take positive action that will put your life back on track? The answer to moving forward is understanding where you are. There is no way to change a life if you have no clue where you are and why. That is not to say that future dreams are hopeless, it merely suggest that we must stop long enough to evaluate our surroundings and map a course that can get us running smooth again. This is a lifelong journey not a one time fill up.
I use material possessions as metaphors for life. I do it because it is familiar. Over the course of years as we deal with unpleasant situations we lose sight of the awesome dreams we once had. The force that holds us back becomes much stronger than the one that propels us forward. The amazing thing is this, we are endowed with the seeds of greatness, born for accomplishment, created to make an impact on the world around us. We are truly somebody and yes our life matters. We may not can change our life overnight but we darn sure can change the direction we are traveling. If you have warning lights going off in your life, it's time to pay attention.
This isn't the end this is the beginning. You can't climb the mountain in one day nor can you train for marathon in one week. But what you can do is ignite the ember that will make your dreams become a flame again. Once you allow your dreams to come alive your hope will be renewed. When hope is alive passion finds purpose and then all of the sudden fear subsides are your life has new meaning. You are spectacular beyond words, you are fantastic, you just have to choose to believe it. When you do you will discover a freedom you never knew before. Claim your prize today. The prize of living your life to the fullest of your ability. Fuel up, it's time to ride
God bless