Sands of time

In the hour glass of time someday soon this very moment will be a long time ago. The tides roll in and wash away the remnants of our existence. The sand slowly but surely falls prey to the forces of nature that create change in the universe with or without our participation. Our story will be told with legendary emphasis, yet it will exclude the emotions that caused our lives to drift from dune to dune.

Is it fear that binds us or the strength of lessons passed down through the ages? Fear does not stop death, but it does stop life. No matter how much effort we put in building our sand castles they can only withstand high tide for a short period of time. With mounting pressure to cling to a hope that no longer exist we build our castles higher and higher, yet the same forces of nature that extinguish our lives will surely wash away that which we built on a sandy foundation. We center our lives on fear of failure instead of hope and gain.

One hundred years from now, no one will know how you felt this exact moment. Our lives will be nothing more than highlights. The emotions, the pain, the joy, the hopes, the dreams, the heartbreaks, all washed out to sea by the dynamic forces that make up the simple yet complex human existence we all inhabit. No one will ever know the love that grew cold, the love that got away, the dreams that got caught in the undertow, the despair from fearing to reach out. Yes we will only be a highlight reel collecting dust in someone's attic we never knew.

Beings that we are a mere speck in time, I feel that it is incumbent upon us to build our lives in such away that provides us with the undeniable ability to be ourselves. We are not defined by our religious affiliation or the political party we subscribe too. It isn't the team we cheered for or the lessons we learned that give our story meaning. It wasn't the people we drew in our pushed out that will produce memories of who we were. The true depth of our very person is what we did with what we had. We are who we saw in the mirror. We may allow others to dictate a few chapters based on the superficial information they have gathered, but the real person that matters most in book is the one staring back from the glass.

No one will ever know our true feelings about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. What we allow others to see is what will be written about us. It isn't our heart, our dreams, our emotions, that will define the story, it is the little tidbits of our soul that reach the surface and ease their way into our being. Why is it so difficult to be the me I wish to see? Only you can share the story as it needs to be told. We are more than memories, especially now, because this is when we have to be living.

It is true that life passes by in the blink of an eye. It has been said that everyone dies but few rarely live. Why is it so hard to live the life we have been given. To much time is spent wishing for something we didn't work for. We get so consumed by what others have, loosing sight of what we have. Comparison is the thief of joy. We know high tide is coming and our sand castles will be washed away. Why oh why do we rebuild the same thing every day, knowing the results will be no different. Why don't we just climb the mountain so we can appreciate the view and feel the fresh air only available to those who dare to ascend? life is about chances, moments, creating and acting upon the opportunities that present themselves. We cannot nor will we allow our lives to be defined by what others perceive as failures. The stones we hold from this day forward will be stepping stones not casting stones. We will build the bridge over the vast expanse we have allowed to erode in our soul.

The walls we build, oh my how high they are. We build our walls out of concrete on stone foundations so they can withstand the forces of time. Ironic isn't it, the things we build to last while our legacy drifts away.  Moments come and go, yet the one's we cherish the most should be engraved in our heart with steel but they too are created on sand covered beaches. Our story is being washed away day by day, grain by grain, soon to be replaced with nothing more than a sentence in someone else's ancestral history. Basically your only existence was birth to death and a FEW points in between.

How will you define your life as the winds of change blow in harder and faster than ever before? Will your life, in your eyes, be a series of "I wish I had's" or a litany of "I am glad I did's"? Think about it. We face choices each day that build us up or push us down. If you see your life as nothing more than moving through the stages so as to get to the end unscathed you will miss the one shot you had. Go out and live, take risk, face your fears, give it all you got. This is your one and only shot, don't worry about getting it right, just live it to the max. Do not let this day pass you by without facing something you have feared to do. The sand in the hour glass only has so many grains so let's get our head screwed on and go prove that the life you have been given is truly worth living.

Let's live a dream. It doesn't matter what yesterday brought, your past is merely a guidepost, a stepping block, it is the solid foundation in which to place your hopes and dreams for tomorrow. Rise up, take back the dormant life you so easily forfeited. Life doesn't get better by chance it gets better by change. I decided that I am writing my story in bold ink. I want it to contain all my feelings, my hopes, my dreams, my desires, I want the world to know that my life was so much more than the highlights between birth and death. Your life is worth so much more too, LIVE IT. Remember you are the greatest miracle ever created.

peace and love


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