The Cheap Abuser
The abuse has gone on for so long that she finally just grew accustom to it. The story book love affair ended many years ago and was replaced with manipulation and control. No one saw or felt what was going on because she had become a pro at masking the pain. Her life had no value, no purpose, no passion, no direction, no desire, no love, and certainly no hope. Where did it all go so wrong?
People tend to place a value on our lives equal to or less than the value we place on ourselves. As each day, month, and year passes by in a hopeless life we further discount an already devalued human existence. What we see in the mirror is a sad excuse for a person. The joy has been robbed and replaced with face so numb to external conditioning that no amount of self marketing could elevate our worth. We are an embarrassment to ourselves and too others. That is what the mind of the abused.
The silence was so loud it was deafening. I can't imagine no one hearing the screaming inside my heart, she would later tell me. I was shouting out yet nothing escaped the recesses of my soul. I was a prisoner in my own life. Confined by the walls I had built myself without even knowing it. I waited for God yet he never showed. It further solidified the discounted price I placed on myself. Thank goodness I had like minded friends that thrived on throwing pity parties that helped make sure we stayed well below market value. We certainly didn't want to change our sphere of influence because then we would have to face the arduous task of admitting that our life was beyond repair. A fact we already knew and admitted to ourselves on a daily basis.
That all sounds extreme doesn't it? The truth is something much different, in many cases it isn't extreme enough. You can't imagine how people have become prisoners to their own lives. Now, please do not get in your self righteous mode of thinking. These people do not need to just "get over it" or put their "big girl panties on". They don't need a good dose of Jesus nor do they need someone to "pray for them". This is real life, happening in homes on your street and possibly even in your house. Emotional abuse is real. I am not a licensed professional which gives me the ability to write from the depths of my heart instead of text book lessons. Also understand that I am not advocating that a relationship with God is not important, it is crucial to healing. What I am saying is that the abused are not comforted by mere words.
Honestly this blog isn't even about abuse as you think, the core message is placing a belief that you are worth so much more than you realize. We are all products of our past but we do not have to be prisoners to it. The chains that bind us can be broken. Slowly but surely we can raise our price and before you know we are an expensive name brand not just some generic replacement.
This is your life, no one else's. You may try to convince yourself that your kids are the most important people in your life or a spouse or a parent. The truth, however, is much bigger. The most important person in your life is you. That's right YOU, no one else even comes close. To convince yourself otherwise is to facilitate a victim mentality. If you don't think your life is important, consider not having one. All you have is you, nothing else, ever, never, ever. What you do with all you have is up to you. I hope as you read you will realize that you need to increase your value. Once you love who you are others will treat you much differently. Those that cast spells or have the devil on their backs will find their way out of your life and in short order people that are filled with love, that are visionaries, that see everything as possible, that view the world is GREAT, they will begin to proliferate in your daily walk. Life will take on a new meaning. You will not be subject to the abuser because they cannot afford to own your life any longer. God made you an amazing mosaic portrait that is worth billions not some cheap print the devil is trying to pawn off. You are the greatest miracle this world has ever seen. Now it's time to believe and live it. Live your dream, WHY NOT, it's the only life you have
peace and love