History often provides us with unique seldom told stories that when looked at from an abstract view could have a profound impact on our lives. Consider this forgotten story of Hernando Cortes, a Spanish conquistador that set out in 1519 to conquer and take the Aztec Empire as well as its massive treasure. He set sail from Cuba for the weeks long journey. It's hard for us to imagine the conditions on those boats, so for the sake of conversation let's just say they were less than desirable.  This day and age we complain over a few hours in a hotel that has pillow that isn't fluffy. My gut tells me those men didn't even have a pillow. When Cortes arrived at his destination he knew that every mission prior to him had failed, which meant he had to be a leader and make a statement so that his team would believe and have a chance at the life he had promised them. What he did was unimaginable then as it is now, yet it has a keen heartfelt message. Cortes instructed his men to BURN THE BOATS. That's correct he told them to burn the boats they traveled in. He said that "when we defeat the enemy and take their treasures we will go home in their boats". The rest my friends is history.

What boats in your life need to be burned? Are you so caught up because the pillow isn't fluffy that you are blinded by the treasure that lies ahead? Think about the things you whine and complain about it, does it give you passage to the promise land or does it relegate you to live inside your fluffy pillow hotel with nothing but empty dreams. We sail in on rough seas to uncharted territory hoping and dreaming that our lives are about to become great due to the promises of riches only to learn that our commitment to ourselves isn't there. Are you willing to burn the boat you sailed in on. I'll answer that question for you, NO. We are taught to live our lives in conformity, do not risk standing out for fear of being seen. Bless those that risk burning their boats, we get to see the flame yet we never get to feel the heat, because to get too close means we have to change.

What if your boat is fraught with disease, has run out of supplies, is taking on water, or worse is on the verge of sinking. Your life is your vessel, it is your boat, it is the only available transportation the universe has given you and as of now it is nearly in disrepair. You may be saying to yourself "damn are you asking me to burn my body". No I am asking you if you need to burn the parts of your life that is dragging your body down. The universe didn't bring you this far to leave you, but the cosmos isn't sailing the distance with you either. You are on the shore, tattered torn, wore out, beat down, yet still breathing. The crown jewels are just over the mountain. What do you do? Trust that the universe placed in you the will to win and the tools to succeed. You are endowed with the seeds of greatness, yet only you can complete this journey. You can retreat and go back, if your boat will make the return voyage, or you can burn the boat and go after the pot of gold that does in fact exist at the end of the rainbow.

Naturally I use allegory to make a point. The moral of the story is why not go all the way. It is so easy to create wonderful amazing awe inspired dreams in our minds only to allow them to drift away because you did not see yourself as a worthy recipient.  Stop being fooled by the one's that hold you back. Whether it is health issues, poor self esteem, unhealthy relationships, bad finances, not coming to grips with who you are, a religion you do not agree with, sins committed that you fear will be exposed, or what ever. All of these things floated in on your boat but they DO NOT have to go home with you.

What do you do? Cortes knew without question that his army was outnumbered, his men were wore out, beat down, and hungry. He was aware that at any minute the enemy could come marching over the hill and kill them quickly. He needed to make a decision that defied logic yet instilled hope. When he ordered the boats to be burned that left his team, including himself, with only one option. Win or die.

I hope you got that last statement, WIN OR DIE. The death may not be literal in your case, as it was in theirs, yet it is just as bad, if not worse. Your death is to give up, give in, and sail away in your old wore out boat that makes you feel safe yet provides you absolutely no hope. BURN THE DAMN boats in your life. It is time to cut loose those things that weigh you down and discover the strength that lies within. Cortes didn't make his men exercise to build their muscles, he gave them something larger and bolder. He proved to them that they were bigger than their fears and that they were stronger than their enemies.

You too are bigger than your fears and stronger than your enemies. You are on the beach and the treasure is right over the mountain. Burn the boats and go after the life that awaits. You can't ease into this, it is all out. Give up, give in, or give it all you got. Cortes had 11 boats, he didn't save one for himself, he burned the whole fleet. He did not have a safety net, because if he had history would have told a much different story.

Peace and blessings
Dale Childress


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