The Eyes are Useless when the Mind is Blind
The narrative we spin on our own lives can be amazing when we slow down long enough to witness the truth. Give thought to this for just a minute, the way you see the world, isn't the way the world is, it is the way you are. If you are constantly filling your mind with bitterness, jealousy, doubt, revenge, it is absolutely impossible to live a life that contains love, hope, joy, passion, and purpose. It is easy to allow the world in which we live to convince us that everything is bad, which goes back to the opening statement, the eyes are useless when the mind is blind.
I love discovery, science, quantum physics and all the amazing awe inspired things I do not understand. It still fascinates me to see great minds come together to do incredible feats. Consider things like the car on Mars, or the craft that recently flew past Jupiter or the Higgs Boson. Go back 100 years, who would have ever thought that human beings could fly 1000's of miles in a few hours. Then the medical breakthroughs are equally astounding. Some of the worst diseases the world has ever known have almost been eradicated. People's life expectancy right now are at an all time high. I truly have the AWE factor when I look around at all the cool things happening in my lifetime. Did you know NONE of this would have happened if people had listened to all the naysayers. They had to remove the negative people from their lives so they could utilize their minds to open their eyes to possibilities others refused to see. Keep thinking with me here.
After all the wild crazy wonderful things that I speak about, I, now, have to face the world in which I am exposed to every day. I so desire for my mind to be open and my eyes to be clear. I pray that my vision is filled with love, compassion, and understanding. I know first hand that the way I see the world, CREATES the world I see. I also know that the way I see others, isn't at all the way they are, it is truly the way I am. We are so influenced by the environment in which we are exposed that we forget to seek the truth in all that we hear or see. We so easily see the bad in others yet fail to see the truth in ourselves.
Let me share a cool quote and please give this thought. What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing are all part of the same bird. Or to put that in a different light, all people regardless of age, gender, race, or orientation all belong to the same human body. We are all part of this amazing creation we call the universe. We were not created to be enemies, we were created to be awesome. The only way that can happen is to open our mind to the possibility that the world is filled with greatness. Light will always cast out darkness, and love will always prevail over hate. Yet for either to happen, we as human beings, that control life as we know it have to plant seeds that cultivate into flowers not weeds. We must be the ones that always believe something amazing is about to happen. If you are the person that is always spouting that something terrible is about to happen. Do everyone a favor, believe it, but shut up. If you know someone who is always spouting that something terrible is about to happen, remove them from your life. Please do not pander my words here, you know what I am talking about. Sure if someone is walking blindly out into a four lane highway by all means shout and warn them. That is different from people that love to predict cataclysmic world events if this or that happens.
Several years ago I wrote a blog called "Where were you when I needed you". Basically I was writing about you living your own life. Your mind, heart, and soul NEEDS you. Without you rising up and being the best you can be, you will never be able to appreciate the passionate purpose that you could be. It is time to stand up and allow your mind to open up to the beauty around you. If the way we see the world creates the world we see, let's make damn sure that we do our best to see the goodness of people. Day by day, week by week, person by person, lives will change for the better. The life that will be impacted the most, however, is yours. You deserve to give your life a chance. You can't be your best if your focus is on the worst. Remember you can't live a positive life with a negative mind. In closing here is something very important. It could very well be you that is causing others to be blind to the beauty all around them. It could be you causing others to only see the negative. It could be you that is causing bitterness and hatred to proliferate the social media airways. Wake up, life truly is worth living the moment you decide to live it. Life can change in an instant, so please fill it to the brim today.
peace and love