Broken Colors
Never forget that broken crayons still color. You may be filled with doubt about the direction of your life. You may be fearing what is around the next corner or what tomorrow will bring. Regardless, time marches on, and this too shall pass. You have survived the worst days of your life. Stop being a prisoner to your past and start being a product of it.
You may have a closet full of skeletons and a yard littered with bones but you are not buried. You are planted and ready to sprout. Your life may be surrounded by weeds however with proper love and attention the flowers of your heart will develop into full bloom. They will forever hide the bones scattered in your path. From now on you will see the spectrum of your being living out in the flowing fields of color. What others have tamped down you will now lift up. No longer will you accept the life others convinced you to live. This is your story and you hold the pen. You can write in whatever you want whenever you choose. You may be broken, beaten, battered, and torn, but you are still here and your story is still being written.
Broken crayons do indeed still color, just as beautiful, just as bright. I urge you to color outside the lines, go where you once feared, live the life you always dreamed. Don't look back, don't look down, look straight ahead with hope and determination. Know when to let go and know when to hold on. Never hold grudges, never seek revenge, take responsibility for this day and everything it holds. You have the power to change the narrative of your life forever. You are free to choose, free to live, and free to love. The only way to enjoy total freedom to pursue dreams is to once and for all let go of the things that have emotionally held you back. Walk away, take the high road, not the low. Do not swallow the pill of bitterness because the only person that it will make sick is you. Instead have so much love for your life and yourself that you can rise up and learn that the pages of my life deserved to be colored with the most stunning awesome hues you can find. No one will ever walk into your life and make you happy. If it is to be it is up to me. You are good enough, you are worth it. All you have to do is believe.
peace and love