Champion of my own Life
At what point do you stop following the crowd and take the lead in your own life? Seriously, you do know that acting like a victim creates an atmosphere to where others will treat you like a victim. Then comes the perpetual self indulging pity party that revolves around and around. The crowd is with us, even cheering us, we have fallen prey to the wonderful victim mentality that reduces our lives to nothing more than average. The hope of rising up, moving from good to great, chasing those dreams, or risking it all to achieve the impossible, those days are gone once you subject yourself to being part of a crowd that tears others down in an effort to build themselves up. Oh yes, to be a victim, you must have a cause, that others have convinced you to waste your time and life fighting for. They are leading you down a dead end path and you are following.
We tend to mitigate our own reticent attitude at believing that our lives are so much more than they currently are. We are trained and conditioned to be average yet we were born to be amazing. At what point do we stop tightening the chains that bind us and start using the energy to set ourselves free. When do we ever buy into the narrative that maybe just maybe we are a freak of nature that was created for achievement. When do we take ourselves off the clearance rack and place ourselves into the unique rare category that commands the highest price and most attention.
Granted many people are in fact disenfranchised, left behind, marginalized, bullied, cast out, ignored, or misunderstood. No question about it, there are segments of society that, through no fault of their own, find themselves in difficult situations. Yet those are the very people that seldom, if ever, reduce their well being to victim thinking. They are where they are, but they work with what they have, with the hope of having more. Yes, some will break free from the oppression, while some will face extreme difficulty. This is the world in which we live. We can sugar coat it, mask it, pretend it isn't there, bitch about it, or we can rise up and be the best version of ourselves possible. No matter where your life is now, that doesn't mean that is where you have to stay. Life is a choice and you, by the Grace of God, were given the free will to choose the direction of your life. You may not have chosen where you are but you will choose were you are going.
We can lead or we can follow, the choice is yours. You may say, I have no interest in being a leader, does that mean I become a follower? Look, just because you do not lead the masses does not mean you can escape the responsibility of leading your own life. You are your own best advocate. It is up to you to make the best of life, with what you have to work with today. You didn't come this far, just to come this far. There is so much more, but you have to be willing to go after it. You simply can't stop now. We will all fall down, but you never are a failure until you choose to stay down.
Be your own movement. There is no need in joining the ranks of those who decide to waste their lives being victims. You are worth so much more but the only way to raise your value is to focus on raising your efforts. No one and I mean NO ONE, is going to walk into your life and make your dreams come true. The cows are not coming home and God does not have a mysterious plan for your life that isn't being revealed to you. This is your life, it is the only one you will be given. It is up to you to make the absolute best of it. You can be a victim or a victor, the effort is the same, yet the results are vastly different. You can invite others to your pity party in the hopes they will invite you to theirs or you can celebrate the fact that you are choosing right not to break the chains that bind you. It is time to cut loose the things that are weighing you down. It is time to pronounce to yourself that you are God's greatest miracle, that your life is worth living, that you can claim the awesome dreams that you once held so dearly, and that you will no longer walk around as a member of the living dead. You and I are going to be the champions of our own lives, we are no longer victims we are victors.
peace and love