The Killing of George
I admit the story of George is barely a blink in my life memory bank. I'm not really sure why I thought about him this morning, yet I am so thankful I did. I remember the morning George didn't show up for work on time and honestly I wasn't surprised beings this was accepted behavior. George was probably in his mid 40's, recovering alcoholic, few friends, and no family that claimed to know him. His hard living alienated him from the people that once cared. His actions, lack of caring, callous attitude as well as total disrespect for life pushed George to the brink of death on multiple occasions. Honestly, those of us that worked with him couldn't believe he was still alive.
Expecting George's late arrival was not unusual, but him not showing at all did create a bit of concern for us. We had deliveries scheduled with enough time to account for his being late. As the day wore on it became evident that George wasn't coming. The next day, still no news from George, finally after day three we assumed that he had quit so we moved on, putting him behind us. The next week we got the news that George had been found dead in his apartment surrounded by liquor and beer bottles. We were saddened to hear of George's demise but in the big scheme of things we didn't know him too well so after a few minutes life as we knew it resumed.
Why do I share the story of George? Keep in mind I had pretty much forgotten he even existed until a fleeting memory this morning brought that incident back. I, nor anyone else at work, knew anything about George other than his reckless abandon for living. But that isn't the message here, the wisdom I would like to convey is this, who really was George, and who really are you.
There was a time in the life of George, I'm sure, where he had family, friends, school buddies, hopes, dreams, etc. I'll never know where the hope faded and the dreams disappeared but I feel certain that there was a time they did exist. Maybe it was the death of a loved one, the break up in a relationship, a bad investment, not being able to come to terms with who he was, or a multitude of other things that can alter the course of life so subtly that he missed the warning signs. For a minute I am going to shift away from George and jump right into your head. Don't run off just yet, this may contain a nugget that you need.
We know that alcohol poisoning killed George, but do we know what lead him to that point. George's heart died way before his body did yet his ability to reach out and ask for help had all but faded many years ago, in his eyes. Have you ever stopped to see what is killing you? Everyone uses the old cliche "we all have to die of something", The REALITY is, that is a true statement, But what is killing us while we are living, that is the elephant in the room. It isn't the debt that you are trying desperately to get a grip on before it's too late, right? It isn't even the job that you secretly or publicly dislike, is it?
You know exactly what is eating you alive, but it is in that chapter of your life book that can't be read aloud, am I correct? You know, as well as I do, that being open an honest carries with it inherent danger that could expose you to harmful and hateful ostracizing from those you thought were close. The love you try so hard to hide yet it literally encompasses your every action. It is a taboo love that you hope and pray fades away before it ignites an explosion you can't control. It may also be a spiritual divide so vast in your heart, mind, and soul, that you give up on ever trying to figure out if there is a God and if so, why the hell did he make such a mess of your life.
The hole is deep and getting deeper, the only escape is to party your life away. That may be like George in the privacy of your own abode or it can be in the presence of others that sit back and watch your decay. This day and age to intervene is akin to jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. You can't do much but watch. Sure the religious realm will assure you that a good dose of Jesus will ease your pain, but you know all to well how false that statement is.
Where does this story end? Maybe it ended before it ever begin. We are trained at an early age to place limits on what we can do or who we can be. We are taught to conform to a set of rules that diminishes the awesome, incredible abilities that God placed in us. The story honestly never gets started, does it. We are merely a chapter in someone else's book, a highlight, a small bookmark. It matters not that our heart yearned for so much more, it is irrelevant that our soul so badly desired to unite with the mind to create a passionate purpose that could take us to far off planets or make time travel possible. The truth is our life, in the minds of many, has so little to offer, that death while alive is just a mode of being that will carry us to a point to where our body facilitates what our mind has conceived.
George's life ended way before it should. He had with him the bottles of his great escape. Obviously our physical life still exist, we know that because you are reading this blog. I urge you to find a mirror and discover the person that can set your life free. You are not a footnote my friend, you are an entire encyclopedia of amazing feats yet to be lived and discovered. From this point forward allow your heart to guide your mind and trust me your soul will awaken a spiritual giant that will set you free. Yes your dreams matter, yes hope is real and by gosh YES you will stop killing yourself. George was a real person, as are you, but for the sake of conversation let's say he is a metaphor for your life. George died without hope but you are going to LIVE to show that his life had meaning for greater than we ever knew back then. The things that you feel are killing inside right now, turn them around, come to terms with them, and make them part of your stepping stones to the mountain summit to where you will discover the life you always dreamed of. Remember this is your story and you will be the one that writes it. Your life is not about dying it is all about living. The dream, not nightmare, is about to begin.
As your life opens up and you release the things that have you held you back, PLEASE be the conduit that helps others discover themselves. Let's lift people up especially as they are sliding down. We can be their ladder of hope, their elevator of dreams, and their freedom to fly, and before you know it we will be surrounded by people that believe so passionately in life that LOVE once again proves that makes us believe that we are worthy of living outside the box others have so fervently tried to place us in.
God bless