The Fire Inside
I guess you have to admit that our lives are nothing more than an evolutionary process that helps us grow our roots. As we evolve we get to utilize the tools we have placed in our chest over the years. Keeping in mind every single facet of our life matures us to exactly where we are now. If anything were different along the way, you would not be reading this blog right now. You can spend countless hours trying to excogitate your being, but no amount of study will change what has happened in the past.
How often have you said to yourself and others "If only I had done this or that", or any variation of such a statement. All to often our lives are lived backwards, yet time only carries us forward. I find it rather ironic that we struggle to embrace the laws of nature that should propel us ahead, instead we fight to change that which has happened behind us. There is comfort in living backwards, it protects us from becoming the best version of ourselves possible. Heck it provides us with the excuses we need to not move ahead.
I could do a scripture dive right here and now, which would allow this blog to have nothing more than superficial meaning. I would, however, rather unlock the door that has held your mind captive for way too long. Our minds were created to go beyond the impossible into the land of unlimited potential. The only way we can ever advance to the point of boundless possibilities is to breach the preconceived notions that our society has placed on us. Yes that means stepping outside of our religious comfort zones.
When you are alone in your thoughts, do you consider that you may be a little strange, heck even weird? Sure you have, as you should, because you are. We were born to be special, unique, different, a misfit, yet as we emerge from our shell, we find that there is a cage waiting for us to walk in too. What's sad is the fact that we willing walk in to.Think back to some of your youthful imagination, superhero, adventure through space, time travel, alter ego, old west villain, etc. What happened to those cool fantasies? Yep, you guessed it, you emerged and then was immediately confined. Don't believe me? Stop for a few minutes and reflect back, then we will spring forth. That cage may be transparent, the bars may be thin, but by golly gosh it is strong enough to hold you back.
What is stopping you from dreaming? Who is holding you back? Why are you not living life to the fullest? Let's stop long enough to let go of the ridiculous excusing that are rummaging through your brain. Search as you will for reasons as to why your life isn't reaching for the unlimited possibilities that exist. Everything you can think of will be nothing more than an excuse. Go ahead think, search, yes it is all an excuse. If you see yourself on the clearance rack of life, keep reading, we are about to raise your price. There is no valid reason why we as humans should ever allow ourselves to be devalued.
If you are reading this you have everything it takes to rise high and soar from the mountain tops. Most people that have achieved the most success in life have started from very poor beginnings. The key to unlocking the cage that holds you is letting go of the fact that someone other than you holds the key. I'll take this metaphor a step further. The lock that is on your cage door may not even be locked, but it is in the hole that keeps the door closed. Open the dang door and let yourself out. Don't worry about why you are there just get out.
If you need to go through the myriad of self destructive behavior or past indiscretions that you have conceived that are holding you back, go ahead. Once you are finished with your woe is me, I'm a martyr, I don't deserve it mentality, then we can move on. If you prefer to live a life of excuses, that's okay, just stop reading now. Continuing on will do nothing but make you mad, which is also a chosen behavior to limit your potential.
I guess you have ascertained by now that there are no reasons why you can't move your life in a positive direction and to explore all the amazing things you can do and accomplish. I thank God every day for the people that take the time to read this blog and write to me. Wonderful amazing folks that find themselves in what many would say are unpleasant even compromising positions in life yet they still seek and search for ways to LIVE while they are alive. I have a friend in prison that has done remarkable things with his life while incarcerated. I have another young friend on hospice that has touched the hearts of so many through her blogs. Yet another friend that is bankrupt financially and spiritually yet she has dug her heels in and decided that there is no point so low in life that she can't seek solid footing and fly high. These are ordinary people that have chosen to become extra-ordinary hero's in their own lives. They are not accepting the fact that their cage has a lock with no key.
As I say almost every week, God endowed you with the seeds of greatness, you are made for accomplishment, you have been planted in fertile soil. It is up to you to bloom into the stunningly beautiful flower that you were born to be. We wilt due to a splintered false belief system. We die from the inside out when we allow negative thoughts and images to permeate our mind. We stunt our growth when we participate in hateful banter that attempts to push people down instead of lift them up. Any activity that you do that seeks to shine a dark light or negativity on others will only further reduce your potential to fly high. Beings that we are a social media driven society now, stop for a minute and consider that activities you participate in our post. Are they things that lift yourself and others up or do you like to share opinions that divide, simply because you can. Anytime we participate in actions that divide we keep pushing the key further away from the lock. Every activity we perform in life is a choice.
Let's evolve. Let's grow. Let's climb the mountain, see the views that others only talk about, then let's take the leap of faith into the unknown abyss of unlimited untapped absolutely spectacular things your life has to offer. No one can live your life for you, this one my friends is on you. No one can nor will they walk into your life and make you happy. This is a mountain you have to climb, its a portrait you have to paint. It's a story only you can write. Life is too be lived forward, never backwards. We will use the wisdom we have gained to discover the love for life that resides in our heart and soul. Stop with the excuses, quit looking back, it's time to dig in, let those roots find water. It's time to realize that the greatest weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. The only way we can burn is to put wood on the fire. If you choose to let your ember smolder, step aside, get out of the way, because I'm throwing logs on my flames right now.
God bless