Life or Death

Life and death seemed like the marriage made in heaven. They were both important facets of every living creation, so why not join forces instead of being each others enemy. Here is a story about two wonderful people that we all think we know, the are called Life and Death.

When Life was about 7 years old she experienced her first encounter with Death. Her dog Abby got hit by a neighborhood car and was killed. Life's mother explained to her that she had gone to doggy heaven and would be playing and having fun. Life was upset but was happy to know that Death would be taking good care of Abby. The next summer Abby's grandfather developed an illness and died in a short few weeks. Once again Abby witnessed Death and this time her father tried to explain heaven in terms she could understand. This brought to mind all the shouting the preacher had made about these mysterious places called Heaven and Hell. It's as if you strive to arrive at the destination of your choice, but you aren't fully sure where you will be until Death calls your name. It didn't take long for Life to figure out that this wasn't the wonderful deal everyone tried to make it out to be.

As the years flew by, every so often Life would meet Death. One day she had this novel concept that would enhance her ability to live and take the mystery out of this weird process called dying. She made an appointment to meet death. No, not in the sense you are thinking. She remembered how the preacher always talked about prayer as a means of communicating with God, which to her was an entity that had no face, similar to Death. She sit down in her quiet room and started a meditative prayer hoping to get a meeting with Death.

To her surprise Death showed up and was more than happy to answer any and all questions. Life suggested since it was a nice night that they take a walk. To open the conversation Death commented to Life this profound statement. You realize my friend that to live is the rarest thing, most people just exist. He went on to say that so many people are focused on how to avoid me (Death) that they never realize how amazing you (Life) can be. Here in lies the interview of two enemies, now friends, played out.

Life said, you know I am supposed to hate you, or that's the way I understand I am suppose to feel. Death replied, but how do you really feel? Life stumbled for a moment yet for some reason felt a comfort come over her and she decided to let her feelings escape. Life said "you know Death, I honestly look forward to the day we meet officially". Death felt a little perplexed and asked her why she felt that way. She said that life is too scary to live and all the talk about heaven, even if half true, would be much better than here. As cold as Death is, he was a bit pushed back by her comments. As the walk went on quiet ensued, then Death embarked on the improbable journey of a troubled soul.

Death broke the silence when he asked Life to share her emotional story. Beings that Death was now a safe trusted friend, she broke down and let the chapters unfold. This is the story of Life as told by Death.

At an early age Life experienced horrific abuse at home. What started out as emotional abuse quickly turned too physical. Life was reminded daily how stupid she was. As she grew that became a belief embedded deep into her being. By the time was a young teen the physical abuse moved too sexual abuse. Her father and Uncle both used her daily to act out there own sexual perversion. After each encounter they would slap and threaten her. If she ever mentioned this to anyone they would make her life a worse hell than it already was. It didn't matter anyway because in her eyes she was too stupid and ugly to ever have a chance in the world of beautiful people. In her senior year in high school she met a young man that was rough around the edges but for what ever reason liked her. He wasn't exactly nice but was all she had. He called her ugly names and would often hit her, but it was still a huge improvement from her home life. Finally they got married and Life would be forever changed.

The weeks grew into years, Life got involved in her community, raised her kids, helped out at the church, had a job, yet behind the smiling face was a wound so deep she yearned to meet me (Death). Her husband was a wonderful financial provider. They had nice cars, a lovely home, and all the amenities needed to turn the heads of others. Yet behind closed doors the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse played out in such a way that had become a norm in the life of Life.

As we walked I (Death) decided to open my heart up and share with Life a meaning she had become to blind to see. We (Life and Death) share the same God that created us with love for love to be loved. I (Death) did not become part of you (Life) that you should hate, despise, and fear. I am part of the normal transformation of your being. As your body wears out I begin the process of bringing you home. God wants you to love yourself while living and when the day comes to meet me, then you will have the opportunity to experience love in a much more awe inspired beautiful way. For now my friend it is time to learn how to live.

Life was so happy to meet Death in this setting, but how to learn to live was still rather foreign and awkward. To continue on Life asked Death, exactly how do you teach someone to live? Death responded, You know Life I have a view that you obviously do not. I am going to share something with you that most will  never know until I meet them. So often I see people striving to make sense of the life or hand they have been dealt. It's easy to look around and think that everyone else has it better than you. It is difficult to understand that we all have what it takes to live and enjoy the life we have been given. Environmentally, yes, things happen outside of our control, but just think of what can happen if you do everything possible that is in your control. Happiness is about seeing the world as it is rather than as how you think it is. God created beauty everywhere yet much time and energy is wasted looking for flaws instead of embracing the awe factor. You see Life, your journey here on earth is so brief. I urge you to soak it all up, give yourself permission to love, learn, grow, make mistakes, explore the person that lives in the body you inhabit. Your life wasn't created just so you could someday meet me in the final stage of this existence. I am as much a part of you as you are me. We are not two separate people my friend, we are one.

Life interrupted Death and said, I know we have to conclude this conversation for now, so please allow me to ask one more question. Death said, sure fire away. Life said, Death, why did you decide to meet with me? Death replied (this is meaning of the blog so pay attention) I didn't agree to meet with you, I am you, remember. We are one, you finally came to terms with who you are. When you opened your heart up to the possibilities of living, I know longer became a stranger to you. Your soul joined with your body and we united. Life said, but I don't understand. Death replied, it isn't about understanding as much as it is accepting. You are alive my friend, which means your journey is still being played out. Everything that has happened has brought you right here right now. It's time to roll away the stone from the tomb and walk out and see the world as it is in all of its beauty. Remember no one can ever make you feel worthless without your permission. You are God's greatest creation and no one can ever rob that from you. We are all connected Life. You and I in concert with our creator make a melody so lovely and sweet that fear is replaced with fire for living. There is no death as it is so frequently described, there is only life. You are the walking, living, breathing miracle that will never end. Rise up, go forth, and let your light shine bright before all.

With that the conversation ended and my LIFE began. I choose to live every moment of everyday and I also choose to be in love with the life I have been given.

God Bless


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