You Got This
It is often said that behind many smiling faces are wounded souls. I think God designed us in such a way that the face can produce a smile as a defense mechanism so as to keep others from seeing the secrets we hide from. Those emotional and sometimes spiritual scars we keep locked away hold the map that can either liberate us or depress us. All hidden behind a beautiful smile.
Be the reason someone smiles today, he says constantly. Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people, he goes on. Tell someone they matter, blah, blah blah. What about ME she finally was able to scream in a low almost silent whisper. What about me, did you hear the faint shout, don't worry no one else did either, sad to say.
I'm not sure I really heard that whisper, but maybe I did. What I did hear and see was a person hiding behind a smile, yet her defenses were so weak the wall she had built around her life was crumbling. Sounds familiar doesn't it? We never know when we encounter another if it was merely by chance or is there a deeper association that brings people into each others presence. The old saying people walk into our life for a reason, season, or lifetime is rather apropos at this stage of the conversation. Life as you know is complex with so many twist, turns, webs, tunnels, and even roadblocks. Nothing is just simple. Especially when human emotions are involved, which is all the time.
As we walk through the maze of life I think it is somewhat normal based on our environmental conditioning to shut down, shut off, black out, or run from any thing that comes close to penetrating that wall we have so gracefully built around our heart and soul. Sure, it feels good when we get that attention from someone that shows a genuine interest in who we are. But, as the bricks fall, and we become more and more exposed that devil doubt eases its way to the surface. No one would want me if they knew, I'm not good enough, I'm not sure enough, I don't have enough, I can't do enough, We (you) have been conditioned that life is what it is and it is our job to just get through it. Dreams are for kids or for those with money and perfect lives, the beautiful people. We are the marginal that fall between the cracks. Smile, suck it up, be nice, and keep going.
No one cares if you are miserable, I mean, damn they are probably more miserable than you, RIGHT. Your marriage failed because of you, your career stalled out because of you, your health declined because of you. YOU, YOU, YOU, my gosh what was God thinking. Or you may ask yourself "WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING".
Never the less she loved God, sought understanding as to the direction her life should go. Little by little she escaped the clutches of religious zealots that misguided her heart to fit their agenda. Day by day as she realized her life had meaning, her smile took on a brighter significance. She could feel God saying "I did not create you to be unhappy" "this is not all you are capable of" "yes you are worthy" "your heart can love". Keep in mind, her house is still a mess, her life is still in chaos, her dreams have all faded, HOWEVER her HOPE is alive and well.
Without dragging this blog out for hours, let me shine light on the meaning of what I am writing. Never convince yourself that you have dug a hole you can't get out of. Every person of whom you come in contact bears the burden of secrets that they have allowed to weigh them down. Those moments in time that have tested your heart to the max hold the key to the rest of your life. We are all human and we all make human mistakes. Not because we are bad, but because God placed within us a heart, mind, and soul that gives us the ability to feel LOVE. Notice I did not include any feeling outside of love, why? Because LOVE is the one force that forgives, releases, unlocks, and transforms us into the greatest miracle ever created. Love is why we take chances, LOVE is who we are. God did not create you to be perfect, he created you to risk it all for love, with love, in love.
I know, that smile hides so much pain, but I also know that deeper than the pain is a hope that burns so hot and bright that nothing will hold you back again. To say YOU GOT THIS, would be an understatement. You really do have this. So much living is waiting for you, don't allow the mistakes of the past to be the weight holding you back from the future. Those mistakes are wisdom, stepping stones to an awe inspiring journey that will be filled with opportunity that will proof every moment of every day that you are worth it.
God bless
Be the reason someone smiles today, he says constantly. Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people, he goes on. Tell someone they matter, blah, blah blah. What about ME she finally was able to scream in a low almost silent whisper. What about me, did you hear the faint shout, don't worry no one else did either, sad to say.
I'm not sure I really heard that whisper, but maybe I did. What I did hear and see was a person hiding behind a smile, yet her defenses were so weak the wall she had built around her life was crumbling. Sounds familiar doesn't it? We never know when we encounter another if it was merely by chance or is there a deeper association that brings people into each others presence. The old saying people walk into our life for a reason, season, or lifetime is rather apropos at this stage of the conversation. Life as you know is complex with so many twist, turns, webs, tunnels, and even roadblocks. Nothing is just simple. Especially when human emotions are involved, which is all the time.
As we walk through the maze of life I think it is somewhat normal based on our environmental conditioning to shut down, shut off, black out, or run from any thing that comes close to penetrating that wall we have so gracefully built around our heart and soul. Sure, it feels good when we get that attention from someone that shows a genuine interest in who we are. But, as the bricks fall, and we become more and more exposed that devil doubt eases its way to the surface. No one would want me if they knew, I'm not good enough, I'm not sure enough, I don't have enough, I can't do enough, We (you) have been conditioned that life is what it is and it is our job to just get through it. Dreams are for kids or for those with money and perfect lives, the beautiful people. We are the marginal that fall between the cracks. Smile, suck it up, be nice, and keep going.
No one cares if you are miserable, I mean, damn they are probably more miserable than you, RIGHT. Your marriage failed because of you, your career stalled out because of you, your health declined because of you. YOU, YOU, YOU, my gosh what was God thinking. Or you may ask yourself "WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING".
Never the less she loved God, sought understanding as to the direction her life should go. Little by little she escaped the clutches of religious zealots that misguided her heart to fit their agenda. Day by day as she realized her life had meaning, her smile took on a brighter significance. She could feel God saying "I did not create you to be unhappy" "this is not all you are capable of" "yes you are worthy" "your heart can love". Keep in mind, her house is still a mess, her life is still in chaos, her dreams have all faded, HOWEVER her HOPE is alive and well.
Without dragging this blog out for hours, let me shine light on the meaning of what I am writing. Never convince yourself that you have dug a hole you can't get out of. Every person of whom you come in contact bears the burden of secrets that they have allowed to weigh them down. Those moments in time that have tested your heart to the max hold the key to the rest of your life. We are all human and we all make human mistakes. Not because we are bad, but because God placed within us a heart, mind, and soul that gives us the ability to feel LOVE. Notice I did not include any feeling outside of love, why? Because LOVE is the one force that forgives, releases, unlocks, and transforms us into the greatest miracle ever created. Love is why we take chances, LOVE is who we are. God did not create you to be perfect, he created you to risk it all for love, with love, in love.
I know, that smile hides so much pain, but I also know that deeper than the pain is a hope that burns so hot and bright that nothing will hold you back again. To say YOU GOT THIS, would be an understatement. You really do have this. So much living is waiting for you, don't allow the mistakes of the past to be the weight holding you back from the future. Those mistakes are wisdom, stepping stones to an awe inspiring journey that will be filled with opportunity that will proof every moment of every day that you are worth it.
God bless