I'm not even sure where to start, other than just begin writing. Of late, I've noticed more and more of a vast divide that exist between us humans. Some would say "it has always been there", but I beg to differ. It seems that as we redefine words that we create an atmosphere conducive to extreme bitterness and division. I'll be wise here and not throw out words as examples simply because in this day and age we pluck out snippets of something to exploit it in a negative way verses understanding the totality of the meaning of the writer.

How old are you? That is a very OBJECTIVE question, isn't it? You can't be any younger or older biologically than you really are. Is the moon made of cheese? Obviously not a debatable question, yet you would be surprised at how there is a constituency out there that could be persuaded otherwise. Silly thoughts I am projecting on you, however they have much deeper meaning than you may realize.

Let's go one step further to the core of the message. Love and hate cannot occupy the same space. If those were the only two emotions we, as humans had, how would you make decisions in your life. Hold on now, your only two emotions are LOVE AND HATE, so what do you do. You can't say "well I'm leaning this way or that way, for this exercise, you must decide, love or hate".

Here are some teaser questions for you to apply one of those two emotions too.
Yourself, career, next door neighbor, your church or lack of one, your significant other, media, pets, etc. You get the message, I think. Every single thing in your life over the next couple days, place the LOVE or HATE label on it. Don't ride the fence, or be luke warm. Make a damn decision. If you are honest, and that will not be easy, you will discover something deep inside you that you may not have been aware of.

In today's society as we rebrand basic human existence we have allowed ourselves to sell out to a populist movement verses personal. NO NO NO, this has zero to do with politics. This has everything to do with how you view yourself and the world you live in. Many have heard me for years say, "the way you see the world ISN'T the way the world is, it is the way you are". How we see the world creates the world in which we see. Hence, with all things being equal, two people can see a world full of love while another in the exact same set of circumstances can see the world as hate filled and evil, WHY?

I wonder how much we could learn to love if we allowed God to use us in amazingly unique ways. WOW, can you imagine if we opened our beautiful mind up so as to develop ourselves into the fascinating creature we were born to be. If LOVE and HATE are the only two terms we could use to label our lives, how hard would it be to say LOVE. Remember love and hate cannot share the same space, you may try to say otherwise, but they can't. How about the crazy thing in the Bible "Love thy neighbor as thyself". Yikes, do I really have to love my neighbor?

Here's the meat of the matter folks. Love is not subjective, neither is God. Sure you can choose to believe anything your heart desires, but there is an inherent truth that dwells in all of us. We may do our best to conceal it, but in the end it will be revealed. Humanity is our neighbor, God is our creator, we are called to LOVE. We can make excuses or we can make progress, but we can never have peace in our heart, mind, and soul when love is absent.

Trust me, I know life is difficult, yes there are arrows flying at us all day long. Demons are rattling around in our head working overtime to convince us how bad we are. Don't forget you may be someone shooting arrows at others and you may be a demon in someone else's head. Regardless what you are facing, it's time to stop the madness yesterday created and plant seeds of love that YOU will water with hopes and dreams and then you can see that the blooms of tomorrow will be more vibrant than ever.
Life is not hopeless no matter what. There are many reading this blog that are facing life and death health challenges, some are in the midst of a crippling financial crisis, while others may be dealing with serious decisions that could have terrible future implications. Life isn't easy, my friends, but it can be much better when we face everything with love in our heart. HATE can never ever win a battle. I understand that in our eyes love doesn't always win either, but the truth is that it does. LOVE is so much bigger than a single battlefield, love is  a war and a war that can never be lost. It's time to give your life a love boost, it's time to reset the shot clock. You can make excuses (hate) or  you can make progress (love), my sincere hope is, that in all you do love is the resounding choice. Your life matters so so much. We all need you more than you would believe. Inject love into your bloodstream, push the hate completely out and watch the broken pieces come together to form a stunningly gorgeous mosaic. Your life is not hopeless, it is hopeful. Participate in the greatest miracle in the world and let your love grow.

God bless


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