Recycled Pain

Over the last few years, we humans, have totally forgotten who we are. We have entered into an alternate reality that has forced us down (in my opinion) not lifted us up. There is very little originality when it comes to mistakes we commit or sins we engage in, yet with social media we have this weird obsession to recycle pain over and over again. For those willing to buck the trend, this is an amazing age in which to live. While everyone else is busy sharing their woes, you can be the opportunist and share hope.

Let's walk on the social media wild side for a minute. While you are getting ready for work in the morning for some odd reason your cat gets closed up in the closet. In your search for the feline you realize you are close to being late for work. When you finally locate the furred friend you absolutely must share this quick comment on Facebook before preceding out the door. I mean, seriously, this might get you a few comments. As you are trekking down the Highway to your wonderful place of employment someone abruptly swerves in front of you causing you to react quickly. Not to lose the moment you find the nearest place to pullover so you can blast the person on FACEBOOK that just ruined your morning. Without a doubt this should garner a few comments from folks more than willing to share your victim thinking. While all this is going on the VICTORS in the world have no concern for sharing their traffic woes or pet encounters, they are focused on how to become the greatest version of themselves possible.

Let's keep this little diddy going for another minute or two. So our social victim finally arrives at work ten minutes late. The boss is rather put out and shares her feelings as to making sure this does not happen again. Our victim, raging, that the boss did not understand what she had been through, makes a beeline for the restroom so she can write a post about how she has been treated. Think goodness this entry on social media should get some wonderful victim engagement. As the day wears on the victim mentality is constantly being validated by those gracious enough to post comments. To complete this wonderful day for our victim. As she gets off work and heads home she realizes she needs to stop and pick up something to eat. Deciding on a quick drive through at a fast food place she recites her order and pulls forward. As she pulls away and takes a sip of her beverage she notices that IT IS NOT WHAT SHE ORDERED. There is no way she could possibly let this opportunity slide by. Without further ado she finds the closest available parking place and shares "to the idiot that tried to fill my order in the drive through". Obviously she isn't writing to the worker in the drive through, she is writing to YOU so you can hopefully continue to validate the victim thinking.

I could go on and on but you get the point. The purpose of this writing is sharing the fact that many live in an alternate reality mentioned above, self created, to bring you down, not lift you up. Instead of healing the wounds that hurt, we are focused on recycling pain over and over again. This day and age, it is near impossible to get over anything due to the fact we love to share so others can join our pity party. If we are lucky they will throw a pity party and invite us.

While all this is going on, there are victors all around us seizing the opportunity that victims provide. In life we have choices to make several times per day. We can choose to move forward or stand still. We can choose to be victims or victors. We can choose to be winners or losers, success or failure. Life is happening to all of us. We get sick, we make mistakes, loved ones perish, pets die, our health fails, our finances stink, we sin constantly, yet through it all we still have to choose how we handle everything. Yes there are times in life that we truly are victims. Those are the times that we have to dig deep and with all the fortitude we can muster we, keep living life forward no matter how bad it hurts. But, if we make the choice to remain a victim we must accept the consequences that come with it. You can't rise up when you are always pushing yourself down. Not many people are willing to admit that they facilitate their own plight in life. Regardless where you are or what you have, you can still choose to make your day as best it can be by engaging in positive behavior even when faced with negative moments. Never forget that we too may be the person that ruins someone else's day if they measure victim moments the same as you. None of us mere humans are free from making mistakes or sinning against others. But we do have free will as to how we handle every situation we encounter.

There will be days our friends say harmful things, there will be days we say harmful things. These moments do not need to be broadcast publicly they need to be dealt with privately and move on. It is near impossible to forgive ourselves or anyone else if we constantly recycle the pain we encounter. We can allow love to permeate every pore of our being if we choose to change our line of thinking. For what ever reason we have placed ourselves in the alternate reality that WILL not serve our best interest in the days that follow. Give yourself permission to BLOOM into the most beautiful flower God has ever created. Your best days are waiting to be lived. As I say frequently "no one is going to walk into your house and make your dreams come true". It is up to you to make your dreams a reality. God has given you the tools, now it's up to you to use them.

As you let this message soak in I hope you will find it in your heart to understand that we all face extreme difficulties in life. We have no idea what is going on in someone else's world, but I can assure you of this, they are facing as much are more pain than you are. With that said, be a person of love that lifts others up, in so doing you will find yourself lifted up as well. You ARE NOT a victim of this life you are a VICTOR. I know that because you are a product of our loving God and he did not set out for you to be average. You are endowed with the seeds of greatness so fertilize them with the living waters of love and watch your flower grow into the beautiful spectacle it deserves to be. I'll close with this powerful quote "was it really a bad day or a bad five minutes that you chose to milk all day"
Count your blessings my friends and trust me there are many!

God bless


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