The Bridge
Does anyone know who you really are? I guess to some degree we could say yes to that question. I'll make up a number, let's say the people closest to us know 90% of who we are. That still leaves that 10% that is tucked away for safe keeping. You might say to yourself, I know who I am but no one else does. The truth may be surprisingly opposite.
I remember reading and seeing all the amazing work Mother Teresa did for the poorest of the poor. She lived her faith, passion, and love for humanity in full view. Never seeking attention, just a strong desire to serve those less fortunate than most. After her death it was discovered that she had written a diary and in it she gave us a view into our deepest darkest questions about life. What made some of the reading so wonderful is that it brought to light her own human weaknesses. To me, reading about her life, in her own words, elevated her up another notch in my opinion. She questioned the very things most thought she would have no doubts about. We knew 90% of Mother Teresa, but only she knew that other 10%. Or maybe those closest knew more about her than she knew about herself. Hence why she became a saint. It was her humanity that made her wonderful yet I doubt she ever knew it.
There comes a point in life to where we have to face that ten percent. It is the bridge we must cross if we ever hope to fulfill the passionate purpose we were created for. We can't walk up to the bridge, look over to the other side, turn back, and think that we have witnessed first hand what we are hiding or escaping from. We can't walk to the center of the bridge, jump up and down and say "I did it". We have to walk completely across, face our fears, and connect our 10% to the 90% so we will be complete. Easy? Heavens NO. Worth it? ABSOLUTELY.
Cynthia, a dear friend, was living a life she was desperately trying to hide from the rest of the world. Her attempt was in vain, because to those closest it was obvious. Cynthia was a career woman, wife, mother, and active in her community. Her 10% was living in the danger zone. She was having multiple affairs, drinking heavily, and doing drugs. For years she was able to conceal this secret behavior. Slowly but surely the layers of the onion were peeling back exposing what was really going on. Trying frantically to hold it all together, spinning yarns of deceit so crazy, even she got confused. Realizing that her life was now being lived outside of her control, she sought to regain that which she had lost. She walked up to the bridge, looked over, and turned away. The 10% had it's claws dug in deep. She wasn't ready to face her fears, nor willing to give up 10% to gain the 100. Why? Because she was blinded by a force so powerful that she couldn't find the strength to break free. Think about what is holding you back. What is that 10%? It may not be current activity that you are engaging in, it may actually be a lack of activity.
I hope you can place this story in a relevant position in your life. It does not have to be something as dramatic as Cynthia's story. But it can and does bare the same magnitude of control over your life, until you have the courage to face it and come to grips with who you are. It doesn't matter what you are hiding from or trying to conceal from others, the truth is still fighting you inside. I've had people write to me about not feeling comfortable in their current religion or church yet scared to death to explore changing for fear of family and friends ostracizing them. Got an email just last week from a man 26 years old that is gay yet trying his best to hide it and live a straight life. Again, these may seem like extreme examples, but anything that is holding you back from being 100% is serious. Life truly does go by in the blink of an eye. We do not get a second chance to live it but God has given a second chance to get it on track and that is called TODAY, the present, the greatest gift we can receive.
Cynthia, struggled for several more months to get to the center of bridge, each time retreating. She worked tirelessly to balance her alternate reality with reality. Every day the battle was bringing her further down. As of this writing she hasn't faced her fear and placed her life back on track. I hope she does because her life is much to precious to waste, as is yours. It is said that everything we want in life is on the other side of fear. In this case fear is a bridge we must cross. It is so easy to allow the negative opinions others have of us to become our reality. We slowly erode the value we once placed on our lives. To the point that we even say "is it even worth it". I understand those thoughts and yes the battle rages on and the war gets ugly. The good news is, we can win, but first we have to convince ourselves that we are worth fighting for.
It is always my hope that you find a nugget in my blog that inspires you to reach high and grab your dreams. No mountain is too high if you just keep climbing. Walk up to that bridge, bring your 10% burden with you. Take the first step, then another, before you know it there is light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing you have done in your past will stop you from being the amazing person you were created to be. Forget the mistake, remember the lesson. Forgive yourself first, talk to yourself like you would to someone you love. Don't follow your dream, chase it. Get moving, the bridge is waiting on you.
God bless