Limitless Love

How do we create safe zones for people to express themselves in such a way that being different doesn't mean wrong, ostracized, or condemned? Churches can't do it because they are too busy TELLING people what they are supposed to believe and think. Families can't do it because they have a set of core beliefs that bond them together and anything outside of that is expected to be hush hush. Then there is the friend aspect, you know, the place to where you should feel at ease to express, but history proves that you can't. Why? Well because as friends come and go and emotions rise and wane, the things you share could become fuel for a fire, if you know what I mean. So, back to the original question, how can we create safety zones for people to express themselves.

Many reading this will make remarks like "for some reason people feel like they can just share anything with me". That doesn't mean you are safe it means they are testing the waters, very shallow waters mind you. You may ask, what do I mean by safe zones. Let's take a ride down the Dale blog highway and allow yourself to discover awe inspired wonders along the way.

Think about something you know is ABSOLUTE truth. Remove all human emotions and faith, this question is about 100% truth that can easily be proven. How about water is wet? I could debate that because humans created the term wet to describe water. Could we say life and death? Possibly but only if you are thinking in terms of our earthly vessels. As I give thought to this very elementary question, my simple or complex conclusion is that I (we) exist right now. That's about the only absolute truth I can think of. If I were a scientist I am sure there are many more.

What does this have to do with safe zones? Everything. Our minds are almost infinite BUT our environment works diligently to render them finite. Why? It's called fear control. You may not believe that but give yourself permission to be honest with yourself. There is no doubt you question your faith, the existence of God, what happen's when you die, why can't you be yourself, who says feeling a certain way is right or wrong, and the list goes on and on. Fear stops you from openly expressing those questions. Sure, I know there are those friends that you feel safe enough to wade into the water. But, you know, and I know, that will not swim into the deep areas because you do not feel SAFE. Which keeps our imaginations in the shallow end of a great body of water that can only be explored when you feel safe enough to journey beyond your limits.

Some people like to say that there church is different, it is safe to express who you are, but is it? There are many AMAZING churches in our communities, filled with hope and love, but they are not equipped to bring out the creativity of the human psyche. Every Christian church has a job, that job is to convince you that Jesus is or can be your savior. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, matter of fact for the church it is the exact right thing for them to do. What I am saying, is it isn't a safe zone for someone to wake up their senses and feel alive. Church can be an emotional safe zone and a place for healing, but it is not nor will be a place to expand your imagination way beyond the scope of what church has established as a BEST for you safe place.

Is there other life out there, how vast is the universe, who am I (you). Now let's make this personal. What is truly holding you back. Forget health and money. What is holding back your ability to dream BIG, to let your imagination go places that are so out of this world that it makes your head spin. What limits have you imposed on yourself? Think think think. What is stopping you from flying high? What is stopping you from LIVING? There was a time in your life that you did dream big, you did allow your imagination to run wild. There was a time you probably shared some of this fantasies only to be told they were crazy or to get a life. You didn't have a safe zone to be the person you could and should be.

There is a wonderful human emotion called LOVE that drives us high and low. Love enters our life at the strangest places. Love is a reaction to a series of events that had they not have happened the emotion would not exist. Every feeling of love that you think you have was preceded by an event or circumstance. Think about that for a moment. The feeling can go as quickly as it came. Why? Because for love to exist it requires two or more active participants. What does this have to do with safety zones. Honestly, it is why I wrote the blog. LOVE comes first because of safety, love goes because the safety no longer exist.

What would you do if you could be in a place to where you could openly express your thoughts, imaginations, fantasies, hopes, and dreams? I mean a safe place to where you felt so comfortable sharing and looked forward to others sharing without condemnation too. The possibilities are endless. My passion with all my dents, dings, hurts, habits, and hangups, is to foster a thought process that creates safe places for people to open up. There is no limit to what problems could be solved. LOVE would flourish, hope would grow, dreams would come back, imaginations would spark a generation of invention that would boggle the mind. God isn't going to do it, the heavens are not going to open up, this will be the work of humans that believe that limitless love will find the way.

Peace and love


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