Change is the essence of life
Why does the human species strive so valiantly to avoid change at all cost. Suffice it to say, that many will even utter the words "I hate change". I find this rather odd, in that, change is the essence of life. Take a look at the evolution of yourself. It may require speaking to elders about your youth, or viewing pictures of your journey to adulthood. One thing you will notice is the change in your physical appearance as well as your mental and emotional state. That simple exercise should be enough to convince you that change is a dynamic we cannot stop.
What part of change do you despise, fear, or try to ignore? There are physical changes that are obvious in others that we obviously must embrace. Things like weight loss, weight gain, hair loss, wrinkles, hearing aides, eyeglasses, paralysis, etc. We might not like them, but we can't hide them either. In those cases we adjust, embrace and move on. It's the not so obvious that tend to relegate our lives, our growth, and our ability to live up to our fullest potential. It is those changes we fear to face because to some extent they are hidden from the public eye. Even so they are highly visible inside our own heart and soul.
My passion is personal spiritual and faith development. What holds us back and what lifts us up. I have spent years studying, praying, researching, and discussing this amazing phenomenon, yet I still see the face of fear hindering the human side of growth and understanding. We are raised in an environment that cast the mold for our early spiritual development. As we grow and change, we either continue our familial faith journey or we set out on our own personal discovery. In many situations this trek has to be personal. As we grow to a heightened understanding that challenges our past faith knowledge we must decide. Do we continue the escapade or conform to that in which we are enslaved. Remember change is the essence of life. It can be ignored, but it cannot be stopped. To discover the true depth of self we must be willing to color outside the lines. Who knows, the treasure we find may be worth the journey.
Another area that seems to be at odds with societal norms is that of personal sexuality. Trust me, I realize that even broaching this subject, pushes me into no man's land. I, like you, have read about, known, or been close to people that committed suicide because they feared to face the change going on inside of them. It wasn't the change they were petrified of, it was family, friends, and faith social circles. What would they think of me, my family, or anyone attached to me. Those are the thoughts that go through the minds of those battling the internal metamorphosis they fear to face. The only wisdom I can offer to this is, love people where they are. If their evolution in your eyes is a sin, never forget that you yourself is a sinner as well. Never judge a person simply because they sin differently than you. Your halo, in my humble opinion does not shine any brighter than those dealing with self discovery. It is a human process that should be embraced, not locked away.
Each person reading this is facing enormous changes in their lives. Try as you may to ignore, in the hopes change does not occur, or if it does, it works out secretly in your favor. We are all one decision away from a totally different life. That decision may be something as profound as, deciding to be yourself, or as simple as changing your hair color. Growth only comes through change. Once you embrace the elements of change, your courage and strength will grow beyond your expectation. Stand still and the world passes you by, Get moving and enjoy the ride of your life.
It is imperative in your search for self that you surround yourself with people that thrive off of change. It is in those circles of friends and acquaintances that you will find the support and might to step out and move forward. You can choose to live in the shadows, where you will find a vast amount of company. Or you can walk forth into the light, set your feet on the road to self awareness. Trust me that will be a lonely trek because the road of change is never crowded yet the reward is filled with personal riches.
Stop now the silly innuendos that you most likely use to describe your current being. Words such as "what you see is what you get, I am who I am". That statement is a profound lie a high percentage of the time. Externally few ever witness the truth of the internal person. That statement is merely a defense mechanism to distract people from the real person lurking somewhere in the dusk. This is real, this is humanity. No one is exempt from the fear of change. Whether it is sickness, impending death, faith, spirituality, sexuality, age, or physical appearance, change is and always will be occurring. The choice is ours and ours alone as to how we deal with it. I say be on the offense in your quest for life. Be ahead of the curve, be the first to step forward, challenge all of your core beliefs, seek and you shall find, but you must seek.
In all that you do, keep love first and foremost in your heart. Your love for self is an extension of your love for God. When you recognize that you were created by and from a loving God then you will find the fortitude to, not only face change, but to create and stimulate change. When you reach that apex in the curve of life it will become abundantly clear that LOVE is the driving force that guides who we are and who we become. When love is at the center of your life, it will make embracing all the areas of change in your life, not only easier, but more rewarding. Let the journey begin, life changes are waiting, as is your future growth and development.
peace and love