Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place
You might be one of those that is seeking a relationship with God, but not sure exactly how to make that happen. There is certainly no shortage of advice out there, as you probably all to well know. I can recall right now many of the so called prophets, of late, that laid claim as to how you develop that bond between yourself and the creator of the universe. Many, as you remember, ended up being a cult that led their flock to a path of destruction. Others ripped out people's hopes and dreams all in the name of discipline and obedience. Still, some, love to share how God talks to them, shares visions that only a choice few are privy too and by all means to foster your love you should listen to what they have to say. All this and I haven't even mentioned how religious affiliations or political preference plays a role into this all confusing search. No wonder people have such elusive disdain for faith development.
As I sit here this morning, not sure what direction to take this blog, I have decided to let my fingers do the walking and see what happens. Yesterday I recorded a message called "Stuck between a rock and a hard place". We all face those strenuous moments in life when every direction we turn has an obstacle so large that we can't see past it. I would suffice it to say that usually those situations are of our own making, but regardless, when we find ourselves stuck, the hope of getting out wanes quickly. It is rather imperative when you find yourself in quicksand that you find the courage to STOP for a moment, gather your bearings about you, take a couple breaths, before proceeding. Once again there will be no shortage of people that will gladly lend their thoughts in the hopes you stay stuck. Yes you heard that correctly.
Life in the fast lane is never conducive for dealing with life circumstances. I metaphorically use the rock and the hard place as a lesson. The hard place can create a solid foundation in which to build and the rock will become the stepping stone. Often times we are so blinded by our plight that we fail to see the opportunity before us. As the walls cave in, hope recedes, but think about this, what if the walls coming together form the basis for a structure we can scale to reach higher ground. Every problem when viewed in a different light has a silver lining. Our toughest moments more than likely are the gateway to the restoration of dreams, we just have to clean the lenses and view the situation in a different manner.
Think about many of the amazing blessings and joys in your life. I bet, some, came during times of great difficulty. Probably so difficult that there was NO WAY at the time you could even imagine that there was a grace disguised or the possibility of future happiness, yet there it was. Take a minute to reflect back on some of your most troubling times. Without the problems you faced, you would not be here right now. You may be saying to yourself, THIS IS NOT WHERE I WANT TO BE. I will graciously ask you to change the way you see where you are. This is the right place, at the right time, to advance your life in a wonderful way. Dare to believe that something amazing is about to happen in your life. I mean why not. Who the heck wants to be stuck in rut just waiting for the day death comes calling. Life is for the living, not the dying. Remember if you are breathing, YOU ARE LIVING. We are never dying, contrary to what some would have you believe. We are always living. Did you get that, always living. We must live till we die.
What the heck does all this have to do with developing a relationship with your creator? Literally, everything. The greatest rock and hard place we find ourselves in, is the paradox of faith, religion, and spirituality. We have that core curiosity placed in us from birth, yet we fear to explore it's origin. In order to build, solidify, or foster a love with the God of all, it takes being open to loving in totality who and where you are. You do not need ten different people telling you various ways to find and love God. What you need is the courage to open your heart, mind, and soul to the possibility that you are in the right phase of life to utilize all the wisdom you have gained over the years to grow into the beautiful flower you deserve to be. Forget the so called mistakes of the past, they have not defined your future. Yes there will be those that work their butts off to make sure you are in the sin prison for life, but they do not hold the key to the lock, you do. We, you, me, will not be shackled any longer. The God of love has placed the ember of light in your heart, now it is up to you to fan the ember to spark the fire. No one will do it for you, so get to work, you have an amazing life yet to live.
Love is always and will always be the answer. War and division offer nothing other than more war and division. War's of words or arms are generated because one person or group decides to force their core belief on others. It doesn't take an army of multitudes for this epic human frailty to occur, it takes someone that has no love deciding to rob the love and hopes from others. War is not always between two or more people, many times it is between our heart and mind. It is times such as that when we must slow down and find quietness to allow love once again to grow. When we look in the mirror we have a choice of seeing dried up weeds or beautiful blooming flowers. Weeds are representative of hopelessness and despair while flowers indicate growth, hope and love. It is our eyes that choose which one we see. We can be at war with ourselves inciting bitter division or we can be in love with ourselves building bridges of hope.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to build a relationship with yourself. A love so strong that no human can tear it down. When your love is high, your hope is higher. It is time to become the person you always dreamed of being. It isn't too late, so get that out of your head. All it takes to become the greatest version of yourself possible is the belief in yourself that your effort is worth it. You cannot and will not find happiness by trying to live your dreams through others, you must live your life. You have all the ingredients you need to make spectacular things happen. It's time to just do it. Stop with all the naysayers telling you what you should and should not do. By all means STOP waiting for God to do it for you. Only you can take the steps necessary to advance your life in the direction it needs to go. Well, what are you waiting for. Stop the excuses, and start living.
peace be with you