The Heart and The Mind

Remember the fable The Hunter and the Woodsman? Basically the gist of the story is this: there was a hunter that had been in pursuit of great tiger for years, finally one day he was hot on the trail. He came across a woodsman logging in the forest. The hunter ask the woodsman if he knew what direction the tiger went. The woodsman responded, not only do I know what direction he went, I know exactly where he is. The hunter, rather dismayed, replied, oh I don't want to snare him, I only wanted to chase him.

If you notice, fear overcame the hunter as he neared the climax of the chase. He had to decide, do I go forth with the kill at the risk of being HURT, or do I retreat and resume the chase once the tiger is a safe distance away.

So it can be said about the heart that beats in our chest. Yes, of course, it is the vital organ that produces blood oxygen that keeps us alive. That, in and of itself is more times than not taken for granted. The heart we have a personal relationship with is also the one that produces feelings that drive our being. Your worst battle is between what you know, and what you feel. How do you determine the winner of such a great strategic fight. Simply put, the winner is the one you feed. 
Have you ever felt that your heart had lead you down the wrong road? You felt a love that was so close, yet so far away. A love, no one but you could understand or relate too. A feeling so deep, that you could not even find a point of comparison. The mind works overtime to guide you back to smooth pavement, fully aware that the road you are own is filled with potholes big enough to swallow you.

When the mind says NO and the heart says GO, it sure makes you wonder, is there ever a time that the two work together for the greater good of LOVE. I think the answer is yes. The mind knows the vulnerability of our hearts so it tries desperately to put safeguards and warning signals in place to keep you away from the rocky road you are trying to embark. BUT the heart says "it feels so good, I want more, more, more". I suppose you could say that the mind tries to protect us from ourselves.

As the heart nears the prey of which it is seeking, which could mean a commitment, a decision, or an investment, whatever it may be there comes a moment to where the mind must decide to GO or NO GO. Think about the times in your life to where you wish you had listened to your mind when it sent out powerful warning signs. You proceeded with abandon only to find yourself hurt in depths you did not know existed. On the other hand, recall the times you listened to your mind and ignored your heart. The years past by and the regrets remain. The what if's live in you with such strong emotion that you find it difficult to get out of the rut you find yourself in. Oh my, the heart of the matter. The hurt, the pain, the confusion. Yes, it happens to everyone.

When it comes to love of the heart, never assume that the person of whom the fire is burning is aware that the flame even exist. Two hearts separated by circumstances may not beat in unison. The feeling may be there, but the mind of another has erected a wall high enough to block the light of day. 
Forbidden love is a powerful thing, taboo emotions are not just a thing written in books. Our hearts feel what our hearts feel. The discernment is when we include the mind. When you can't fight the feeling any longer, the heart can't betray the wisdom of the mind, yet it all to often does. 
Is the risk worth the reward? Let me just say "take the risk or lose the chance". Never waste your life away in regret. When your heart feels alive and on fire, it will work hard to bring the mind into unison. The mind will lay out the dangers, if they exist. Your heart will be provided with knowledge as how to proceed or retreat. When it comes to feelings though, the final decision will rest with the heart. I know, it's scary, isn't it?

Yes there are plenty of times that our feelings are misleading. We are at a vulnerable point in life, broken, battered, hurt, or scarred. The heart just needs comfort. The hunters of the world often prey on the weak. That is where you hope that your mind can alter your destructive direction. I am a believer that LOVE should be sought. A love deeper than lust is one that can sustain the storms life throws at you. There are LOVE's that exist that you may not even be aware of yet. When the energy of another sends signals to your heart that contain a love so genuine that the warmth is gentle and slow, that is a love that will let the mind know that good is in the air.

Can the mind and heart be united as one? It probably isn't in our best interest for that to happen. But the two can at least work together to give you enough information to chase or retreat. 
Keep in mind, this blog isn't just about two people in love, this is about emotions towards any relationship. It may be spiritual, familial, religious, romantic, or personal. Keep the fire burning and keep the love alive. The sands in the hour glass will never stop falling. Don't look back in regret, look forward with hope. Feel your heart with flowers, not weeds. Keep the water flowing to fertilize the blooms that are determined to germinate beautifully. Love is a terrible thing to ignore. Even when fear is in the air, find the courage to discover what the heart has spent a lifetime trying to bury.

God bless


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