Land Mines

Land mines have been used for centuries to thwart the advancements of enemies into protected territories. They served a great purpose in providing cover while the military utilized it's human resources to overtake the few that made it through the maze of destruction. What a novel concept this was back in the 13th and 14th centuries as wars proliferated around the world. Everything was wonderful until the wars were over and no map of the remaining land mines existed. Hence, victorious regimes found themselves exposed to dangers that they themselves set up to stop the ensuing opposing forces.

Think for just a minute. Have you ever set up land mines to protect yourself from future problems, only to step back and get blasted by the very thing you thought was protecting you. Remember the bad investment that you swore would never happen to you again. Yet your mine field was so proliferated with bombs that you feared the risk of any future opportunity. Think about the relationship that ended in heart break. You decided to never open yourself up to harm again, the end result just happens to be that you struggle to involve yourself in meaningful unions with others. Those damn land mines you placed around you keep blowing up in your face. Now you are left with a life of living well below your mental and emotional ability. But, dang, what do you do? You have no idea where all the land mines are. You don't even know they are there until you keep finding yourself in situations that you can;t seem to escape from.

In my many years of living life on the edge, as well as writing blogs and reading amazing stories from people that write to me, I have learned that building up walls and placing land mines around us, DOES NOT stop the enemy from invading, it stops us from LIVING. The only way to feel love is to expose yourself to the possibility of love. The only way to find HOPE is to permit yourself to believe that healing can happen. The only way to discover yourself is to break the chains that you have shackled your life with. There is no reason to surround yourself with land mines because you will most likely be the one that detonates them.

Trust me I know that the pain you feel is real, I also know that HOPE is just as real. When you use all of your energy to stop the pain, you burn precious resources to build hope and love that will some day reduce or eliminate the pains you feel from living. Life will always be filled with ups and downs, heartaches and heart breaks. You can't escape it as long as you are living. BUT, please remember, the walls you build to keep the enemy out are the same walls that keep you imprisoned. Take the risk or lose the chance. You must risk getting hurt if you truly desire to win the battle. LOVE is all around you, the answers to life's most complex questions are right in front of you. The problem is that you waste energy peering through a portal in the concrete structure that is supposedly keeping the bad out. BUT YOU HAVE LOCKED YOURSELF IN and you don't even realize it.

My heart tells me that you want to live again, to love more fully, to grow into the greatest version of yourself possible. I feel that you desire a better relationship with yourself, your family, friends, and co-workers. You probably wish that you could stop the behavior that alienates you from others and others from you. I'm telling you it's those damn land mines you placed around your life. Heck you even forgot where you put them, but you know all too well that the darn things explode at the worst times. Once again sending you reeling in hurt and pain, all the while wondering is life even worth living.

It has been said that we are all products of past choices, as well as the environment we live in. No question that there are things in life we cannot change. But the good news is that there are things in life that we can change and that is the area of our focus. To win games you must take shots, to win the lottery you have to buy a ticket, to gain fortunes in the stock market you have to risk losing, to lose weight you have to give up some things some foods you know are unhealthy yet taste great. The point is this, to have the life you dream about you absolutely have to risk walking through the land mines you have placed around you.

Keep in mind as you risk it all, there will be times that you will fall victim to someone else's land mines. You can't see them all you just have to keep going even when you feel like giving up. This is your life, NO ONE can live it for you. You got that, this is your life to live. No one is going to walk into your life and make you happy, that is your job and yours only. It is time to render those land mines useless, they have no power over you, you do not fear them any longer. God did not bring you this far just to leave you. It's time to live and live you shall do. No excuses will hold you back, there is no one to blame any longer, you are going to LOVE your life and yourself. You will start today to bloom where you are planted. God placed your feet in fertile soil, all you have to do is water it and grow. Are you ready to see what living in a life with out fear of stepping on explosives that you have placed around you feels like? Well, DO IT. Your only limits are you. You are confined only by the walls you build. Forget your mistakes, but remember the lessons. Open your heart up, let your soul breath again, and your life will open up in ways you never thought possible.

God bless


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